Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Medicare For All
February 17, 2020 12:37 AM - Season 7, Episode 1 - Subscribe
The first episode of Season Seven. Republicans claiming Trump's impeachment "changed him" (hint: it absolutely didn't), US Prosecutors steping down in protest over Trump's terrifying interference with the Roger Stone case, And Now: Another Installment of "Coming Up On 'The Doctors'," and the main story: Medicare for All, not the politics of whether it can pass, but what it is. Psst! You want a link to a metric TON of LWT clips? CLICK THROUGH FOR OVERKILL--
F.37: "Lifeus of Terryem" TERRY JONES
John Oliver's descriptions of Roger Stone's attire:
F.37: "Lifeus of Terryem" TERRY JONES
John Oliver's descriptions of Roger Stone's attire:
- His dress code is "Business Scoundrel."
- He looks like a mannequin at a department store for Dick Tracy villains.
- He looks like a guy whose day planner just reads "Frame Roger Rabbit."
- John Eastman, Clairemont Institute Senior Fellow on Fox News: "The executive power is invested in the President. The top law enforcement officer is the Attorney General. If he wants to counteract decisions of the line prosecutor, that's his dang job! (laughs) I mean there's nothing wrong with this.
- Jason Chaffetz, Fox News Contributor: "I like the fact that a President of the United States, when he sees injustice, he's pointing it out! That's exactly what you want to have a President do."
- Lou Dobbs: "I don't want to hear any crap about an independent Justice Department! This Justice Department, as does everyone, works for the President! It is part of the Executive Branch!" Congratulations, remorahs! Please go directly to the Ninth Circle.
- "These seniors are taking 'Fifty Shades of Gray' to a whole new level!" (bouncing bedspring graphic in background)
- "You called 911 for that?" "I want my ****** weed back!"
- "Is it possible to overdose on gummy vitamins?" (swirling vitamin cloud)
- "Burglar didn't demand cash--he just wanted to suck his toes." (shocked audience member's face)
- "It's time to spin the Wheel of Pee!"
- "Spin the Wheel of Poop!"
- "The Wheel of 'Waaaaah!'"
- "Doctor Abs is on duty and he's got the secret to banishing your back pain for good." (laughing female audience faces)
- "I've been suffering from severe buttcheek cramps!"
- "You want to make some quick cash? Maybe you should sell your poop!" (spinning words "SELL YOUR POOP (circling a CG model of a toilet bowl) "This could be a career!"
- "This is crazy!" "Why people are putting anti-anxiety pills down there?"
- "Why people are putting their vacuum down there?" "OMG!"
- "It's time for another installment of 'Don't Put That Down There!'"
- Santacon, which sucks
- Chiijohn II, back from Japan
- The Census and efforts to undermine it
- SLAPP Suits, Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, a cancer on our political process that Last Week Tonight itself has had to deal with
- Voting Machines and how much they suck
- Trump and Syria, oh god remember that?
- Weather Reporting and how private corporations repackage it
- Thailand again, featuring Rip Taylor (RIP)
- China's One Child Policy and the horrors it caused
- Compounding Pharmacies, they still exist and you'd better believe they're abused
- Legal Immigration, a process John himself had to go through
- The Fillabuster, how it's evolved and how it's abused
- Bias in Medicine, about how you're less likely to get the medication you need if you're black
- Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who I honestly forget who he is, just that he's almost certainly an asshole dictator
- Prison Labor, aka, modern slavery
- Boris Johnson
- Warehouses, especially Amazon's
- Mt. Everest: Now a popular spot for tourism
- Impeachment and the case for it
- The Equal Rights Amendment and how it's still on the precipice of ratification after all this time
- Medical Devices and how some of them (like a joint made of metal) are more damaging than the condition they were implanted to solve
- Death Investigations, which you'd think we'd make more of an effort to absolutely get RIGHT
- The Green New Deal and what it actually is
- Lethal Injections and their horror
- Chiitan (the mascot version of John Oliver that went to Japan)
- The Mueller Report, surelythis
- Opioids II, about the Sackler family
- Mobile Homes: yet another way the poor gets screwed over by our system
- The WWE, how they screw over their employees, and how they kiss up to Saudi Arabia. Great for footage of a certain experience undergone by Vince McMahon!
- Public Shaming and how it's often not good
- Robocalls, hooray politicians found another way to annoy you
- Automation
- Psychics, quack quack quack
- Brexit III, back when we believed saner heads might yet prevail
- Brexit Update: UK Version
- The Wax and the Furious, what they did with those wax statues of past US Presidents.
- Authoritarianism and Trump's love of it
- Drain the Swamp, a thing that Trump, himself a moldy wet creature that can naturally be found in marshland, is certainly doing
- State Attorneys General
- Saudi Arabia and the man who currently leads it
- Brazilian Elections, those certainly went well didn't' they? I'm going to go stick my head in a bucket of water now
- Brett Kavanaugh, Slime Creature #17
- Facebook, I'm sure THIS story will tell us its topic is completely fine and not a tumor on the media
- Felony Disenfranchisement, or, "What do you suppose happens to the rights of people who aren't allowed to vote? Oh, what do you THINK would happen?"
- Retractions
- Trade
- Astroturfing, it's everywhere yeah
- Prosecutors, they're not always righteous noble-minded agents of The People
- Workplace Sexual Harassment, by now you should be realizing if it's in this list it's a big problem
- Gene Editing and garage genetic modification. Remember to preserve your chromosomes in a CRISPR ha ha I'm kidding do not do this
- Mexican Elections I forget how they turned out
- Xi Jinping WINNIE THE POOH oops sorry I just got Metafilter blocked in China
- Stupid Watergate II I bet we get three more of these before November
- Guardianship
- Rehab it's getting harder to make comments about these as they recede in memory
- Venezuela, the only thing most voters know about it is that it proves Socialism is BAAAAAD somehow
- Rudy Giuliani, a toad that continues to give our news media warts
- Iran Deal, something Trump tore up so that he could put it back together again and claim victory before he threw a missile at one of their generals on a whim
- Corporate Taxes and the ridiculous means by which they evade them
- "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" SURPRISE actually antiabortion groups without medical certification ready to lie through their teeth to make you carry to term like it says in the Bible "Thou shalt utter horrible blatant untruths if it makes people act how you want."
- Immigration Courts, not part of Judicial Branch as you might think, be ready for the heartwarming scene of very young (six or younger) being made to represent themselves like our founding fathers goddamn intended
- Mike Pence, a jar of mayonnaise in a suit afraid of being left alone with a woman, hey you think this list is long? We're just getting started, I'm a hyperlinking machine--
- Cryptocurrencies HODL HODL HODL
- NRA TV it's defunct now which is a shame as that thing was HIGH LARIOUS
- Italian Elections
- Trump vs. The World he's really disliked just about everywhere that's not the US or Russia
- Wax Presidents Trailer
- The Trump Presidency oh we were all so much more innocent back then
- Economic Development memory fails
- Floods you know those things happening MORE AND MORE
- Equifax I think they had a data breach?
- The Confederacy and how all those statues of Confederate Civil War people are a lot more recent than you might think
- The NRA I think this was back during their recent troubles with Oliver North? Bwahaha
- Forensic Science and how much of it is actually a sham
- Corporate Consolidation In the future you'll give your address by nation, state and corporate monolith that owns you
- Joe Arpaio Remember when Trump outright pardoned this awful awful person?
- Nuclear Waste, it's not going away
- North Korea, remember when Trump thought he was going to broker peace with them?
- Border Patrol, or, a bunch of heavily-armed white guys with misplaced impressions of their own competence decide to be Desert Batmen.
- Alex Jones, pfft sorry spit out my drink he's off his rocker have you seen this clip made when Twitter banned him if you have money apparently you just can't BE insane
- Sinclair Broadcast Group "Well what do you know, it's Fox News Two-Point-Oh!" really though these people are terrible and they're buying up tons of local stations
- Warren Harding, and the show's wax figure of him
- Coal, and the beginning of the show's feud with coal magnate Bob Murray. THERE YOU SEE I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING BAD PLEASE DONT SLAPP ME BOB
- Brexit II further back in time, before the train wreck
- The Paris Agreement the agreement that many of the world's nations reached to try to avert climate catastrophe that Trump used as toilet paper
- Stupid Watergate surelyTHIS
- Dialysis I forget this too
- Net Neutrality Update Net Neutrality was an early win for the show so naturally Trump appointed an FCC chairman with a huge novelty mug and cable industry ties who was adamantly opposed to it
- Net Neutrality II more
- Ivanka and Jared two terrible human beings that it's our curse to have to know about
- French Elections I forget this too
- Gerrymandering, or, a big reason we're burdened with so many damn Republicans right now
- Marijuana, its normalization and efforts to legalize it
- The Federal Budget, a football shaped like politics
- The American Health Care Act aka Obamacare and efforts to undermine it because at this point Republicans are just cartoon supervillains
- The Dalai Lama and John's talk with him
- Obamacare more
- Vladimir Putin he supports oligarchs and has opponents assassinated and Trump loves him with a deep and abiding fire
- Trump vs. Truth this aired about 23 years ago
- Trump University an oxymoron for the ages
- President-Elect Trump remember when those words horrified instead of echoing across the empty void where our souls used to be
- Multilevel Marketing SCAMS next BTW everything from this point down is Obama-era
- Mercadeo Multinivel I really don't remember
- How Is This Still A Thing: Voting on a Tuesday ha ha amirite actually its a relic of our agrarian past that doesn't get changed because it serves the purpose of depressing turnout
- School Segregation god we're still fighting this fight
- Opoids there was no hugely costly and wasteful war on these I wonder why
- Third Parties I forget again
- Guantanamo Ha ha ha what a funny word I wonder what it means
- Police Accountability There it goes the headache has begun
- Scandals I forget this too
- Refugee Crisis not just in the US
- Charter Schools
- Auto Lending I forget he even covered this
- Olympics Opening Ceremony Back when everything wasn't' constantly on fire they could upload more of these humorous pieces
- Brexit Update travel back to an age when Brexit might still have been avoidable
- Doping helmeted radioactive supermen will destroy us all with their sweet sweet pecs
- Brexit I the train leaves the station
- Retirement Plans oh you're all prepared for the future well la-de-dah
- Debt Buyers Speculators buy truant debt for pennies on the dollar on a gamble they can get the debtor to pay. Welcome to America
- Primaries and Caucuses for a laugh go back and watch this one
- 911 where am I?
- Scientific Studies what's my name again?
- Puerto Rico This was back before the effects of the hurricane under which they're STILL suffering
- Lead Hey Flint STILL doesn't have clean drinking water
- Credit Reports aka the reputation system that very wealthy people invented as a way to further punish poor people
- Congressional Fundraising that is, the thing that congresspeople actually spend most of their time doing
- Conspiracy Theories as the fabric of truth in this country continues to erode
- Border Wall remember when this was just Trump's beautiful dream? HA HA HA
- International Women's Day
- Encryption
- Special Districts I don't remember
- Whitewashing
- Abortion Laws and their continued erosion
- Voting
- Pennies Back then we actually had enough spare brainspace to consider whether we should abolish pennies! Unbelievable!
- Daily Fantasy Sports And for-profit fantasy sports sites! We were living in freaking Oz!
- Prisoner Reentry And we could think about the problems faced by prisoners upon reentering society! Sheer Narnia!
- Medicaid Gap
- Canadian Election
- Norto Dakota that far-flung northern rectangle soaked in oil
- Mental Health I remember having that
- Migrants and Refugees Back when our government wasn't going out of its way to make their lot much much worse
- Public Defenders A sobering and tragic situation that for all we know is still going on, five years later, because Trump has sucked all the news oxygen our of the country
- LGBT Discrimination
- Televangelists They're funny at least
- Sex Education, that thing most of us wishes we had gotten, or gotten a better version of, at some point in our lives
- Washington D.C. Statehood, a sensible and long-neglected goal that apparently our current government considers to be less of a priority than starting up a damnable Space Force.
- Mandatory Minimums That is, sentencing. I think.
- Food Waste
- Stadiums Middle Earth!
- Transgender Rights
- Online Harassment I think this was back in the early stages of Gamera-gate, that notorious and shameful hate mob attacking giant flying turtles
- Torture UGH sometimes it feels like our nation is just a long list of travesties
- Bail
- Chickens or more accurately, chicken farmers. Back then we were living in Neverland.
- Paid Family Leave
- Standardized Testing We're still living under the malign influence of No Child Left Behind, a legacy of the LAST Republican idiot we had in office.
- Fashion, or rather the conditions under which fashion is made which, as with so many other things, is a woeful story of oppression and poverty
- Parents, or I think it was, caring for them
- Edward Snowden, remember him?
- Government Surveillance
- Red-Tailed Hawks, some 4th graders' efforts to make it the New Hampshire state bird, and the rejection of their lawmakers. They're in 9th grade now. Kids remember, is all I'm saying.
- Municipal Violations
- The NCAA and its PROBLEMS
- US Territories
- Infrastructure that thing that was crumbling five years ago I wonder how it is now
- Elected Judges such an idea what a country
- Tobacco and its disgusting worldwide renaissance
- Marketing to Doctors, the ways drug companies get doctors to favor their products
- The Lottery, the fabled tax on people who are bad at math
- State Legislatures and ALEC whatever that is, did I mention it's been a long time?
- Sugar I tell you we lived in a goddamn fairyland.
- Dr. Jane Goodall Interview Interviews were a larger part of the show back then
- Translators and their treatment by our military
- The Supreme Court, pre-Kavanaugh, pre-Garland
- Civil Forfeiture god they're still doing this aren't they
- Drones
- Narendra Modi May the force be with you!
- Miss America Pageant Was this the first mention of Trump? I hope so.
- Scottish Independence Gotta be looking pretty good right now.
- Student Debt
- Wage Gap
- Ferguson and Police Militarization
- Predatory Lending Please let this be over soon
- Native Advertising aka putting in an ad that looks like content it's hugely evil so naturally lots of people do it
- Nuclear Weapons that thing Trump loves ARGH (crumples up paper)
- Prison, with some puppets that are not Muppets, but look the part
- Wealth Gap
- Hobby Lobby such jerks!
- Uganda and Pepe Onziema and Interview with Onziema
- Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements More quack quack quack
- Stephen Hawking Interview I and II. Not long before Hawking's death, and hilariously rancorous. Hawking had comic chops.
- FIFA I Here's hoping that Oliver has time for more FIFA stories soon, for all of our sakes
- Net Neutrality, the piece that put LWT on the map for many people
- Right to be Forgotten
- Fareed Zakaria I and II
- The Death Penalty
- Interview with Simon Ostrovsky
- Interview with General Keith Alexander
This was a pretty good episode of LWT, and I am very glad it is back, but mostly I just wanted to thank you for this very detailed post JHarris.
I hope none of the writing staff had to watch any cable news during their hiatus.
posted by the primroses were over at 8:54 AM on February 17, 2020 [4 favorites]
I hope none of the writing staff had to watch any cable news during their hiatus.
posted by the primroses were over at 8:54 AM on February 17, 2020 [4 favorites]
That's what interns are for.
posted by Ignorantsavage at 8:12 PM on February 17, 2020
posted by Ignorantsavage at 8:12 PM on February 17, 2020
Looking through the list of videos … no wonder the staff takes breaks. Doing all that is incredible.
posted by ZeusHumms at 7:51 AM on February 18, 2020 [2 favorites]
posted by ZeusHumms at 7:51 AM on February 18, 2020 [2 favorites]
thanks, JHarris! That's a excellent post.
posted by numaner at 1:05 PM on February 18, 2020 [1 favorite]
posted by numaner at 1:05 PM on February 18, 2020 [1 favorite]
Wow, JHarris! Thank you for all the links!
posted by mochapickle at 12:32 AM on February 21, 2020 [1 favorite]
posted by mochapickle at 12:32 AM on February 21, 2020 [1 favorite]
Another thank you to JHarris for the links! My fiancée came to LWT late and this is an easy index for her to catch up.
posted by Servo5678 at 2:08 AM on February 21, 2020
posted by Servo5678 at 2:08 AM on February 21, 2020
I realize that a lot of these links can be found just by going to the Last Week Tonight YouTube account page, but they somehow feel more accessible here, presented as text instead of thumbnail, and I tried to provide a slight bit of context for most of them.
posted by JHarris at 10:56 AM on February 21, 2020 [3 favorites]
posted by JHarris at 10:56 AM on February 21, 2020 [3 favorites]
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posted by JHarris at 1:17 AM on February 17, 2020 [2 favorites]