601 posts tagged with rewatch.
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Mystery Science Theater 3000: CATALINA CAPER  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 4

Re-rewatch! On Thursday: A bunch of teens vacationing in Catalina engage in whimsical frolics, foil the playfully larcenous behavior of one of the teen's parents, and writhe rhythmically to music. The only teenage comedy MST ever did, and rather a classic episode because of it. Previously and previously. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 6, 2020 - 8 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: JUNGLE GODDESS  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 3

Rewatch! On Sunday: Some white guys search Africa for a lost heiress, who it turns out reigns over a native tribe as their goddess, apparently only because she's white. Get ready for the kinds of stereotypes that make making fun of the movie seem almost a duty. Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 1, 2020 - 3 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE SIDEHACKERS  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 2

Rewatch! On Thursday: Rommel is a mechanic who participates in weird motorcycle races in his off time. He introduces the unstable J.C. and his gang to his sport, but events take a violent turn. A grimy and depressing take of shattered love and revenge. How did this episode become one of Mystery Science Theater 3000's earliest beloved classics? A lot of it has to do with the sport of sidehacking depicted in the movie, which is two-person motorcycling on a dirt track, with a driver and a rider who leans their butt way out on a sidehack to balance the bike out on sharp turns. An obviously extremely dangerous sport that's the subject of some hilarious extended riff runs. Previously.
posted by JHarris on Apr 30, 2020 - 7 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: ROCKETSHIP X-M  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 1

Rewatch! Operator error sends the Earth's first ship to the moon, 828 thousand miles away, instead to Mars, which is at best 33.9 million miles away and usually much further. That's some error; some scientists would give multiple limbs to be able to make errors like that. It's the first episode of Season Two, considered the point where Mystery Science Theater 3000 started to become really good, although the movie here is kind of dull. Next time.... Previously. Remember: for the time being we're also doing Sunday shows, so if you want to watch this one you'll want to show up tonight. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Apr 26, 2020 - 0 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE BLACK SCORPION  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 13

Rewatch! Big critters from out of a volcano attack the lands south of the border. It's the last episode of Season One. Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Apr 23, 2020 - 0 comments

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Last Outpost  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 5

Meet the Ferengi! From Memory Alpha: “In pursuit of Ferengi marauders, the Enterprise and its quarry become trapped by a mysterious planet that is draining both ships' energies." [more inside]
posted by mwhybark on Apr 17, 2020 - 21 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: UNTAMED YOUTH  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 12

Rewatch! On Sunday [4/19]: A home for troubled teens is actually a work farm run by unscrupulous adults. Starring MST3K favorite Mamie Van Doren, who is still alive and kicking as of this writing! This movie marks the show's beginning to branch out to other genres of cinema, here, the teensploitation movie. The bad guy's surname is Tropp; having a name that ends with a doubled hard consonant is one of those sure-fire signs of cinema evil. Previously. Two more episodes in Season One.
posted by JHarris on Apr 15, 2020 - 1 comment

Mystery Science Theater 3000: MOON ZERO TWO  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 11

Rewatch! On Thursday [4/16]: It's class warfare on the moon! A working-day moon savager is hired by rich-guy "Hundred Percent" Hubbard to help them crash a meteor made of gemstone on the moon. Problem is, the plot on which they crash is already claimed by a miner, Wild West style. Nefarious schemes are afoot up there in no-atmosphere zero-G. An okay movie made ridiculous by things like scantily-clad moon dancers and a board game called (groan) "Moonopoly." It's still Season One, but the riffing has improved a lot by this point. Three more episodes until Season Two! Previously.
posted by JHarris on Apr 15, 2020 - 5 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: ROBOT HOLOCAUST  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 10

Rewatch! One of the best season one episodes, and at the time/for a while the newest movie MST had done (the turnaround time was but three years), a bunch of people in goofy costumes traipse around a city park somewhere on a journey to the power station ruled by the eeevil Dark One and his second-in-command Valeria, who speaks her Rs as Ws like Elmer Fudd and the Homestar Runner. An amazingly silly movie, released directly to VHS. Previously. This episode will be a Sunday show. MST Club news inside-- [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Apr 9, 2020 - 3 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: PROJECT MOONBASE  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 9

Rewatch! Poor Commander Brietis has the misfortune to be a women space officer in a man's (specifically, Robert Heinlein's) world. Her peers all casually call her "Bright Eyes," and her commanding officer actually threatens to spank her at one point. But in the end she and a fellow astronaut get stranded together on the moon, and Madame President (whose existence I guess was supposed to make up for how badly Brietis is treated) demands that they be married to avoid a scandal, which they agree to because they're sweet on each other. A disheartening movie, which make wisecracks from an orbiting human and his automated mocking machines all the more welcome. Previously.
posted by JHarris on Apr 9, 2020 - 4 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE SLIME PEOPLE  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 8

Rewatch! It's like a zombie movie but not, and from before that became a genre! You might consider it ahead of its time, or you might consider that zombie movies were never all that to begin with. It's another first season episode, when the guys and robots were still finding their feet and/or hoverskirts. Previously. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Apr 2, 2020 - 4 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: ROBOT MONSTER  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 7

Rewatch! We're baaaack.... A alien invader (guy in a gorilla suit with a fishbowl on his head) called Ro-Man destroys everyone on Earth except for a family that lives in walking distance of his cave (which has a bubble machine in front of it). The family tries to thwart Ro-Man's attempt to wipe them out, until Ro-Man gets a crush on the family's teenage daughter. At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? In the end it's all a dream had by a comic-addled young boy. Up until this point MST had shown bad movies, but this was the first truly transcendent example they did. Some have called it the worst movie ever made. Enjoy! Also has two Radar Men From the Moon shorts. Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Mar 26, 2020 - 8 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE CRAWLING HAND  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 6

Rewatch! An astronaut crashes to earth and dies, all except for his hand (or hand and forearm, depending on the shot). It strangles people then hooks up with a teen to do more stranglin'. In the end it gets eaten by a cat, saving the world. Good kitty! This is an important episode in that it's the first one that sets up the "style" of the show in almost all later episodes, the opening going directly into the theater tunnel, and Joel explains the premise, really for the first time on cable. Also, the movie features the song Surfin' Bird. Previously. ----- In other news, for the extent of the pandemic, the MST Club video room will be open between shows with a playlist of as-broadcast MST episodes, funny YouTube finds, and other special appearances, for bored social distancers dropping-in. "Enjoy!"
posted by JHarris on Mar 18, 2020 - 2 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE CORPSE VANISHES  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 5

Rewatch! Bela Lugosi plays a mad scientist who extracts brain juice from young brides to keep his wife young, because that's a thing that works. Come on, if it did Trump would be trying to suck it out of people's heads with a drinking straw. Both this and the previous movie are among the oldest films MST ever did, made in 1942. There's another Commando Cody short too, and some classic sketches, such as the robots saying bedtime prayers and the haircut bit. Previously
posted by JHarris on Mar 12, 2020 - 3 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: WOMEN OF THE PREHISTORIC PLANET  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 4

Rewatch! Space people crash on a planet, and leave behind a man and woman. The departing commander names the planet Earth, making the left-behinds Adam and Eve. Except since this is obviously before any terrestrial languages how did that name come down to us? And there are neanderthals on the planet too. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, is what I'm saying. At least it's in color. This is actually the last episode made of the first season, so it's not as quiet as some other 1st season episodes. This is the episode that gives MST its most popular catchphrase, Hikeeba! Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Mar 5, 2020 - 3 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE MAD MONSTER  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 3

Rewatch! An amiable handyman is turned into a furred killer by virtue of a syringe of Wolf Juice, in service to that diabolical process called science. When it is proclaimed of our our somewhat-hairy, yet still humanoid, victim that he has "become a wolf," it is a profoundly silly moment. Comes with Pt. 2 of Radar Men From The Moon. Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Feb 27, 2020 - 3 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE ROBOT VS THE AZTEC MUMMY  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 2

Rewatch! Evil Dr. Krupp, aka "The Bat" continues his plans to steal a treasure from the body of an Aztec mummy. This time he builds a robot to do it for him, which, why? Sell the robot, get more money than the treasure is worth! No matter. He's opposed by the virtuous Dr. Almada and the mummy, Popoca, itself. Also riffed is the first part of Commando Cody serial Radar Men From The Moon. Previously
posted by JHarris on Feb 20, 2020 - 2 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE CRAWLING EYE  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 1

Rewatch! Ambulatory eyeballs with tentacles descend from space and menace the inhabitants of a mountain town. It's the first cable episode again, and as before, it's kind of a tough row to hoe. Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Feb 13, 2020 - 5 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: STARCRASH  Rewatch   Season 11, Ep 6

Re-rewatch! Stella Starr and her platonic space wizard friend Akton are on the run from the space police, until they aren't, given a reprieve if they go find Space Emperor Christopher Plummer's son, David Hasselhoff. Along the way they meet a robot with a Texas accent, space amazons and their giant lady robot guardian, stop motion androids, a frozen planet, a traitorous crewman, space cavemen, trooper-carrying space torpedoes, and the evil Count Zarth Arn. An imfamously silly movie, but still fun, there's always something going on. Previously - Also previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Feb 5, 2020 - 9 comments


One of the highlights of Season 11, Cry Wilderness makes even less sense than the standard Mystery Science movie. Paul is a kid living in a boarding school... but he's friends with Bigfoot... and his teacher doesn't believe in it and is angry with Paul except for when he isn't... and Bigfoot comes to Paul in a vision that his father is in danger... so he hitchhikes... and there's racoons... and a US Marshall with poor eating habits... and a couple of Native Americans, but one is dead... and he has an eagle... and there's an escaped circus tiger... it all makes absolutely no sense. Enjoy!
posted by JHarris on Jan 30, 2020 - 0 comments


Coming in unexpectedly high among the episodes of Season 11 in the poll is Carnival Magic, a talking ape movie with a very low opinion of both traditional apes and the ones known as men. Particularly hard to watch, but the riffs lessen the pain... somewhat. Could be considered the Manos of the revival. Good luck with this one. Previously - Also Previously
posted by JHarris on Jan 23, 2020 - 0 comments

Rewatch: MST3K 1104 AVALANCHE

A lot of 70s actors try to survive an avalanche caused by one actor's self-sighted building project. Some do, some don't. The audience certainly won't. Previously - Also previously
posted by JHarris on Jan 16, 2020 - 1 comment


Welcome back to crappy fantasy land, where our apes are bats, and our conquerors have Dad Bod. Previously - Also Previously
posted by JHarris on Jan 9, 2020 - 1 comment

MST Club Season 11 Rewatch Posts

We're showing Season 11 episodes in our poll-decided episode encore, which presents a problem: all the Season 11 episodes already have Rewatch posts. There is nothing saying we can't make more, but rather than litter main Fanfare with an indefinitely increasing number of Rewatches, I'm going to announce these episodes in the MST Club Talk subsection. Please look there for the upcoming episodes.
posted by JHarris on Jan 9, 2020 - 0 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE PUMAMAN  Rewatch   Season 9, Ep 3

#1 from our internet poll of most beloved Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes! A nebbishy white guy in London turns out to be the secret heir to a fantastic Incan/alien legacy of power. Yes, he, somehow, is THE PUMAMAN, as detected, by the much-more-appropriate Vadinho, by dint of throwing him out of a tall building and him surviving. The Pumaman's powers are needed because of the evil plot of the malevolent Dr. Kobras, played by Donald Pleasence, who, always a professional, does his best with a bad role. Let's all sing the theme song! "When, you want, the flavor of ba-con in a dip...." Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 19, 2019 - 15 comments

Six Feet Under: Everyone's Waiting  Season 5, Ep 12

In the Six Feet Under finale, Willa Fisher Chenowith is born two months premature, and though she is doing remarkably well, Brenda has difficulty shaking her fear that her baby has something seriously wrong with her. Keith and David decide to buy Rico out of Fisher & Diaz, and to renovate the house for their own use. Ruth makes decisions regarding where she will live, her future with George, and what she'll do with her time. Rico and Vanessa buy a funeral home. Claire plans a move to New York, and as she drives away in her new car, we're given glimpses of what the future holds for the Fisher, Chenowith, and Diaz families. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Dec 13, 2019 - 12 comments

Community: Six Seasons and a Rewatch  Rewatch   Season 0, Ep 0

Having listened recently to the Vulture Festival Community reunion panel, I'm rewatching the whole series. (Again.) [more inside]
posted by D.Billy on Dec 13, 2019 - 23 comments

Six Feet Under: Static  Season 5, Ep 11

A 22-year-old army vet who has lost both legs and one of his arms commits suicide in a VA hospital using a hypodermic brought to him by his sister. Six weeks after Nate's death, Ruth and George are still caring for Maya, and Billy is staying at Brenda's house. Maggie packs up and leaves town. David continues to struggle with his PTSD, to Keith's dismay and the boys' distress. A drunken Claire gets fired, is verbally abusive towards the deceased army vet's mother and sister, alienates Ted, and totals her car. Rico, who is attempting to run Fisher & Diaz by himself, calls Vanessa in to help out. Brenda conflicts with Ruth over the custody of Maya, and then goes into premature labour. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Dec 10, 2019 - 1 comment

Mystery Science Theater 3000: I ACCUSE MY PARENTS  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 7

Jimmy is a high-school student who writes essays about how great his family is, but in fact his home life is terrible. So, he goes right out and gets in trouble with the mob. Remember parents, if you don't throw your kid a birthday party they'll go out and crime it up, and lie about literally every. thing. Fortunately hamburgers dispensed by kindly diner owners are the cure for all moral lapses. Thank you cows, for being our huge lowing Jesuses! Previously Next week is the last episode in our poll tour. See inside for more information on MST Club.
posted by JHarris on Dec 9, 2019 - 7 comments

Six Feet Under: All Alone  Season 5, Ep 10

The Fishers grieve over Nate's death, and proceed with his funeral and burial. Keith discovers Roger Pasquese secretly taped their out of court settlement of Roger's lawsuit. Brenda asks Ruth to take care of Maya for the time being. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Dec 6, 2019 - 2 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THIS ISLAND EARTH  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 7

Carl is a Serious Scientist who's been sent a parts catalog in the mail, but the parts are crazy-pants, and further the catalog describes how to build an "Interociter." which apparently can perform housework? and display video communications? Rather than returning that thing right back to Archie McPhee Carl decides to order the parts and build it. Amazingly, rather than being a hilarious practical joke at his expense, it presents the smiling face of Exeter, who invites him to join with other Human Scientists at their Laboratory. From there, let's just say the dominos have been set in motion, and a trip to space and a confrontation with Scrotor is inevitable. In the history of the show, this episode actually isn't the show, but MST: The Movie. It's been written up on Fanfare before, here. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 5, 2019 - 9 comments

Six Feet Under: Ecotone  Season 5, Ep 9

A man out hiking through the beauties of nature suddenly finds himself much more in touch with nature than he expected. Ruth's camping trip with Hiram proves less than satisfactory, and meanwhile Nate is rushed to hospital, and Maggie, David, Brenda, Claire, and Ted wait through the night while he undergoes surgery to repair the AVM rupture in his brain. He awakens from his coma, but only for long enough to briefly reconnect with those he loves, and to disconnect from Brenda. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Dec 4, 2019 - 3 comments

Six Feet Under: Singing For Our Lives  Season 5, Ep 8

A dog walker tries to roller blade down too steep an incline. Nate, David, and Rico realize they have completely divergent visions for the future of Fisher & Diaz. Ruth gets a haircut and more from her old flame Hiram. Nate and Brenda attend Quaker meeting, and then Nate and Maggie have a Friends meeting of their own. David and Keith find out that Durrell has been joyriding in Keith's car. Claire and Ted strike a deal to go together to his former frat's pub night, and her former classmates' art show. Rico and Vanessa continue to try to get their marriage back on track. And Nate's arm suddenly becomes numb. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 30, 2019 - 2 comments

Six Feet Under: The Silence  Season 5, Ep 7

A man reluctantly attends a play directed by his wife's friend's son, but while he expects to be bored to death, he dies of a heart attack mid-performance instead. George tells Ruth that he's engaged to someone else, and Ruth pays a visit to George's fiancée. Brenda and Nate are told their baby may have Down Syndrome or spina bifida, and conflict over whether to have further testing done. David and Keith go to Durrell's school play. Claire finds her office job gets more interesting after she meets a new co-worker, Ted. Rico and Vanessa are back together but, to Rico's chagrin, Vanessa is merely going through the motions of married life. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 27, 2019 - 1 comment

Six Feet Under: The Rainbow of Her Reasons  Season 5, Ep 6

Fiona Kleinschmidt, the woman who deflowered Nate, falls to her death while hiking with Sarah. Ruth continues the process of gradually separating her life from George's until George realizes what her intentions are and makes short work of it. Nate and Brenda try to be there for Billy, who still hasn't accepted the end of his relationship with Claire. David and Keith struggle with their new role as foster parents of Durrell and Anthony. Claire takes a job as an office temp, and learns that the work may not be temporary after all. Vanessa hires a nanny from Saskatchewan whose tenure does prove temporary, and then invites Rico to move back in. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 23, 2019 - 4 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: SPACE MUTINY  Rewatch   Season 8, Ep 20

Rewatch! Commander Santa and aerobics witches! Slab Bulkhead and Back-From-The-Dead Susie! Apple II computer effects and stolen Battlestar Galactica footage! Calgon, take them away! Widely consider one of the best episodes, this South African production is hilariously strange. Previously
posted by JHarris on Nov 21, 2019 - 6 comments

Six Feet Under: Eat a Peach  Season 5, Ep 5

An elderly diabetic, who is denied canned peaches by his officious family, decides to treat himself to them in secret. Ruth finds George his own apartment under the pretext that it will be for the two of them. Nate and Brenda clash over when and what to tell Maya about her biological mother. David and Keith waver between surrogacy and adoption options. Claire is definitely done with Billy, whatever he or his mother do to try to get them back together, but doesn't know what her next step is. Rico tries to use some misbehaviour on Julio's part and misquotes the school principal in an effort to patch up his marriage, but when Vanessa finds out the truth she is more disgusted with him than ever. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 19, 2019 - 1 comment

Six Feet Under: Time Flies  Season 5, Ep 4

A woman in her nineties dies while reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People on the toilet, and coincidentally her birthday was on the same day as Nate's, who has just turned 40. Brenda tells Nate she's pregnant again, Ruth attends a knitting class as an escape from George's issues, David and Keith are kept busy running errands for Roger, and Claire has to help an on-edge Billy find a favourite shirt, but despite all these preoccupations everyone attends the suprise birthday party for Nate, except Rico, who gets a chance to spend the night at his former family home with Vanessa. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 16, 2019 - 2 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: TIME CHASERS  Rewatch   Season 8, Ep 21

Rewatch! Nick is a high-school teacher with a secret--and no, that secret doesn't involve cooking meth. He's the inventor of a time machine! And its workings are an 8-bit microcomputer, who's have thought! It's really a shame that he turned to EvilCo for his first round of funding. I'm kind of surprised this episode placed so highly on the poll, I mean it's pretty good, but better than Manos? Soultaker? SCCTM? Hobgoblins? Time of the Apes? Master Ninja? A couple dozen other episodes? I mean, it tied with Starcrash! I guess it's one of those episodes that's grown in the years since first airing. Previously
posted by JHarris on Nov 14, 2019 - 3 comments

Six Feet Under: Hold My Hand  Season 5, Ep 3

George relives his childhood memory of the day of his mother's death, and experiences worsening symptoms. Nate begins to get to know Maggie. Brenda begins to learn to deal with her patients, and gets a glimpse of what a therapist's family can be like. David and Keith do their adoption paperwork, but forget to include a crucial piece of information. Billy begins dreaming of moving to Europe, and goes on a shopping spree. Claire discovers her mother has tied up her college trust fund. Rico runs into his former wife Vanessa at a singles event, and former Fisher & Sons employee Angela at a funeral director's conference. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 13, 2019 - 2 comments

Six Feet Under: Dancing For Me  Season 5, Ep 2

One of Nate's best friends from his high school days runs himself over in his own driveway, and Nate finds he has little in common with his other former high school best friend. George is noticeably better but still struggling with depression and forgetfulness, and Ruth is seething with resentment that he never told her about his mental health issues before they got married. Brenda begins her internship as a therapist... twice. Keith and David consider their child acquisition options, and argue over baby names. Rico gets ghosted by the woman he's been seeing. Claire has work rejected by her art dealer, but gets excited about her next idea. And Billy starts flushing his meds. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 9, 2019 - 2 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: MITCHELL  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 12

Rewatch! Joe Don Baker IS Mitchell, a cop that doesn't play by the rules. For example, the rules about drinking on the job. The rules about sleeping with prostitutes. The rules about interacting with other human beings, especially kids. Certainly the rules about nutrition and hygiene. There is a story here about a drug dealer and his henchman who Mitchell seems like is almost trying to annoy into turning themselves in. In the end the lasting impression caused by this movie can be summed up in two words: BABY OIL. You'll know why when it appears on screen. (shudder) In the show's history this episode is especially notable for being Joel Hodgson's last as host. Previously [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 7, 2019 - 16 comments

Six Feet Under: A Coat of White Primer  Season 5, Ep 1

A woman who, with the encouragement of her therapist, begins to be more open and direct with the people in her life, discovers her boyfriend isn't at all receptive to hearing about her feelings or thoughts. To Ruth's horror, George becomes so erratic he has to be hospitalized, and is subsequently diagnosed with and treated for depressive psychosis. Nate and Brenda are looking forward to both a baby and their wedding when Brenda miscarries. David and Keith explore their adoption and surrogacy options. Claire takes a semester off from school to focus on her work and Billy. Rico signs up with Match.com. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 6, 2019 - 3 comments

Six Feet Under: Untitled  Season 4, Ep 12

A man is killed trying to rescue others from a malfunctioning elevator, and his long-divorced ex-wife is dismayed to find that she's responsible for making his funeral arrangements. Ruth and George have lunch with George's daughter Maggie. George begins talking to a woman who doesn't exist and announces he's taking up residence in the bomb shelter. Nate finds an inexplicable photo of Lisa in a book Lisa's niece Michaela gave him. David visits his abductor in prison. Claire has her work displayed in an art gallery show. Rico tells Vanessa he wants them to get back together, and Vanessa tells him she wants a divorce. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Nov 2, 2019 - 3 comments

Six Feet Under: Bomb Shelter  Season 4, Ep 11

A minivan carrying two distracted parents and their two youngest children takes a left turn into the path of a truck, and the remaining 20-year-old son of the family must arrange for the funeral of his parents and two siblings. Ruth plan to attend a tantric sex workshop is siderailed when George becomes obsessed with preparing for some form of future apocalypse. Brenda's hopes of having a child with Nate are shelved when Lisa's sister Barb learns about Lisa's actual burial arrangement and threatens to take Maya away from him. Margaret has an emergency hysterectomy. The sushi restaurant guy files a 500K lawsuit against David, which Keith settles out of court. Claire is incensed when Russell tries to take credit for her photo collage concept. And Rico is still objecting to Vanessa's going out on dates. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Oct 30, 2019 - 3 comments

Six Feet Under: Black Forest  Season 4, Ep 10

An enraged wife kicks her husband's prone body viciously and screams at him about his alcoholism, not realizing that he's already dead of blood alcohol poisoning. Ruth moves back home and reconciles with George, with certain conditions. Nate, Maya, and Brenda travel to Idaho for Lisa's interment ceremony. David gets broody about the prospect of marriage and children, and then gets into a fight with a jerk in a sushi restaurant. Claire experiments with a new photographic technique with Russell and develops things in the darkroom with Billy. Vanessa begins dating... despite Rico's objections. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Oct 30, 2019 - 3 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 24

Resuffer! For Halloween this year, we've moved an episode up an week. Spend All Hallow's Eve with us, Torgo and the gang! Previously. And we've got a whole bunch more Halloween stuff before and after at MST Club this week!
posted by JHarris on Oct 30, 2019 - 13 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: LASERBLAST  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 6

Rewatch! A teen with a sad life finds a laser gun in the desert, which turns out to be a particularly bad influence on him. Fortunately the claymation lizard patrol is on the case. This was the last episode in the Comedy Central run of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Previously.
posted by JHarris on Oct 24, 2019 - 8 comments

Six Feet Under: Grinding the Corn  Season 4, Ep 9

A comic book collector dies attempting to retrieve an especially prized issue from the top of one of his packed bookcases. Ruth and Bettina go on a road trip to Mexico, while the men of the Fisher household bond over their relationship issues and a particularly inept home invasion attempt. Nate backs away from Brenda, who almost falls back into her old ways in response. David fears Keith's having slept with Celeste means he's "switching teams". Claire discovers that Edie isn't speaking to her, that her new substitute teacher is an old friend, and that a new sexual technique Jimmy has read about really works for her. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Oct 23, 2019 - 3 comments

Six Feet Under: Coming and Going  Season 4, Ep 8

Fisher & Diaz's latest client drives himself into the Fisher carport and expires with his pre-need contract on the carseat beside him. Ruth and George conflict over churchgoing, fashions for young women, and pruning. Nate spends time with Brenda, and Joe decides he's done spending time with Brenda. David meets up with Sarge, and Celeste changes Keith's job description. Claire is finally able to define her feelings for Edie. Rico has a housing problem. Vanessa confronts Sophia. [more inside]
posted by orange swan on Oct 19, 2019 - 3 comments

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