Cloak & Dagger: Blue Note
May 23, 2019 8:22 PM - Season 2, Episode 9 - Subscribe

Tandy and Tyrone attempt to stop the villain behind the trafficking ring.
posted by oh yeah! (2 comments total)
It's unclear how Andre is a "God" now, but man that was heavy. I don't condone what he's done, but in his shoes, with that pain and the loss of such a crucial part of his life, and with that power, I can understand the temptation. Since I know migraines are manageable with the right medicine. I guess he just wanted the easy fix, and not actually do the hard work.
posted by numaner at 9:13 AM on May 29, 2019

This series has turned into such a slog this season. I really can't see how they're going to redeem it enough to make me consider watching again, should it get renewed.

I almost felt like a skipped an episode (even though I didn't) give the fact that Evita's "choice" was totally neglected. I'm sorry but that decision deserved a whole lot of attention. It didn't deserve to be dropped like a hot potato.

I just can't get interested in Andre as a villain. I find the record store shtick such a gimmick. Maybe it's too much of the High Fidelity aesthetic that is turning me off. I don't know but whatever it is, it makes me want to run screaming in annoyance and boredom.

Actually boredom describes my experience of watching this season pretty well. I just don't care. I mean I've come this far, I guess I'll finish. Sure I understand the sunk-time fallacy, but it's almost over so I'll stick it out.
posted by sardonyx at 8:49 PM on May 31, 2019 [1 favorite]

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