20 posts tagged with DavidSimon and thewire.
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The Wire: Refugees Rewatch Season 4, Ep 4
"No one wins. One side just loses more slowly." -Prez [more inside]
The Wire: Home Rooms Rewatch Season 4, Ep 3
"I love the first day, man. Everybody all friendly an' shit." -Namond Brice [more inside]
The Wire: Soft Eyes Rewatch Season 4, Ep 2
"I still wake up white in a city that ain't." -Carcetti [more inside]
The Wire: Boys of Summer Rewatch Season 4, Ep 1
"Lambs to the slaughter here." -Marcia Donnelly [more inside]
The Wire: Mission Accomplished Season 3, Ep 12
"We fight on that lie." -Slim Charles [more inside]
The Wire: Middle Ground Season 3, Ep 11
"We ain't gotta dream no more, man." -Stringer Bell [more inside]
The Wire: Reformation Season 3, Ep 10
"Call it a crisis of leadership." -Proposition Joe. [more inside]
The Wire: Slapstick Season 3, Ep 9
"...while you're waiting for moments that never come." -Freamon [more inside]
The Wire: Moral Midgetry Season 3, Ep 8
"Crawl, walk, and then run." -Clay Davis [more inside]
The Wire: Back Burners Season 3, Ep 7
"Conscience do cost." - Butchie [more inside]
The Wire: Homecoming Season 3, Ep 6
"Just a gangster, I suppose" - Avon Barksdale [more inside]
The Wire: Straight and True Season 3, Ep 5
"I had such fuckin' hopes for us." - McNulty [more inside]
The Wire: Hamsterdam Season 3, Ep 4
"Why you got to go and fuck with the program?" -Fruit [more inside]
The Wire: Dead Soliders Season 3, Ep 3
"The gods will not save you." -Burrell. [more inside]
The Wire: The Wire First Watch Season 1, Ep 6
Brandon is found. Wallace is unsettled. The detail gets a wiretap running. Daniels clashes with Rawls.
The Wire: The Pager First Watch Season 1, Ep 5
Stringer warns D'Angelo that there may be a snitch in his camp. The detail gets its affidavit approved for a cloned pager but are puzzled at the results. Prez begins to redeem himself in the eyes of his colleagues by taking a fresh approach to the pager information. Wallace spots Brandon, one of Omar's crew, in an arcade and passes the information on to the Barksdale enforcers.
The Wire: Old Cases First Watch Season 1, Ep 4
Bodie avoids Herc and Carver. Avon discusses the loss of the pit's stash and puts the word on the street about Omar. McNulty and Moreland investigate an old murder that may be related to D'Angelo. [more inside]
The Wire: The Buys First Watch Season 1, Ep 3
The early-morning 'field interviews' by Herc, Carver and Prez have consequences. On the other side of the law, D'Angelo teaches Wallace and Bodie how to play the game. [more inside]
The Wire: The Detail First Watch Season 1, Ep 2
McNulty feels the heat. Greggs is given the lay of the land regarding Avon Barksdale's key players. Herc, Carver and Prez find big-time trouble at the towers. [more inside]
The Wire: The Target First Watch Season 1, Ep 1
In the pilot, Baltimore homicide detective Jimmy McNulty gets into hot water and winds up assigned to a detail of narcotics outcasts charged with investigating drug lord Avon Barksdale and his powerful operation in Franklin Terrace. Meanwhile, Avon's nephew D'Angelo is fresh off beating a murder rap. [more inside]