Long Shot (2019)
July 19, 2019 10:07 AM - Subscribe

Journalist Fred Flarsky reunites with his childhood crush, Charlotte Field, now one of the most influential women in the world. As she prepares to make a run for the Presidency, Charlotte hires Fred as her speechwriter and sparks fly.
posted by ellieBOA (10 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I really liked this movie, but could have done without the genre switches at every act break.
posted by Etrigan at 11:59 AM on July 19, 2019

Yeah, it was genre-ly abrupt. That was weird. It could have been so much better. But it was great.
posted by zeek321 at 3:06 PM on July 19, 2019

This was such a disappointment. I mean, I could see where they wanted to go with it, but they just kept defaulting to stupidly juvenile. It's one of those movies or TV shows where the potential so outweighs the reality.

I can't remember which actors my movie-going companion and I decided upon but after the film we had a discussion about how much better this movie could have been if it had been written for some of the major black and white stars or something that was more akin to His Girl Friday or Roman Holiday or Desk Set or The Philadelphia Story--something written by adults for adults, not something written with overgrown manbabies in mind. I don't know if the problem was the writer or the director or Seth Rogan.* I want to think that Rogan has more than one note in him, but maybe I'm wrong. Still, I would have liked to have seen him try to play something beyond his typical stoner.

It was one of those movies where I spent a lot of time while watching it thinking about the sets and the shooting locations, about Charlize Theron's hair styles, and about some of the basics that they got idiotically wrong--the issue with the laptop and the copies of the speech come to mind here.

*I'm willing to admit that I might be the one with a problem but overgrown manbabies are just not my cup of tea.
posted by sardonyx at 8:53 PM on July 19, 2019

Overgrown incel man baby gets the girl out of his league and is cooler than the all the Chads. *yawn*
posted by 80 Cats in a Dog Suit at 4:35 AM on July 20, 2019

What I will say is that I was impressed by Rogan's attitude on the press tour. He actually put in the effort to dress up and present himself in a way that was on par with female co-star. That doesn't happen very often in Hollywood. Especially as male stars get bigger, they see to think they can slack off on their professional appearance (and maybe even hygiene). Rogan stepped up his fashion game considerably to promote this movie.
posted by sardonyx at 7:59 AM on July 20, 2019

It seemed off.

Like it was written about 5 years ago and hastily updated to remove the more egregious bullshit.
The odour remained though.
posted by fullerine at 10:14 AM on July 20, 2019

why would a neurotypical 13 year old need a babysitter for just a few hours?
posted by brujita at 6:59 AM on July 23, 2019 [2 favorites]

why would a neurotypical 13 year old need a babysitter for just a few hours?

Ahhhh this! Google says the actors are 7 years apart, so they could've had him as a pre-pubesecent kid with a crush and it would've been fine! Except they wouldn't have been able to make the kid-boner joke, which was maybe definitely the impetus for the whole movie!

The...political world here makes no sense, and I'm not entirely sold on the romcom, but I love Charlize Theron and June Diane Raphael, so the movie is not a loss.
posted by grandiloquiet at 9:00 PM on October 11, 2019

This, calling it ‘the best romantic comedy of the year’, is what got me to watch it now.

I loved it as they were falling in love. The end was wrapped up too neatly.

But at least they introduced them at the end as ‘the candidate and cumboy’, which was funny.
posted by growabrain at 3:09 PM on January 1, 2020

This was a very interesting movie to randomly watch for the first time in August of 2024, specifically.
posted by brook horse at 7:18 PM on August 24

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