2 posts tagged with dolls.
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Movie: Deep Red

Dario Argento's giallo to end all gialli from 1975. An engineer jazz pianist witnesses a murder and becomes obsessed with finding the killer, no matter how creepy the hallway, how Art Nouveau the spooky mansion, or how loud the Goblin.
posted by fleacircus on Nov 22, 2019 - 3 comments

Podcast: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Episode 177: You’ve Got Your Chainsaw Working

Can you make it through the terrors of Ask Ken and Robin, when Sean Maclean asks us how to run survival horror? If so, the Tradecraft Hut awaits, where we deliver our promised full segment on legendary M15 counterintelligence honcho Maxwell Knight. [more inside]
posted by graymouser on Feb 13, 2016 - 1 comment

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