9 posts tagged with discussion.
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Community discovery: what are you enjoying right now?
In the spirit of more open-ended conversations on MeFi, I'm just wondering what TV shows, films, books, podcasts, or Youtube channels you're enjoying right now? (Old or new, but if it hasn't been discussed much yet on FanFare, so much the better.) FanFare lurkers, we'd enjoy hearing from you too. [more inside]
Narrative Games Club, 1: Planning
Following past discussion (here and here) there's interest in discussing games with a heavy narrative component. If you're interested, then follow us, and join the discussion. A few options have been floated, details inside. [more inside]
Anyone interested in talking about Terrace House?
I've just started watching the Japanese reality TV show Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the City. It has been described as a show that 'fixes what's broken in reality TV' as it 'finds meaning in mundane human interaction'. Are there any MeFites who have been watching it and want to discuss? Episode-by-episode or whole-series?
Passive Detection of Critical Masses of Interest?
This is a potential feature request, depending on what folks think, and perhaps should be escalated to MetaTalk. Would folks like some way of passively detecting that a "critical mass" of mefites are interested in a show or program? [more inside]
Podcast: Forum - A World of Ideas: Writing
Fewer and fewer of us write by hand much any more. Does it matter? Bridget Kendall's guests on this week's Forum, cognitive neuroscientist Karin James, award winning novelist Mohsin Hamid and calligrapher Paul Antonio think it does. [more inside]
The Legend of Korra: Original Airbenders Season 3, Ep 7
The new air benders begin their instruction in the ways of the Air Nomads at the Northern Air Temple as Tenzin struggles to find the best teaching method to re-establish the Air Nation. Bumi is not impressed. Kai and Jinora continue to bond in the air bison heavy episode that also reveals the air nomad secret of the shaved head. More information is revealed about the Earth Queen, including a rumor so horrendous, it seals her fate in the Top 5 worse people ever in the Avatar Universe!
The Legend of Korra: Old Wounds Season 3, Ep 6
The conflict between Lin Beifong and her sister, Suyin, comes to a head as we learn about the sisters' contentious past and at the same time, Korra has the opportunity to become the first Avatar ever to learn to metal bend. Bolin is called out as fake once again by Opal and Zaheer and Company make an explosive escape out of Republic City on their continuing search for the Avatar.
The Legend of Korra: The Metal Clan Season 3, Ep 5
Team Avatar loses Tenzin as he takes the Earth Kingdom air benders to the Northern Air Temple to learn the ways of the air nomads and everyone else heads for the futuristic Zhao Fu, the home and city of the Metal Clan to find a new air bender. Once there they meet Suyin Beifong, Lin Beifong's half-sister and a whole lot of emotional baggage which also belongs to Lin. Bolin may have a new love interest in Opal, Lin's neice and the Metal Clan air bender, while back at Avatar Island in Republic City, Zaheer infiltrates the ranks of the new air benders in hopes of finding out the whereabouts of Korra. Also, we learn the universe didn't want Varrick to go to answer for his crimes. Nifty spoiler inside! [more inside]
The Legend of Korra: In Harms Way Season 3, Ep 4
Informed by Mako and Bolin of the imprisoned air benders, Korra and Team Avatar plan to break them out. The budding romance between Jinora and Kai takes another step forward, while Team Zuko is defeated handily by Team Anti-Avatar who break out Sparky Sparky Boom Lady from her frozen prison. Lin Beifong appears in Ba Sing Se to warn Korra of the escape and we learn that Zaheer, leader of Team Anti-Avatar, and his compatriots had attempted to kidnap Korra shortly after she was identified as the Avatar, which resulted in their imprisonment. Also, Bumi needs a badger mole who knows morse code.