4 posts tagged with buddymovie.
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Movie: Enemy Mine

1985 film about an alien and a human who crash land on a dangerous planet after a space battle, then continue their war one-on-one until they realize they have to work together to survive. With Louis Gossett Jr. under 4 hours of makeup and gargling his own spit to give the alien language that extra....something, Dennis Quaid as the jerky human who must learn to live with The Other, and a fun biological twist. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen soon after Das Boot and The Neverending Story. [more inside]
posted by mediareport on Jun 17, 2024 - 10 comments

Movie: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Wyoming, early 1900s. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid are the leaders of a band of outlaws. After a train robbery goes wrong they find themselves on the run with a posse hard on their heels. Their solution - escape to Bolivia. [more inside]
posted by MoonOrb on Jun 9, 2018 - 5 comments

Movie: Hot Fuzz

A skilled London police officer is transferred to a small town that's harbouring a dark secret. [more inside]
posted by MoonOrb on Mar 8, 2018 - 36 comments

Movie: Midnight Run

An accountant is chased by bounty hunters, the FBI, and the Mafia after jumping bail. [more inside]
posted by MoonOrb on Mar 1, 2016 - 16 comments

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