Vanderpump Rules: Either Him or Me
December 18, 2018 2:51 PM - Season 7, Episode 3 - Subscribe

James spirals out of control after being ambushed by Kristen at Pride, while his girlfriend, Raquel, struggles to accept new rumors about his alleged infidelity; Jax and Brittany decide to start a beer cheese company.
posted by nightrecordings (5 comments total)
"If you took a bad James Bond villain, made him drunk on Fireball, and then had him played by an emaciated Muppet, that would be less annoying than James Kennedy." - Stassi Shroeder
posted by nightrecordings at 2:54 PM on December 18, 2018 [2 favorites]

Yesyesyes, thanks for making these posts! This was one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE EPISODES. There was everything... unintentional hilarity (Jax and Brittany criticizing James and Raquel's relationship, of all people to throw stones), plot development (Katie's ultimatum to Lisa!), backstabbing (Scheana being excluded from girls' night!) and the aforementioned Stassi Schroeder zinger. I find Stassi really disappointing in real life given her political statements and general cluelessness but the character she plays on the show is great.

This was also the first ever episode where I saw Lisa as a human being - I feel bad for her over the loss of her brother, that must have been horrible.

One thing I find jarring is how increasingly Botoxed the cast each year. I'm sure I'll get used to their new faces after a few episodes but I keep seeing people and thinking, "Eeeesh...."

And the Watch What Crappens podcast is as always a required companion to this show. Their interpretation of it makes it so much more compelling as a piece of pop culture. I literally would not watch it without that podcast.
posted by rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto at 5:33 PM on December 18, 2018 [2 favorites]

primalux, totally agree, Katie is a jerk. However, if James gets disciplined/fired for his behavior, I think it's a net positive, because Katie's bad behavior doesn't make James's less bad.

I actually like Ariana (okay, it's Vanderpump Rules, so, I dislike Ariana the least) and am trying to rationalize her behavior as her recognizing Geek Social Fallacy #4, that all of your friends do not have to be friends with one another. Now, if she participates in any actual badmouthing of Scheana (my memory of this episode was just that she said she hadn't seen Scheana much, which is not a dig), I will change my tune.
posted by rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto at 11:06 PM on December 19, 2018

primalux, yikes re: James' substance abuse (and aggression) problems. Sounds like it's not an a character he puts on. Do they say anything about what Raquel is like in real life? I feel like the show is grooming him to be the new Jax since Jax is "reformed" (for now) and that includes encouraging his addictions because they make good TV. Cue me asking myself for the 10,000th time whether I should stop watching VPR!
posted by rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto at 6:26 PM on December 20, 2018

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