The Acolyte: Revenge / Justice
June 4, 2024 7:51 PM - Season 1, Episode 2 - Subscribe

An assassin strikes again, but this time the Jedi are there to attempt capture.
posted by 1970s Antihero (31 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
... these are not the most competent investigators, I have to say.
posted by suelac at 9:23 PM on June 4, 2024 [2 favorites]

They should put the Padawan in charge of the mission, because she’s obviously the most competent.
posted by 1970s Antihero at 5:47 AM on June 5, 2024 [4 favorites]

I kept waiting for Master Sol to explain to Jord that Osha was no longer considered a person of interest and figured it didn't happen just so Jord would follow her and vouch for her over the dead Master whats his name. Incidentally, I didn't realize that guy was levitating at first and thought he was just standing perfectly still holding something weird with his cloak blocking the view of his legs.

I need more Mae/Osha interactions. I also grumbled at Osha saying Mae killed her (as in Osha's family) versus "our family." Another slip through the script?

The Jedi Temple on Clegan is pretty subpar, yeesh!

Highlights of the episode was any scene with Mae and Osha in it. The fight scene between Mae and Sol was pretty great, particularly the moment when she went for her throwing knives and he had disarmed her. Mae's use of the dust cloud to make her escape was also a nice inventive way to get her out of being cornered.

Manny Jacinto is in the house. I about laughed when he started to spout off the Sith Code and Mae is just, "yeah yeah, heard it before." Is he the Master? An acolyte himself? Hrm.

Yord is 100% going to get himself killed being the proper Jedi he feels he must represent as a newly raised knight.

Again, so we have two mysteries ongoing at the moment:

1) What did the four Jedi do involving Mae and Osha that a) has set Mae down a path of vengeance and b) made at least one Jedi Master drink poison as punishment? Something likewise that was thought to be "the right thing at the time."

2) Who is the Sith(?) Master to Mae?

Regarding one, we are already having conflicting information in that Master Sol tells Vern or Jecki that he watched Mae die and confirms she's dead. Then when he meets up with Osha, immediately is onboard that Mae is alive and kicking, as if he knew the truth the entire time. Was the crime being that the twins were separated and both sisters told the other was dead? Did the Jedi seek to remove attachments for Osha? And why were they separated? Did Mae go to another group (the women in the trailer with the facial markings?) since she has the same herself and Osha doesn't?

Kudos to twin powers with both sisters having identical hair styles (could be cultural?).

This episode was just better than the first and I'm glad they packaged them together. There was less Vern to get irritated over, more Osha/Mae, and I'm slowly getting used to Jecki's appearance. Likewise, Manny Jacinto's introduction has added even more fun to the party.
posted by Atreides at 9:01 AM on June 5, 2024 [3 favorites]

I ought to say, I haven't seen this much adherence to Lucas's style of Star Wars outside of Filoni, be it placing a genre within the franchise (murder mystery!), opening in space and tilting toward a planet, to their use of wipes and so on. Headland even got "I have a bad feeling about this," into her script. Headland's level of fandom is pretty clear.
posted by Atreides at 9:03 AM on June 5, 2024 [2 favorites]

[When you post twice, but forget, and get excited thinking someone had made a new post, and then discover it was just that second post you forgot.]
posted by Atreides at 11:29 AM on June 5, 2024 [1 favorite]

Kudos to twin powers with both sisters having identical hair styles (could be cultural?).

During the childhood flashback/dream sequence both twins are seen having similar hair when they were younger.

As adults they do no have the same hairstyle but the differences are subtle.
posted by Faintdreams at 1:46 PM on June 5, 2024 [1 favorite]

I enjoyed this episode as much as the first one. I’ll admit that I went in worrying that it would be as unsatisfying as Ahsoka. Don’t get me wrong, there were aspects of Ahsoka I really liked, but overall it left me feeling meh. The Acolyte, while not at Andor’s level, seems certain to be better than Ahsoka.

This episode does some very good storytelling through fight scenes, whether it’s Mae’s ineffectual attempt to punch Torbin, Kelnacca’s intimidation, or the big centerpiece, when Sol schooles Mae.
posted by Kattullus at 2:46 PM on June 5, 2024 [1 favorite]

Atreides: Is he the Master?

I had the same thought about Qimir.
posted by Kattullus at 2:51 PM on June 5, 2024 [1 favorite]

both sisters having identical hair styles (could be cultural?).

Maybe both sisters never changed their hair because neither is able to move past their childhood trauma.
posted by 1970s Antihero at 4:53 PM on June 5, 2024 [2 favorites]

Their hair is pretty significantly different? Both in length and color. ???

Manny Jacinto!!!!! Yay

I can't wait to find out how the Jedi fucked up.
posted by medusa at 7:22 PM on June 5, 2024 [4 favorites]

Somehow... the Jedi fucked up.
posted by Molesome at 4:22 AM on June 6, 2024 [6 favorites]

Their hair is pretty significantly different? Both in length and color. ???

I 100% went and stared at screenshots of both characters and it's clear (despite watching the second episode twice!) that there is a definite length difference. Thank you for pointing that out (kudos also to Faintdreams for also checking in on the right side of hair history)! It seems like the color between the two is similar. The catch is that enough of the hairstyle has to be similar for Qimir to momentarily mistake Osha for Mae, so I give myself some excuse for not noticing sooner!

Maybe both sisters never changed their hair because neither is able to move past their childhood trauma.

Readdressing this as to a similarity in style, if not over all appearance, I do like this thought!

On rewatch, I was kind of surprised by how quickly Torban just up and sucks down the poison. Somewhere along the way, Torban up and failed his Jedi Master teachings on letting go I suppose, in the manner that Sol appears to have done.

Here's something that I'm wondering if I'm missing it as a cue from somewhere else. Every time Mae has confronted one of the Jedi she's seeking revenge against (except, maybe Sol? Now I can't remember), she challenges them to strike first and with all their might. That feels like she's inviting them to step outside of their role as a Jedi, who use the Force for knowledge and defense. Is this to just put them out of step with their own training? Is it a Sith technique? There's some kind of importance to it and I can't figure it out. Argh.
posted by Atreides at 7:20 AM on June 6, 2024 [1 favorite]

As Qimir is giving off some serious "Jason Mendoza" vibes, I'm pretty sure the Master is Darth Blake Bortles.

So here's something a bit weird: the local Jedi are leading Sol, Yord, Osha et al. through the temple to Master Torbin's chambers. Osha sees a vision of her sister and goes down a side corridor; Yord follows her. And somehow, she ends up at Torbin's room a good 30 seconds or so before Sol and the others? What's the deal, were the locals taking them on a tour through the facilities first? "And here's our cantina, where we relax in between training our child soldiers padawans -- we just got a jukebox with all the latest jizz hits -- and down here you'll see our garden..."

Also, I could not help but laugh at Master Torbin. That make-up job was ridiculous. He looked like a 25 year old kid with a bad wig -- which, not surprisingly, is exactly what he is!

Somehow... the Jedi fucked up.

Based on everything I've ever seen, the Jedi are just perennial fuck-ups. Like, the epitome of over-confident doofuses blinded by their own hype.
posted by Saxon Kane at 11:55 AM on June 6, 2024 [7 favorites]

Every time Mae has confronted one of the Jedi she's seeking revenge against (except, maybe Sol? Now I can't remember), she challenges them to strike first and with all their might.

My (perhaps uncharitable) read on this is that she’s not fully Sith-pilled and has a hard time attacking outright. Clearly she has no problem actually going through with the murder though so if it is that….not great writing imho.
posted by potent_cyprus at 11:57 AM on June 6, 2024 [1 favorite]

A More Civilized Age listeners have known for years that the Jedi suck, looking forward to Austin & Co’s take on this show.
posted by potent_cyprus at 11:59 AM on June 6, 2024 [3 favorites]

I think that this is going to turn out to be important;
"You're with me. I'm with you.
Always one, but born as two.
As above sits the stars...
And below lies the sea...
I give you you..."
Osha then replies, "And you give me me."

I suspect that it's also going to turn out to be important that one sister went Jedi and the other Sith(?). Maybe in the end, they'll team up and beat both the Jedi and Sith and go off to do their own thing.
In any case, riddles;
Why did Osha quit the Jedi?
What happened at the fire that the Jedi are keeping secret, and why didn't the girls know that the other one survived?
What is Mae seeking vengeance for? (Which is probably tied to the above question.)
What's up with the quote at the top of my post?
posted by Spike Glee at 12:41 PM on June 6, 2024 [3 favorites]

looking forward to Austin & Co’s take on this show.

Sadly, at the rate they're moving, I doubt we'll hear it before 2026. (Unless they decide to do the thing they did with Andor and Kenobi)
posted by suelac at 6:41 PM on June 6, 2024 [1 favorite]

Why did Osha quit the Jedi?
The hints in-show so far is less that she quit, and more that she was kicked out, or failed her trials for kniggit.

Given her inability to pull the (key? thing) to her in the jailbreak scene, she's definitely got some issues with force connectivity.
posted by coriolisdave at 7:58 PM on June 6, 2024 [1 favorite]

It took me far too long to recognise Dafne Keen from His Dark Materials as Jecki.

There's something a little wonky in the direction so far, the dialogue is not sparkling and the delivery a little forced all round. I'm kind of hoping they all warm into it and gel a little more, because the basic setup is pretty good. FIngers crossed.

Still waiting for an 'It's a Parent Trap' meme.
posted by Sparx at 8:24 PM on June 6, 2024 [2 favorites]

The hints in-show so far is less that she quit, and more that she was kicked out, or failed her trials for knight.

Given her inability to pull the (key? thing) to her in the jailbreak scene, she's definitely got some issues with force connectivity.

This was definitely my interpretation, that Osha hit some barrier in the path to becoming a Jedi and basically was asked to leave. I hope, but fear, it could be kind of related to Sabine Wren, in that the promise is there, but there's some emotional/attachment that is blocking her ability to access the Force.

It took me far too long to recognise Dafne Keen from His Dark Materials as Jecki.

I was this day old, if it helps.
posted by Atreides at 8:53 AM on June 7, 2024

Likewise, Manny Jacinto's introduction has added even more fun to the party.

Such a missed opportunity that this show takes place a hundred years before The Mandalorian. We'll never have Qimir and Stoke get to meet each other.
posted by Gary at 2:00 PM on June 7, 2024 [4 favorites]

I keep getting Charlie Barnett (the actor playing Jedi Snack Yord Fandar) mixed up with Kit Young (the actor from Shadow and Bone who played the Crow Snack Jesper Fahey). Similar looks, similar characters, although I suspect the Jedi won't be so delightfully pansexual. Seriously, bring me sexy Jedi. I get they can't form attachments but surely they can have a little NSA fun?

Speaking of types, I'll note the Star wars website says "Headland wrote the character of Qimir with actor Manny Jacinto in mind." That's a tell, right?
posted by Nelson at 2:22 PM on June 7, 2024 [1 favorite]

Reactor (formerly Tor) recap

I liked the observation that the Jedi are Shitty Space Cops. And that we'll be getting the Rashomon treatment.
posted by medusa at 8:27 PM on June 8, 2024 [2 favorites]

Mr. Medusa thinks Qimir is Mae's Sith master (like Kattulus mentioned). And now I can't stop thinking about it. He knew exactly how to get Torbin to drink the poison. He quickly recognized Osha. He easily defended against Mae trying to kill him and told her about where to find the Wookie Jedi. He could be keeping tabs on the operation while playing dumb. The anti-Jason Mendoza.
posted by medusa at 9:09 PM on June 9, 2024 [3 favorites]

"Headland wrote the character of Qimir with actor Manny Jacinto in mind." That's a tell, right?

Eh, not really. Someone can have a specific actor in mind for a minor character. It doesn't mean they are central to the story. If they said, "I knew I wanted Manny Jacinto in a central role," that might mean something. I'm skeptical of the Qimir-as-Sith-Master theory; it's a bit too much like "Jar-Jar Binks was actually Darth Sidious." I think he's probably a notch or two above her in experience, or at least is in charge of her, but I don't think Qimir is the dude with the red lightsaber at the end of episode 1.
posted by Saxon Kane at 9:27 PM on June 9, 2024 [2 favorites]

Qimir is definitely more than the supply guy. He happily killed some poor apothecary just to setup shop temporarily in well, the apothecary shop. Then he wore the guy's clothes. That's kind of messed up. He's definitely somewhere in the Sith hierarchy, if we can call it that, if not the Master, then someone in the Master's service. He knows everything about her mission, including information she doesn't quite know yet. My "guess" is that he will reveal himself as someone, maybe even the guy in the mask, but that won't necessarily be "the" master. I could be wrong!

Seriously, bring me sexy Jedi. I get they can't form attachments but surely they can have a little NSA fun?

Good news, unless the Jedi Order has really gotten conservative, in the High Republic era, they were allowed, if not encouraged, to get physical with others. A major character in the novels/comic books, Jedi Master Ezra Mann has a one night stand with someone, and there's indications that it wasn't unusual for padawans to have some level of relationship with each other. The big ticket, of course, it's "okay" so long as you don't form attachments with your partner.
posted by Atreides at 9:25 AM on June 10, 2024 [3 favorites]

Since I favorited it the first time, I guess me favoriting this at least makes it a 1.5+ favorite.
posted by Atreides at 12:03 PM on June 10, 2024 [1 favorite]

NSA fun? The Jedi have PRISM and PROMiS? Are they looking at galactic noodz across the Holonet?
posted by eustatic at 5:19 PM on June 10, 2024 [1 favorite]

FYI, tonight is a new episode!
posted by Atreides at 11:08 AM on June 11, 2024

Manny Jacinto as Divey Sith is the most fascinating part of this for me, after the twin actress's eyes in every single shot.

Master Torbin seems to have been quite messed up by...whatever...happened. Including fake eye? What was that? He just sat there meditating for ten years waiting for someone to kill him? Doesn't he poo?
posted by jenfullmoon at 7:48 PM on July 19, 2024 [1 favorite]

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