3 posts tagged with gop.
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Mrs. America: Reagan  Season 1, Ep 9

In 1979, the original deadline for the ERA arrives. Phyllis celebrates by "danc[ing] on its grave" even though the feminists secured an extension to 1982. Yet more time isn't sufficient to grant the ERA's success. Carter abandons the Women's Commission and his successor doesn't have a place for feminists in his platform: Make America Great Again. [more inside]
posted by Monochrome on May 27, 2020 - 4 comments

Book: What's the Matter with Kansas?

“Raise less corn and more hell!” Mary Elizabeth Lease exhorted her fellow Kansans in the late 19th century. Kansas was the epicenter of left-wing populist fervor. Kansans agitated against big banks and other businesses that took advantage of the working class farmer. Fast forward a hundred years, and Kansas is one of the most stridently right-wing states in the nation. Native Kansan Thomas Frank explores the changes that led the state's working class voters to redirect their anger. He also relates these changes to the new political landscape of the country as a whole. [more inside]
posted by Monochrome on Oct 27, 2019 - 3 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Sex Education  Season 2, Ep 24

This week.... The Republican debates happened, and one of the debators was Donald Trump. The Indian government blocks a few hundred adult websites, provoking outrage throughout the nation. Whole Foods comes under fire for their ludicrously high prices, including a plastic cup of water with two asparagus stalks soaking in it selling for $5.99. Last Week Tonight made a commercial on behalf of Whole Foods, apologizing for their prices. Main story: Sex education in the United States. LWT presented a small educational piece with famous faces providing some rudimentary sexual information. YouTube (21m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 10, 2015 - 10 comments

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