4 posts tagged with harrymudd.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks: The Inner Fight Season 4, Ep 9
Mysterious Little Ship: now with 100% less mystery. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Outrageous Okona Rewatch Season 2, Ep 4
It all happened during that magical summer of 2365. A roguish freighter captain drew the Enterprise into an interplanetary dispute. A holographically-resurrected Joe Piscopo taught Data the human concept of comedy. And the new ship's doctor wisely stayed out of it all. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Animated Series: Mudd's Passion Rewatch Season 1, Ep 10
Harry Mudd is back, this time swindling miners with a love potion. [more inside]
Star Trek: I, Mudd Rewatch Season 2, Ep 8
Harry Mudd returns to the Enterprise with a plot to take over by stranding the crew on a planet populated by androids under his command. [more inside]