Arrow: My Name Is Emiko Queen
January 21, 2019 8:40 PM - Season 7, Episode 10 - Subscribe

Oliver is ready to get back to work with the SCPD and to focus on his marriage with Felicity. However, when Dinah tasks Oliver with tracking the new Green Arrow, things take a surprising turn. Meanwhile, Diggle and Lyla must answer to ARGUS about Diaz.
posted by oh yeah! (4 comments total)
That whole episode was a big "so what?"

I don't care about what's going on in the future flashes, not in the least.

I don't see any reason why Emiko, especially given what she told Rene about her upbringing, would have any of the skills necessary to be the Green Arrow, never mind all of the very specific skills required.

I don't even care about Oliver being all shook up by the revelation that his father was a jerk and that Robert left behind a second family. Honestly, in the grand scheme of things Robert did and Moira covered up, this is pretty small potatoes.

I've never cared about Diaz, and the more I see of him, the more I'm turned off. Diggle was an idiot in the way he approached Diaz, the way he undermined his wife and her authority and the nonchalant way he thinks it's appropriate to use and abuse the power of ARGUS. So much for being the moral centre of any operation he's involved with (the whole brother issue notwithstanding).

I was hoping for some sort of reset after the crossover, but it seems we're just digging deeper into the doldrums. Is it too soon to hope that next season (assuming there is one) will be better? I'm ready to write this one off.
posted by sardonyx at 8:31 PM on January 22, 2019

I'm mostly just bummed that Legends doesn't come back until April 1st. Without the dose of bonkers to look forward to, Arrow is even more of a slog.
posted by oh yeah! at 4:29 AM on January 23, 2019 [1 favorite]

As usual, mostly just watching for Felicity and having another Queen around....meh. Whatever.

I think at this point I mostly keep up with this because of crossovers.

I'd be happy to see Rene all cleaned up and doing good in the future except apparently he's also now kind of a dick.
posted by jenfullmoon at 7:26 AM on January 23, 2019

The direction for the episode felt very much like season 1, it was stilted and didn't flow like how most of the season has been so far, but I think that's due to the voice-over narration, which just felt out of place, and having to introduce us to a new character while also making us care about the future stuff.

The whole Emiko thing is out of nowhere and they're clearly digging into the comics lore for something to add drama to the show (at least they're not following the bit of the comics where Emiko's mother is actually Shado, but apparently in this reboot Shado and Oliver are not lovers?). Oliver's reaction is understandable, but yeah it's not like the Queens haven't done way worse than just abandoning one family.

I don't mind where this is going though, since I'm actually interested in why Curtis isn't involved in the future story, and if Felicity is actually dead, and where they're going with it in general. Even if it's some fevered dream it's a nice bit to think about for the characters we've known for years.
posted by numaner at 12:53 AM on January 26, 2019

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