762 posts tagged with hbo.
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Syrian Refugees, The Penny, End Of Year Recap  Season 2, Ep 35

This week... more on the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris. US politicians use the opportunity to pile on Syrian refugees. And Now: The Dismal Prop Comedy Of The United States Congress. Main story: The US Penny, its dwindling value, and the issues around supporting it. YouTube (10m) And Now: What In God's Name Are They Covering On WCBS News At 11? And, finally, this is the final episode of this year of Last Week Tonight, so the show provided a retrospective, featuring the return of Wanda Jo Oliver. This concludes LWT's second season; it resumes in February. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 27, 2015 - 12 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fantasy Sports  Season 2, Ep 34

This week.... Terrorist attacks kill over a hundred people in Paris. Singles Day, a minor holiday turned into a gigantic sales event, hits the nation of China, and called in to promote it are foreign celebrities Adam Lambert, Daniel Craig and Kevin Spacey as, of all things, his House Of Cards character Frank Underwood. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays his first visit to the UK, while Indian industrialists prepare legal challenge for the return of the Koh-i-Noor, a huge diamond that currently serves as the centerpiece of the Queen's crown. And Now: Another One Of John McCain's Favorite Jokes. Main story: Daily fantasy sports apps DraftKings and FanDuel, and their skirting laws regulating gambling. Last Week Tonight provides a more honest ad for the apps than the ones they have been filling the airwaves with. YouTube (19m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 18, 2015 - 4 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prisoner Re-Entry  Season 2, Ep 33

The UK unveils new surveillance laws. A hearing reveals that the honors to US veterans that often precede sporting events are frequently paid for by the Department of Defense. A certain Washington football team complains about its offensive trademark being cancelled by listing other companies with offensive names whose trademarks still stand. And Now: Everybody Wants To Be An Outsider. Main story: Prisoner re-entry, and the formidable societal and legal obstacles set up to harass prisoners reentering society. John Oliver interviews Bilal Chapman, a tomato grower subject to many of those problems. YouTube (19m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 9, 2015 - 9 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Medicaid Gap  Season 2, Ep 32

This week... John Kerry holds a conference in Vienna to try to get Syria to reach an agreement with rebels, but while delegates from 20 nations show up, neither Syria nor the rebels attend. "Chewbacca" is arrested in Ukraine for campaigning on behalf of "Darth Vader," who is running for mayor there. In the UK, the threatened removal of tax credits for the poor are thwarted by an unlikely benefactor: the House of Lords. And Now: The Inevitable, Sad Consequences Of Morning Show Anchors Celebrating Halloween. The main story: 2015 state elections determine whether more states will opt out of expanding Medicaid to their residents. YouTube (14m) And Now: Oh Sweet Jesus, They've Put The Weather Forecasters In Costumes Too. Finally, China attempts to gain control over shipping lanes in the South China Sea by claiming sovereignty over artificial islands, a situation that has become tensely volatile and a potential cause for war. In an attempt to introduce some reason, Last Week Tonight brought on Kenny G (unexpectedly popular in China) to sing a song about it. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 4, 2015 - 3 comments

Project Greenlight: Episode 1  Season 4, Ep 1

Introduction to the new season, new contest, new everybody except Ben and Matt . . . and Pete from season 1?? [more inside]
posted by skewed on Oct 28, 2015 - 2 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Canada's Election, Misattributed Quotations  Season 2, Ep 31

This week.... New Zealand Prime Minister John Key answers surprisingly candid questions on radio. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, unpopular for his reforms, courts controversy with an insensitive TV commercial. A Copenhagen zoo's decision to kill a healthy two-year-old giraffe and feed it to the lions is followed up by the decision to kill two lions and their cubs, and another zoo in Denmark dissected a lion in front of a crowd. LWT helpfully produced an honest commercial for Denmark's zoos. Main story: Canada has an election tomorrow (er, by now, two days ago -- Justin Trudeau won). Cameo appearance by Mike Myers! YouTube (15m) And Now: A Student Passes Out Listening To Steven Harper Speak. (Two students, actually.) Finally, in response to the epidemic of quote misattribution by political figures and generally on the internet, LWT created a website to generate random misquotes from historical figures, definitelyrealquotes.com. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 21, 2015 - 2 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: North Dakota  Season 2, Ep 30

Russia fires cruise missiles at targets in Syria and Iran, and the U.S. suspends their rebel training program. FIFA's ethics committee suspends Sepp Blatter for 90 days, and all his replacements are either being investigated themselves or might be soon. The U.S. asks Toyota how come so many of their trucks have gotten in the hands of ISIS. And Now: John McCain's Favorite Joke. Main story: North Dakota's oil rush, and the environmental and human cost to the state. LWT produced a video appeal to North Dakota to hold oil companies to greater account for their malfeasence, and paid for a billboard in the state saying "Be Angry. (Please.)" YouTube (20m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 12, 2015 - 18 comments

The Leftovers: A Matter of Geography  Season 2, Ep 2

Kevin, Nora, and Jill try to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of the Mapleton riots but problems from the past keep resurfacing. The new Garvey clan gets a fresh start in the safety of Miracle. Nora makes an impulsive choice, while Kevin gets entangled in the Murphy family's problems.
posted by numaner on Oct 12, 2015 - 9 comments

The Leftovers: Axis Mundi  Season 2, Ep 1

In the second season opener, the focus shifts to the town of Miracle, where zero people disappeared during Sudden Departure. But first, a deeply disturbing opening involving a mother and child, many years ago.
posted by jbickers on Oct 5, 2015 - 13 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mental Health, Peeple  Season 2, Ep 29

Vladimir Putin launches air strikes against ISIS in Syria. Quick takes from the United Nations general debate: Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe defends their anti-homosexuality laws; Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaims the Iran nuclear deal by silently staring them down for 45 seconds; dictator of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko brings his 11-year-old son to sit beside him in the General Assembly. The Secret Service hits scandal yet again by trying to embarass Congressman Jason Chaffetz by leaking his old job application to their agency. And Now: People On Television Talking Shit About Their Producers. Main story: the horrifying plight of the mentally ill in the United States. YouTube (12m) And Now: Newscasters Stretching The Definition Of The Word "Exclusive." And finally, the new "Yelp for people" app, Peeple... wait that sounds a bit familiar. Last Week Tonight launches a website to facilitate people saying awful things on the internet without actually hurting anyone: screamintothevoid.com. Or consider another suggestion by LWT: Peeble, an app which rates people according to the opinion of Mario Van Peebles. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 5, 2015 - 3 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Refugees flood Europe  Season 2, Ep 28

This week.... Pope Francis visits the US. The book Call Me Dave alleges a bizarre and hilarious fact about UK Prime Minister David Cameron: he once put his penis into the mouth of a dead pig's head. German car company Volkswagon faces huge fines and criminal charges for rigging automobiles to beat emissions tests, causing the resignations of several executives including the CEO. Last Week Tonight presents a new VW ad unveiling not-made-up features like solid gold breaks and a dick-sucking engine. "Volkswagon: Hitler trusted us. Why won't you?" The main story: the huge wave of refugees atttempting to immigrate into European countries. For a Syrian refugee girl who's a fan of Days Of Our Lives, LWT got her two favorite characters back together (one of whom had recently died on the show) for a short reunion -- during which they describe the plight of the refugees. YouTube (18m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Sep 28, 2015 - 5 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The sad state of public defense in the US, OLOPE shuts down  Season 2, Ep 27

Michigan state representatives Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat leave office, the first resigning, the second removed from her position, due to allegations they were having an affair together. Guatemala elects a new President following the resignation of Otto Pérez Molina. Queen Elizabeth becomes the longest-serving monarch in British history. And Now: Some More Descriptions Of The Queen's Ridiculous Hats. Main story: public defenders, their relatively short history (only since 1963), and the many ways our legal system stacks the deck against them. (YouTube 15m) Last Week Tonight produced a short piece reimagining cop shows' Miranda warnings in light of the challenges faced by public defenders. And Now: An Important Message From Our Lady Of Perpetual Exemption (OLOPE), an update on the state of the church, which is closing down, and all the things they sent, at least one of which is really NSFW. Last Week Tonight is off next week. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Sep 15, 2015 - 8 comments

Game of Thrones: Mhysa  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 10

Joffrey challenges Tywin. Bran tells a ghost story. In Dragonstone, mercy comes from strange quarters. House Frey receives the Seat of Riverrun. Roose Bolton is appointed the new "Warden of the North." Maester Aemon sends out ravens to alert Westeros about the arrival of the White Walkers. Dany waits to see if she is a conqueror or a liberator. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Sep 11, 2015 - 3 comments

Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 9

Honor. Vengeance. Victory. Tragedy. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 27, 2015 - 12 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination  Season 2, Ep 26

This week.... Hostilities flare up between North Korea and South Korea. Vladimir Putin bans the import of many types of food from the West. Greece President Alexis Tsipras resigns (but will still run for reelection) after just seven months in office amidst controversy over his bank-mandated austerity measures. And Now: Another Check-In With The Most Patient Man On Television. (That would be Steve Scully of C-Span's Washington Journal.) The main story: discrimination against LGBT couples still legal in surprisingly much of the nation. YouTube (15m) And Now: The Most Patient Man On Television Faces His Greatest Challenge. Finally, a follow-up on the business of John Oliver's church, Our Lady Of Perpetual Exemption. They got rather a lot of mail, including a giant bag of seeds, followed by gianter bag of seeds the next day. They also got beef jerky and a 100-Trillion-dollar bill from Zimbabwe (worth about 40 cents). Last Week Tonight is taking a break for two weeks. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 24, 2015 - 6 comments

Game of Thrones: Second Sons  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 8

Come one, come all to the Wedding from Hell in King's Landing! (Also, Melisandre gets her leech on with Gendry. Dany meets the Titan's Bastard and Sam and Gilly meet an older gentleman.) [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 21, 2015 - 2 comments

Show Me a Hero: Parts 1 & 2  Season 1, Ep 1

Nick Wasicsko becomes the youngest big-city mayor in America, but at what cost? Even before he is inaugurated, the obligation to build public housing in the white neighborhoods of Yonkers looms over his new administration.
posted by jbickers on Aug 18, 2015 - 8 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists  Season 2, Ep 25

This week.... Cuba allows their US embassy to reopen for the first time in decades. Historians confirm that US President Warren G. Harding had a child out of wedlock. New Zealand is considering changing their flag, and held a competition for people to suggest designs. John Oliver points out some particularly ludicrous entries. And Now: Six More Actual Flag Designs Submitted to the New Zealand Goverment, With Descriptions of What They Look Like. Main story: Televangelists, those forgotten scourges of the poor, their tax-exempt status, and the surprisingly legal things they get away with. YouTube (20m) To demonstrate the extent of the problem, LWT started their own church, "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption." Said church has a website, www.ourladyofperpetualexemption.com. Metafilter thread about the episode. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 18, 2015 - 8 comments

Game of Thrones: The Bear and the Maiden Fair  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 7

Jon and the wildlings travel South of the Wall. Dany exchanges gifts with a slave lord outside of Yunkai. Talisa tells Robb she's pregnant. As Sansa frets about her prospects, Shae chafes at Tyrion's new situation. Arya and the Brotherhood part ways. Tywin counsels the king, and Melisandre reveals a secret to Gendry. Jamie leaves Brienne behind at Harrenhal, where she faces a formidable foe. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Aug 14, 2015 - 4 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Sex Education  Season 2, Ep 24

This week.... The Republican debates happened, and one of the debators was Donald Trump. The Indian government blocks a few hundred adult websites, provoking outrage throughout the nation. Whole Foods comes under fire for their ludicrously high prices, including a plastic cup of water with two asparagus stalks soaking in it selling for $5.99. Last Week Tonight made a commercial on behalf of Whole Foods, apologizing for their prices. Main story: Sex education in the United States. LWT presented a small educational piece with famous faces providing some rudimentary sexual information. YouTube (21m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 10, 2015 - 10 comments

True Detective: Omega Station  Season 2, Ep 8

Matters come to a head, confessions are heard and deals made in the finale to season 2.
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Aug 10, 2015 - 270 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The case for Washington D.C. statehood  Season 2, Ep 23

This week.... Afghanistan reports Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar has died; it's been revealed that he actually died in 2013 and the Taliban has been lying about it ever since, and has even been releasing statements in his name. Three teenage girls in Chechnya bilked ISIL fighters, who thought they were securing themselves brides, out of thousands of dollars. A member of British Parliament, Lord Sewel resigns as deputy speaker of the House of Lords in the wake of a scandal after a video surfaced purportedly showing him taking cocaine with prostitutes. John Oliver supplies some context on the House of Lords. And Now: Ten Actual Titles of Current Members of the British House of Lords, Paired With Photos of Pets Who Look Like They Would Have That Name. Main story: On statehood for Washington D.C. (YouTube, 17m) John Oliver presents a rewrite of the song that names the fifty states alphabetically to cover the plight of Washington D.C., and sings it with 19 kids. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 3, 2015 - 7 comments

True Detective: Black Maps and Motel Rooms  Season 2, Ep 7

Ray, Ani and Paul take precautionary measures to elude detection and untangle a dark mystery; Frank deals with the fallout of his betrayal. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Aug 3, 2015 - 147 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mandatory minmum sentencing in the US  Season 2, Ep 22

This week.... The Obama administration reaches a historic deal with Iran, but has difficulty selling it to Congress. FIFA president Sepp Blatter is in Russia to kick off preparations for the 2018 World Cup. Ashley Madison, a website that encourages and helps set up affairs between married people, was hacked and the responsible parties threaten to release records on their userbase. LWT produced a short message exhorting married citizens of Ottawa not to have affairs. Main story: The absurdity of mandatory minimum sentencing laws in the US. YouTube (15m) And Now: Unnecessary Full Disclosure. Ukraine threatens to blacklist Gérard Depardieu as a threat to their national security (Guardian) for a statement made last year at a film festival. Over the closing credits, LWT provides a brief slideshow of photos of Depardieu set to "cartoonishly French music." [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jul 27, 2015 - 6 comments

Game of Thrones: The Climb  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 6

Tywin plans strategic unions for the Lannisters. Littlefinger plans to leave King's Landing. Robb plans to apologize and attempt to rebuild his alliance with the Freys. Roose makes plans for Jaime. Jon, Ygritte and the Wildlings plan to do the impossible. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jul 24, 2015 - 5 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste in the US  Season 2, Ep 21

This week.... The US and Iran are on the verge of signing a historic nuclear arms deal. Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman escapes from prison by constructing a surprisingly elaborate tunnel a mile long. North Korea gears up to celebrate their "Liberation Day" with a concert by Slovenian band Laibach. And Now: CBS This Morning's Awkward Sex Talk. Main story: The fact that the US wastes 40% of the food it produces each year, and its consequences. YouTube (18m) Last Week Tonight produced their own, more honest version of an "American" cheeseburger commercial produced by Carl's Jr. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jul 21, 2015 - 4 comments

True Detective: Other Lives  Season 2, Ep 5

Ray and Frank contemplate new life choices; Ani and Paul follow a lead up the coast. [more inside]
posted by We had a deal, Kyle on Jul 20, 2015 - 95 comments

Game of Thrones: Kissed by Fire  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 5

The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed; Tyrion learns the cost of weddings. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jul 17, 2015 - 3 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Over-expensive sports stadiums  Season 2, Ep 20

This week.... Iran may be about to make a deal over their nuclear program. Greece may default on loans and possibly exit from the Euro currency. South Carolina finally lowers the Confederate battle flag flying over their state capitol. Last Week Tonight offers, to any team with an offensive mascot costume, to replace it with one of their previously-made mascot costumes. And Now: Whoopi Goldberg Defends Ten Surprising Things. Main story: On lavish sports stations built using public money. (YouTube 19m) John Oliver makes an impassioned sports speech to convince cities to make teams pay for their own stadiums. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jul 13, 2015 - 6 comments

Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Is Ended  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 4

"Hey Varys, what’s in the box?" Theon's fortunes are reversed. Jamie mopes over his lost hand. The Hound gets put on trial. Cersei grows uncomfortable with the Tyrells. The Night's Watch grows impatient with Craster. Daenerys seizes control of her destiny. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jul 10, 2015 - 9 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Same Sex Marriage Legalized in U.S., Transgender Rights, The Leap Second  Season 2, Ep 19

This week: In a landmark decision the U.S. Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court also upholds the subsidies of the Affordable Care Act. CNN mistakes a flag covered with images of sex toys for an ISIS flag. The ex-president of Ukraine emerges from hiding to defend his private zoo, and LWT marks the occasion with video footage of ostriches mating. And Now: A Few More Seconds Of Ostrich Sex. Main story: Transgender rights, and the legal challenges remaining to transgendered Americans. YouTube (17m) And Now: This Is Not CNBC's First Rodeo. Finally, on June 30 a leap second will be added to the clock. Last Week Tonight commemorates the event with the sites spendyourleapsecondhere.com and johnoliversecstapes.com. Web exclusive: And Now: Five Years Of People Prematurely Declaring The End Of Obamacare. (2m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 29, 2015 - 7 comments

Carnivàle: New Canaan, CA  First Watch   Season 2, Ep 12

Samson devises a grand plan; Justin forces Iris to face her fear of heights; Ben performs his most important healings. [more inside]
posted by drezdn on Jun 24, 2015 - 6 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Online Harassment of Women  Season 2, Ep 18

This week: Shootings in South Carolina. Russians plan "Patroit Park," a theme park for national military fans. The US $10 bill is being redesigned to include a woman's face. And Now: C-Span Callers Suggest Women For The $10 Bill. Main story: On the harassment of women on the internet. YouTube (17m) Last Week Tonight remakes an old AOL ad.
posted by JHarris on Jun 23, 2015 - 16 comments

Game of Thrones: Walk of Punishment  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 3

A farewell to arms, so to speak. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jun 22, 2015 - 9 comments

Carnivàle: Outside New Canaan  First Watch   Season 2, Ep 11

Lila challenges Samson's authority; Libby urges Jones to reveal a secret to the troupe; Sofie sees a face from her past. [more inside]
posted by drezdn on Jun 21, 2015 - 1 comment

Game of Thrones First Watch Threads

For the past few months I've been posting First Watch with Books Threads for the initial seasons of Game of Thrones. In several weeks, we'll complete season 3. Season 4 threads already exist on FanFare from when they aired live. Should I bother to create new ones, or end at S03E10?
posted by zarq on Jun 17, 2015 - 6 comments

Carnivàle: Cheyenne, WY  First Watch   Season 2, Ep 10

Libby struggles to stick to her alibi; Jones goes for a ride with Ben; Talbot-Smith intercepts a near disaster for Justin and reneges on a deal with Scudder.
posted by drezdn on Jun 17, 2015 - 1 comment

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: US torturing of detainees, upping the stakes against Jack Warner  Season 2, Ep 17

This week: Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko warns Vladimir Putin likely to invade soon. Azerbaijan prepares to host the European Games, a new Olympics-style sporting festival, drawing closer scrutiny for their terrible human rights record. Canadian senators discovered to have spent over a million dollars of the government's money for things like golf and fishing trips, hockey tickets and holidays -- but spent $24 million to discover it. And Now: Newscasters Trying Not To Swear. The main story is on torture, American's attitudes and misconceptions regarding it, and how little has changed since we learned the CIA engaged in it, how it doesn't work, and why we seem to think that it does. LWT got Dame Helen Mirram to read key excerpts from it. YouTube (15m) And Now: Newscasters Not Trying Not TO Swear. And finally, an update on former FIFA vice president Jack Warner, who responded (3m) to Oliver's Trinidad TV response (4m) to his video (7m). The "epic and dramatic music" in Warner's is Ash (3m), by The Secession.
posted by JHarris on Jun 15, 2015 - 5 comments

Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy  Books Included   Season 5, Ep 10

Stannis begins to march; Dany is surrounded by strangers; Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon is challenged.
posted by zarq on Jun 14, 2015 - 625 comments

Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy  Show Only   Season 5, Ep 10

Stannis begins to march; Dany is surrounded by strangers; Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon is challenged.
posted by zarq on Jun 14, 2015 - 303 comments

Carnivàle: Lincoln Highway  First Watch   Season 2, Ep 9

Ruthie's visitor leaves lipstick traces; Lila tries to reach Lodz; Sofie finds salvation in her work; Iris takes Eleanor on a picnic.
posted by drezdn on Jun 14, 2015 - 2 comments

Game of Thrones: Dark Wings, Dark Words  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 2

Everybody does a lot of walking. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jun 12, 2015 - 4 comments

Carnivàle: Outskirts, Damascus, NE  First Watch   Season 2, Ep 8

Ben and Samson have a heated argument; Libby shocks her parents with an announcement; Smith interprets a bad sign for Justin; Sofie finds a new job.
posted by drezdn on Jun 10, 2015 - 3 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The problems with the US bail system; John Oliver drinks Bud Light Lime  Season 2, Ep 16

This week: Sepp Blatter steps down as president of FIFA, a week after John Oliver promised to drink Bud Light Lime if he did... but that's for later. First, former FIFA vice president Jack Warner promises to review damaging information about his former employer, and bought time on Trinidad television to air it. Last Week Tonight has also bought five minutes on Trinidad TV, to show their own opinion on the matter -- it will air Tuesday night at 9 PM local time. Chinese hackers are suspected of stealing data on four million US federal employees. In Turkey, a member of the opposition party accuses the Turkish president of buying a golden toilet with taxpayer money. And Now: Last Week Tonight Salutes All The Horses Who Didn't Win The Triple Crown This Week. Main story: the problems with the bail system in state courts, and how they disproportionately harm the poor (sometimes forcing them to plea guilty rather than pay) over the rich, and how reality television has glorified bounty hunters that profit off it. (YouTube 18m) LWT produced their own, less exciting, reality show depicting a saner alternative. And, finally, John Oliver wears a pair of goofy golden Adidas shoes, takes a bit out of everything on McDonalds' Dollar Menu, and, yes, drinks an entire Bug Light Lime. In one go, in fact. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 8, 2015 - 21 comments

Veep: Testimony  Season 4, Ep 9

The staff gives their testimony to find out who exactly was responsible for the data breach.
posted by everybody had matching towels on Jun 8, 2015 - 7 comments

Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons  Show Only   Season 5, Ep 9

Stannis faces a difficult decision; Jon returns to the Wall; Mace Tyrell visits the Iron Bank; Arya encounters someone from her past; Dany oversees a celebration of athleticism.
posted by zarq on Jun 7, 2015 - 248 comments

Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons  Books Included   Season 5, Ep 9

Stannis faces a difficult decision; Jon returns to the Wall; Mace Tyrell visits the Iron Bank; Arya encounters someone from her past; Dany oversees a celebration of athleticism.
posted by zarq on Jun 7, 2015 - 433 comments

Carnivàle: Damascus, NE  First Watch   Season 2, Ep 7

Ben follows his visions to a seedy hotel; Sabina airs her dirty laundry with Lila; Iris displays her strength to Norman; the troupe worries about Sofie.
posted by drezdn on Jun 7, 2015 - 1 comment

Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris  First Watch   Season 3, Ep 1

Jon is brought before Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, while the Night's Watch survivors retreat south. In King's Landing, Tyrion asks Tywin for his reward, Littlefinger offers Sansa a way out, and Cersei hosts a dinner for the royal family. Dany sails to Astapor, on Slaver's Bay. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jun 5, 2015 - 3 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA caught on corruption charges, the Thai love for Hitler  Season 2, Ep 15

This week: Cuba is removed from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism. Nebraska becomes the 19th US state to abolish the death penalty. Ireland votes to legalize gay marriage by a 2-to-1 margin. And Now: Newscasters Finding The Fact That They Don't Know Words Hilarious. (Watch for the THUG LIFE joke.) The main story: FIFA is revisited as issues with corruption have resulted in successful criminal prosecution against FIFA officials in the United States. YouTube. (13m) The indictment, which Oliver recommends you read due to being "amazing," is here. (164p PDF) And Now: Bernie Sanders Asks Interviewers Questions. And finally, we look at Adolf Hitler's bizarre cachet in Thailand, where his image is used as a general mascot and cultural signifier. Who would be better than Hitler? Rip Taylor, who appears in a segment stating his case. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 3, 2015 - 7 comments

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