American Vandal Season 2 Grossout Factor
September 22, 2018 10:27 PM - Subscribe

I am easily grossed out. I loved American Vandal season 1 but I hear season 2 is super gross. Can I get a judge's ruling on HOW gross?

I have an easily set off gag reflex and don't massively love poop jokes. I hear the first episode is just tons and tons of scenes of people shitting themselves in public, and then they continue to replay that over and over again through the other episodes. Just how bad is it on the grossout factor, both in the first episode and the rest of the season? Can I just fast forward through the first diarrhea bout and then relatively be done with it, or is that just all. the. time?
posted by jenfullmoon (2 comments total)
What you heard about the first episode is correct, there is an extended, very gross scene in there. It never goes as hardcore as that for the rest of the show, but there are short bits of that scene interspersed throughout the season, as you heard, and there are some other rather gross poop-related setpieces later in the show too.

Apparently the filmmakers wanted to comment on the way that true crime shows tend to linger on grotesquely violent imagery to sensationalize, so they transmuted all that blood into shit. I think it sort of works, but yeah, it is a bit much.

I thought season 2 was pretty good, for what it's worth, but not as interesting, nuanced, or funny as season 1.
posted by One Second Before Awakening at 6:45 PM on September 24, 2018 [1 favorite]

One Second Before Awakening is right on, on all those comments.

I have almost no gross out factor, and I had 0% gross out on this, so not a great data point for you. But I thought it was super tame. You do see a few "wall splatters" but really, it's on shaky phone footage, and you could easily miss those on accident or on purpose. There's one reenacted scene (also re-shown many times) where they show a close up of a read end with soiled pants. That could be pretty gross to see. Oh, also, they show several plastic baggies full of feces. Also pretty gross, but didn't trigger anything for me.
posted by Pig Tail Orchestra at 7:29 AM on September 27, 2018

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