3 posts tagged with 90s by JHarris.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Special Event: Rifftrax: Undefeatable

MST Club Presents! Oh wow. Cynthia Rothrock plays Kristi Jones, who seeks to avenge her sister's death at the hands of a character I'm just going to call a "crazed martial artist." It was made in 1993, which figures. Here's a Youtube video of the climatic fight, at about three minutes long. Again I say, wow. The riff premiered June 2024, just about two weeks ago.
posted by JHarris on Jul 4, 2024 - 1 comment

Mystery Science Theater 3000: ROBOT WARS  Rewatch   Season 13, Ep 2

Rewatch! One of a dwindling number to go at this point. It's one of those sci-fi movies whose grand vision of the future is largely today but like with multinational consortiums and giant robots. There's even a major location that's just a normal town circa the movie's making, passed off as a preserved ghost town and tourist location. Warning, there's an appallingly misogynistic character who's intended by the movie to be seen as a lovable scamp. Feh, meh, pleh, bleah. Previously. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 17, 2023 - 0 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: ROBOT WARS  Season 13, Ep 2

"Crank Up the Carnage." While it looks kind of like the thing The Asylum would make now, this movie in fact was made back in 1993, and has some decent stop motion robot effects. The movie is similar in many ways to Robot Jox, from the same director, but their stories are unconnected. In the future the world has been divided into two factions, the "North Hemi" and the "Eastern Alliance." A war was fought between giant robots, but now only one is left, and it's currently being used as passenger transport and tourism. There follows a plot involving "Centros," perfidious Eastern Alliance military leaders, and of course at the end a giant robot fight. It's a real mess. In MST3K's story, Kinga and Max's damaged Kingadome has been saved by a financier from the future named Dr. Cabal, who tells them, for their venture to be a success, they must find a second host to subject bad movies to.... Premiered Friday early to Kickstarter backers, it is not currently possible to watch officially; its official premiere will be on May 7. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Apr 5, 2022 - 9 comments

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