The Gilded Age: Close Enough to Touch
November 28, 2023 9:14 PM - Season 2, Episode 5 - Subscribe

After sharing her news, Ada questions moving ahead without Agnes' support. Peggy experiences the dangers of the South.
posted by drewbage1847 (3 comments total)
Lots of whiplash this episode - Aurora telling lies! Agnes throwing a fit! Racists threatening violence! Weddings!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 12:45 PM on November 30, 2023

Watson (Michael Cerveris) is a gem. It's so rare on this show that I want to spend more time on a plot line, but I really want more of him and his daughter. Plus, he's an eagle-eyed day saver for the Russells.

Even if Agnes made her appearance at the wedding, I'm still giving Oscar tons of credit for showing up for Ada. Good for him. Ultimately, good for all of them. Now let's get Agnes out into the world.

Get Peggy back to NYC, please, with no harm done to her.

I swear, George seemed ever so slightly unwilling to bust the union protesters. I guess it's not much of a show if George anachronistically decides to become pro-union.
posted by gladly at 5:46 PM on November 30, 2023 [1 favorite]

When I first began watching this show, I thought Oscar was a bad guy, like the text has indicated his father was, with an overlay of his mother's wit. He really isn't. He seems to be able to form solid relationships with others. He is always respectful to his mother, even when she's acting like a battle axe. He clearly really loves his Aunt Ada, and treats her well. He's formed a very good relationship with his cousin Marian, whom he only met as an adult. He wants to marry money, but then in the society where he lived, a lot of people thought that way. He should not be marrying a woman, of course, but then again, in the society where he lived, he really didn't have any good alternatives for living life as a gay man, especially if he wants children, which he seems to. Oscar Wilde also married a woman, and deliberately sought out one with money.

What a terrifying night in Tuskegee.
posted by orange swan at 5:59 PM on February 24, 2024

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