26 posts tagged with sciFi and delenn.
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Babylon 5: Moments of Transition Season 4, Ep 14
The Minbari Civil War ends. Garibaldi and Edgars continue their relationship. Lyta makes a painful decision. "Well, there is just no delicate way to say this. [a pause] I want your body." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Rumors, Bargains and Lies Season 4, Ep 13
Neroon and Delenn meet to try to end the civil war breaking out on Minbar, at great cost to Lennier... Sheridan, with Londo and G'kar's support, tries to get the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to accept a White Star patrol. "Ambassador, there are so many things in the universe that are and so many things that aren't. If I were to take the time to deny all the things that aren't, we'd be here for centuries, wouldn't we?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Lines of Communication Season 4, Ep 11
Marcus and Franklin address a bombing on Mars. Ivanova is given a new task. Delenn investigates strange attacks... "John! It pleases me that you care for what I have become... But never forget who I was, what I am, and what I can do." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Atonement Season 4, Ep 9
Delenn goes to Minbar to discuss her relationship with Sheridan, and is tested. Franklin and Marcus go to Mars to contact the rebels there. "I cannot have an aide who will not look up. You will be forever walking into things." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Falling Toward Apotheosis Season 4, Ep 4
The Vorlons march. Sheridan, his newest ally, and his oldest ally, hatch a plan. Londo suggests a trial. "Sometimes I don't know which scares me more, winning or losing." "God, I thought I was depressing." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Summoning Season 4, Ep 3
Ivanova seeks out more First Ones to act as allies for the war. Zach Allen takes action. Delenn is opposed by members of the League. "I was. I'm better now." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi? Season 4, Ep 2
G'Kar focuses on Unresolved Mystery #2: where is Garibaldi? Delenn wallows in grief. The time between the ticking of the clock is explored. "It's easy to find something worth dying for. Do you have anything worth living for?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Z'ha'dum Season 3, Ep 22
Anna makes an offer. "All of life can be broken down into moments of transition, or moments of revelation. This had the feeling of both." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Shadow Dancing Season 3, Ep 21
Sheridan takes the battle to the Shadows. Franklin's walkabout reaches its conclusion... "And what are you?" "Alive. Everything else is negotiable." [more inside]
Babylon 5: And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place Season 3, Ep 20
Delenn, Sheridan, and Earth religious leaders meet. Londo orders Vir to tell G'Kar a secret. Refa arrives on B5. "You know the sinners gonna be running / At the knowledge of their fate. / They gonna run to the rocks in the mountains, / But their prayers will be too late." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Grey 17 is Missing Season 3, Ep 19
We return to Spoopy Sector for Spoopy Times. Ivanova and Zach Allen seek rogue telepaths for hire. Delenn is to become Ranger One, but someone wants to prevent it... "I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a simple proposition and turn it inside out so that it says what you want it to say rather than what it actually says. Does this come naturally or did you attend some sort of…martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: War Without End (Part 2) Rewatch Season 3, Ep 17
[all-spoilers!] The crew have to steal Babylon 4 and save Sheridan from his time slippage. "Let us make an end of it quickly, before it stops me. I am as tired of my life as you are." [more inside]
Babylon 5: War Without End (Part 1) Season 3, Ep 16
We return to Babylon 4, in the past... because they have received a message from the future: Babylon 5 will be destroyed by a Shadow fleet in 8 days. "He is the closed circle. He is returning to the beginning." and "Zathras understand. ... ... No. Zathras not understand. But Zathras do! Zathras good at doings, not understandings." and "Welcome back from the abyss. Your timing, as always, is quite exceptional. Just in time to die." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Ceremonies of Light and Dark Season 3, Ep 11
Given the massive changes on B5, Delenn attempts to repeat the ceremony seen in "The Parliament of Dreams" to help people transition. Garibaldi attempts to purge B5 of hidden Nightwatch agents. Londo moves against Refa, taking inspiration from the Old Empire. "From the stars we came... To the stars we return, from now until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Severed Dreams Season 3, Ep 10
President Clark attempts to seize B5. Many alien races begin declaring war on their neighbours, and Delenn goes to confront the Grey Council on their complacency. "That's what makes this war different from anything we have ever gone through before. This time, we know everyone we kill." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Messages from Earth Season 3, Ep 8
Sheridan attempts to stop Earthforce from merging a human pilot with a Shadow ship on Ganymede. "And they have much to be concerned about. There's always the threat of an attack by, say, a giant space dragon—the kind that eats the sun every 30 days? It's a nuisance, but what can you expect from reptiles? Did I mention that my nose is on fire, and that I have 15 wild badgers living in my trousers?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: A Day in the Strife Season 3, Ep 3
An alien probe arrives at B5, with an ultimatum: answer its questions to receive a reward; fail, and die. Delenn makes an offer. Garibaldi confronts Franklin. Sheridan bumps into an acquaintance. "I don't know what my superiors would say if I started showing up everywhere with a Narn bodyguard." "They will say, 'Here is a man who will live to be a hundred and fifty!'" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Comes the Inquisitor Season 2, Ep 20
Kosh mortally tests Delenn. Meanwhile, G'kar begins the Resistance. "The Vorlons are." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Confessions and Lamentations Season 2, Ep 18
A metaphor for AIDS as seen in the 1980s plague has hit the Markab on the station. "What happens? What happens is that we honor the memory of those who are no longer with us by using what we have learned to save others. To exercise faith, and patience, and charity. To reach out to those who are afraid. If we can do that, then their passing will have had meaning and we will grow from it." [more inside]
Babylon 5: And Now For a Word Season 2, Ep 15
This is the semi-mandatory fake documentary/fake news show episode. Like all other fake documentary episodes, it is awful. "The job of Babylon 5 is not to enforce the peace. It's to create the peace." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Acts of Sacrifice Season 2, Ep 12
G'Kar tries desperately to find allies for the Narn. Ivanova tries to cement an alliance with a new alien species, and engages in chicanery to do so. Londo has some regrets about his new position. "There is nothing to mediate, Delenn. Unless others choose to become involved, we will destroy them, or they will destroy us. There is no in-between." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Revelations Season 2, Ep 2
Franklin busies himself with saving Delenn and Garibaldi. Sheridan's sister arrives to discuss his late wife, Anna. G'Kar returns with news. Morden makes a request. "The darkness has come again." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Chrysalis Rewatch Season 1, Ep 22
The Centauri and the Narn bicker about the ownership of an outpost, and one side takes decisive action. Delenn takes an irreversible step, after consulting with Kosh. Garibaldi's informant is killed and he wants to find out why. "And so it begins." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Chrysalis First Watch Season 1, Ep 22
The Centauri and the Narn bicker about the ownership of an outpost, and one side takes decisive action. Delenn takes an irreversible step, after consulting with Kosh. Garibaldi's informant is killed and he wants to find out why. "And so it begins." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Babylon Square Season 1, Ep 20
[major arc] Babylon 4 reappears after vanishing four years ago. The Grey Council meets. "Summoned, I come. In Valen's name, I take the place that has been prepared for me. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light." [more inside]
Babylon 5: And the Sky Full of Stars Season 1, Ep 8
[major arc] Two "Knights" kidnap Sinclair and force him to relive his memories of the last battle of the Earth-Minbari war, as they are convinced he is a collaborator or spy. "I know you. I know who you are. I know you." and "What do you want?" [more inside]