4 posts tagged with seasonfinale by Atreides.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Siege of the North - Part I & Part II   Season 1, Ep 19

General Zhao's fleet arrives and begins its assault on the Northern Water Tribe. Aang finding himself overwhelmed by the Fire Nation's sheer numbers seeks help in the Spirit World to locate the ancient Moon and Ocean spirits. Zuko sets out on a secret mission to hunt down the Avatar, while the romance between Sokka and Yue draws to a bitter sweet end. [more inside]
posted by Atreides on Apr 20, 2015 - 16 comments

The 100: Blood Must Have Blood, Part II  Season 2, Ep 16

In the season two finale of The 100, abandoned by the Grounders, Clarke and Octavia enter Mount Weather courtesy of Bellamy, while the Mountain Men relentless proceed with the harvesting of blood marrow from their captives and disposing of their bodies. Jaha and Murphy find land and more than they bargained for, while Clarke is forced to confront the morality of the only choices left to her to save her people. [more inside]
posted by Atreides on Mar 12, 2015 - 17 comments

Defiance: I Almost Prayed  Season 2, Ep 13

The second part of Defiance's season finale begins with New York in ruins and the ancient Votan terraforming ship prepared to destroy the world in order to create a new paradise for the Votan races. Stopping Irisa from following through with the plan is the only way to save billions of lives, but the Earth Repbulic's only plan involves her death. Nolan has another plan and is willing to do whatever it takes to save his daughter. Linda Hamilton's Pilar is determined to get Christy, Alak and their unborn child out of Defiance against the wishes of a newly reconciled Stahma and Datak. How will the end of the world be stopped, Irisa dead or alive?
posted by Atreides on Sep 2, 2014 - 11 comments

The Legend of Korra: Enter the Void  Season 3, Ep 12

The first half of the Legend of Korra Book 3 season finale finds Team Avatar along with the Metal Clan on an airship sprinting north to save the newly reestablished Air Nomad nation and to stop the Red Lotus. Faced with the dilemma to surrender herself to Zaheer at the risk of the air benders safety versus an outright rescue attempt, Korra makes a decision that might change the fate of the world, and her own, forever. Also, Bolin and Mako's grandmother shames both Naga and Pabu.
posted by Atreides on Aug 22, 2014 - 12 comments

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