782 posts tagged with ScienceFiction.
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Babylon 5: Exogenesis Season 3, Ep 7
Ivanova seeks to discover if Lieutenant Corwin is suitable to join the Conspiracy of Light. Franklin and Marcus discover something strange happening with the Lurkers... "Word is, something screwy's happening back home." "This is not exactly a revelation." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Dust to Dust Season 3, Ep 6
Bester has his annual pilgrimage to B5 to investigate a telepathy-inducing drug called Dust, and engages in a bad cop/slightly less bad cop dynamic with Garibaldi. Turns out, G'Kar wants some Dust for his own reasons... "The universe is already mad. Anything else would be redundant." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Voices of Authority Season 3, Ep 5
Ivanova, Marcus, and Draal seek out First Ones. G'Kar and a Ministry of Peace officer, separately, investigate the strange behaviour of members of Sheridan's "Conspiracy of Light"... "Zog? What do you mean 'zog'? Zog what? Zog yes, zog no?" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Passing Through Gethsemane Season 3, Ep 4
One of Brother Theo's monks is having visions of murder, and believes himself to be going mad... Lyta and Kosh return to B5 after a time on the Vorlon Homeworld, which no human has ever before seen. "Gambling is one of the lesser sins. I've always thought if you're going to sin, you may as well go for one of the really big ones." [more inside]
Babylon 5: A Day in the Strife Season 3, Ep 3
An alien probe arrives at B5, with an ultimatum: answer its questions to receive a reward; fail, and die. Delenn makes an offer. Garibaldi confronts Franklin. Sheridan bumps into an acquaintance. "I don't know what my superiors would say if I started showing up everywhere with a Narn bodyguard." "They will say, 'Here is a man who will live to be a hundred and fifty!'" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Convictions Season 3, Ep 2
A terrorist/bomber causes chaos on Babylon 5. Missionaries from many faiths arrive on B5 after Kosh's decision in the season two finale. "There, you see? I'm going to live!" "So it would seem. Well, it is an imperfect universe." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Matters of Honor Season 3, Ep 1
Welcome to 2260, the year where people keep playing with matches while standing in a puddle of kerosene, next to a house fire. A mysterious man named Marcus Cole arrives on B5... "Good! I hate being cheered up. It's… depressing." "So, in that case… We're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths." "Thank you. I feel so much better now." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Fall of Night Rewatch Season 2, Ep 22
[full spoilers!] Earth sends representatives of the Ministry of Peace to the station. The last Narn battleship arrives at Babylon 5, requesting protection. Kosh makes a decision. "We came to this place because Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace. By the end of 2259, we knew that it had failed. But in so doing, it became something greater. As the war expanded, it became our last, best hope for victory." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Fall of Night Season 2, Ep 22
Earth sends representatives of the Ministry of Peace to the station. The last Narn battleship arrives at Babylon 5, requesting protection. Kosh makes a decision. "We came to this place because Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace. By the end of 2259, we knew that it had failed. But in so doing, it became something greater. As the war expanded, it became our last, best hope for victory." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Comes the Inquisitor Season 2, Ep 20
Kosh mortally tests Delenn. Meanwhile, G'kar begins the Resistance. "The Vorlons are." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Long, Twilight Struggle Season 2, Ep 20
The Narn wanted freedom from the Centauri... They fail. "There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand. [...] We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free." [more inside]
Voltron: Legendary Defender: Lion’s Pride Season 7, Ep 0
Team Voltron returns to Earth, but are they too late to save it? [major spoilers after the cut] [more inside]
Babylon 5: Divided Loyalties Season 2, Ep 19
Lyta Alexander (the telepath from the pilot movie, The Gathering) returns to B5 with a warning: there's a sleeper agent for PsiCorps on the station... "I never told them. I never told anyone. I hid it all away in the smallest, tiniest corner of my mind." [more inside]
The Department of Time: Tiempo de espías (Time of spies) First Watch Season 3, Ep 2
The agents travel to Spain and France in 1943 to ensure the success of Britain's "Operation Mincemeat" during WWII. A Spanish spy captured in Nazi-occupied France is revealed to be an important figure in the Ministry's past and its present. [more inside]
Babylon 5: Confessions and Lamentations Season 2, Ep 18
A metaphor for AIDS as seen in the 1980s plague has hit the Markab on the station. "What happens? What happens is that we honor the memory of those who are no longer with us by using what we have learned to save others. To exercise faith, and patience, and charity. To reach out to those who are afraid. If we can do that, then their passing will have had meaning and we will grow from it." [more inside]
The Next Voyage
There's been some talk of another Trek series rewatch now that our Voyager rewatch is wrapping up. So, as we did before, let's hash out some deets! [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Endgame Rewatch Season 7, Ep 25
[Series finale] As our starship and its crew near the end of their voyage, we're at the end of the season, the series, and our rewatch. And, at the end of it all... a plate of beans the size of the Delta Quadrant. [more inside]
Babylon 5: Knives Season 2, Ep 17
Londo meets with an old friend, who has danger on his heels... Sheridan goes to the heretofore unmentioned Spooky Sector (Grey Sector) and begins hallucinating... Or does he? "Insanity is part of the times. You must learn to embrace the madness. Let it fire you." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Renaissance Man Rewatch Season 7, Ep 24
When Janeway is kidnapped, Voyager's holographic Doctor must truly be all that he can be. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Homestead Rewatch Season 7, Ep 23
AKA "Vulcans Don't Dance" [more inside]
Babylon 5: In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum Season 2, Ep 16
Much is revealed about Kosh and Mr. Morden. "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would gaze up into your lifeless eyes and wave, like this. Can you and your associates arrange this for me, Mr. Morden?" [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Natural Law Rewatch Season 7, Ep 22
Chakotay and Seven crash-land Voyager's 8,347th shuttle within the lands of a primitive tribe. Meanwhile, Tom Paris is a soul in tension that's learning to fly, condition grounded but determined to try. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Friendship One Rewatch Season 7, Ep 21
Lt. Carey, personal log, stardate 54775.4. I'm about to beam down to an alien planet on a mission from Starfleet, looking for remnants of a famous 21st-century Earth probe. This is my first away mission in over six years, which is kind of weird, given Voyager's tiny crew. Ah well, it's probably not any kind of omen of misfortune. Starfleet history, here I come! [more inside]
Babylon 5: And Now For a Word Season 2, Ep 15
This is the semi-mandatory fake documentary/fake news show episode. Like all other fake documentary episodes, it is awful. "The job of Babylon 5 is not to enforce the peace. It's to create the peace." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Author, Author Rewatch Season 7, Ep 20
The Doctor writes a roman à clef holonovel about being a hologram doctor aboard a starship stranded thousands of light years from home. What could possibly go wrong? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Q2 Rewatch Season 7, Ep 19
Facing his son's banishment from the Q Continuum, Q leaves him on Voyager in the hopes that he will gain self-discipline. Yeah, good luck with that, Aunt Kathy. [more inside]
Babylon 5: There All The Honor Lies Season 2, Ep 14
Sheridan kills a Minbari in self-defense, but it seems as though he is being set up to lose his command... Meanwhile, Ivanova runs a gift shop, Sheridan and Kosh seek understanding, and Vir receives a message from Centauri Prime. About 'truth': "Ah, yes. The favorite song of the legally ignorant." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Human Error Rewatch Season 7, Ep 18
While simulating a relationship with Chakotay on the holodeck, Seven begins to learn that making mistakes is a part of life's imperfection. Is it so wrong to be human after all? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Workforce, Parts I and II Rewatch Season 7, Ep 16
[two-part episode] Most of the crew of Voyager is kidnapped and brainwashed into joining the labor force of an alien planet, where they are repeatedly re-indoctrinated into forgetting their previous lives. But, hey, the benefits are great. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: The Void Rewatch Season 7, Ep 15
Voyager is trapped in a pocket of space from which escape seems impossible. And when the crew gazes long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into them. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Prophecy Rewatch Season 7, Ep 14
Voyager becomes a battleground for the descendants of a group of Klingon zealots, some of whom believe that B'Elanna Torres's child is their savior. Kept waiting for three of them to show up with gold, frankincense, and gagh. [more inside]
Babylon 5: Hunter, Prey Season 2, Ep 13
The former doctor for President Clark is in hiding on Babylon 5, and Sheridan needs to protect the doctor before Clark's goons silence him forever... Meanwhile, we learn more about Kosh and the Vorlon. "I sought understanding. I listen to the song. Your thoughts became the song." [more inside]
Movie: Tau
A woman is held captive by a Software engineer in a futuristic smart house and hopes to escape by manipulating the A. I. program that controls the house. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Con el tiempo en los talones (With Time on His Heels) First Watch Season 3, Ep 1
Amelia and Alonso are sent to the premiere of "Vertigo" at the 1958 San Sebastián Film Festival, to foil a plan by Russia to kidnap Alfred Hitchcock and force him to produce propaganda films. While the Ministry is under construction, a wheelchair-bound Salvador becomes suspicious of a Sony Walkman-wearing construction worker he observes through his office window. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Repentance Rewatch Season 7, Ep 13
There was me, that is Iko, and my convict droogs, rescued from our prison transport by a Human ship captained by quite the hardened devotchka. But soon, I viddied a holographic doctor putting some manner of Borg technology in me gulliver. You can imagine the surprise, O my brothers and only friends, when I found that all me desire for tolchocking and the like had vanished. I was cured all right… but doomed nonetheless to snuff it. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Lineage Rewatch Season 7, Ep 12
Torres discovers that she is pregnant, and faces a private fear that she has had to deal with since her childhood. [more inside]
Babylon 5: Acts of Sacrifice Season 2, Ep 12
G'Kar tries desperately to find allies for the Narn. Ivanova tries to cement an alliance with a new alien species, and engages in chicanery to do so. Londo has some regrets about his new position. "There is nothing to mediate, Delenn. Unless others choose to become involved, we will destroy them, or they will destroy us. There is no in-between." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Shattered Rewatch Season 7, Ep 11
Chakotay must travel between different timeframes to prevent yesterday's enemies from destroying Voyager, which has been temporally shattered. Sha-doo-bay [more inside]
The Department of Time: Cambio de tiempo (Change of Time) First Watch Season 2, Ep 13
Season Finale: After the defeat of the Spanish Armada along the English coast in 1588, King Philip II decides to break the Ministry rules (imposed by his great-grandmother Isabella) and travel back in time to so the Armada will win the battle. When the Ministry refuses to help, Philip takes over, discovering that he can not only travel into the past but the future as well. Julián, Alfonso and Amelia return to 2016 from a mission to find history has been drastically changed. Philip is now King of the World, and the King of Time. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Hasta que el tiempo os separe (Til Time Do Us Part) First Watch Season 2, Ep 12
Ortigosa and Natalia's wedding is complicated by a hidden time portal and a romantic legend from the 13th century. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Flesh and Blood Rewatch Season 7, Ep 9
[Feature-length episode] Voyager answers a distress call from a Hirogen outpost – only to find carnage caused by holographic technology that Captain Janeway has given them. Who will be first up against the wall in the holorevolution? [more inside]
Babylon 5: All Alone in the Night Season 2, Ep 11
Sheridan is kidnapped while in a Starfighter. Delenn returns to face judgment. "You have always been here." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Nightingale Rewatch Season 7, Ep 8
Harry Kim gets his first command, an alien ship with a mysterious purpose. And no, it's not to harvest his genetic material or make a deuterium duplicate of him or exploit him for space terrorism purposes… [more inside]
The Department of Time: Tiempo de lo oculto (Time of the Occult) First Watch Season 2, Ep 11
When the host of a show about paranormal mysteries and conspiracies reveals the existence of the Ministry on the internet, Salvador tries to convince him that he is mistaken by inviting him on a tour of headquarters, while pretending that it is the dullest government office in Spain. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Body and Soul Rewatch Season 7, Ep 7
When the Delta Flyer II is attacked, The Doctor must hide his program in Seven's Borg implants. Meanwhile, Tuvok undergoes the pon farr. Can the away team escape the Vortex of Unsatisfied Crushes? [more inside]
Babylon 5: Gropos Season 2, Ep 10
Fraklin's father, General Franklin, arrives on Babylon 5 with 25 000 "ground pounders" (marines) as they await a secret deployment to an alien world. "We are all slaves to our histories." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Coming of Shadows Rewatch Season 2, Ep 9
[all-seasons rewatch] [major arc; titular episode of the season] Emperor Turhan, of the Centauri Republic, comes to Babylon 5 to make an announcement. Londo and G'Kar pass each other, like ships in the night... "Oh, enough [regrets] to fill a lifetime. So much has been lost, so much forgotten. So much pain, so much blood. And for what, I wonder? The past tempts us, the present confuses us, and the future frightens us. And our lives slip away, moment by moment, lost in that vast terrible in-between. But there is still time to seize that one last, fragile moment. To choose something better, to make a difference, as you say. And I intend to do just that." [more inside]
Movie: Upgrade
Set in the near-future, technology controls nearly all aspects of life. But when Grey, a self-identified technophobe, has his world turned upside down, his only hope for revenge is an experimental computer chip implant called Stem. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Inside Man Rewatch Season 7, Ep 6
A holographic version of Lt. Barclay is transmitted to Voyager from the Alpha Quadrant with an ambitious plan to get the ship home. Beware holograms bearing gifts… [more inside]
The Department of Time: Separadas en el tiempo (Separated by Time) First Watch Season 2, Ep 10
In the present, Irene looks into a mystery involving "Las Sinsombrero," a group of avant-garde women artists and activitsts who have been forgotten. In the course of her investigation, it is discovered that the Vampire of Raval was not arrested when she should have been. She is free, and may be traveling through time. [more inside]