770 posts tagged with hbo.
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mike Pence  Season 5, Ep 5

This week:
  • Trump fires Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
  • Putin wins reelection as President of Russia to no one's surprise, ensuring horrible threats, poisoned opponents and meddling in foreign elections for foreseeable future.
  • And Now: Local News Cannot Be Trusted With St. Patrick's Day
  • Main Story: Mike Pence, the hyper-fundamentalist, hyper-intolerant Vice President in the Trump Administration, and the one person in it Trump cannot fire. His opposition to gay rights is well known, but, as Oliver admits, he has a cute rabbit named "Marlon Bundo." Pence has a book out, A Day in the Life of the Vice President, about his rabbit. LWT is putting out another book, about a different rabbit named Marlon Bundo, A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo, where a boy rabbit falls in love with another boy rabbit. (See inside for more.)
The Mike Pence segment is on LWT's official YouTube channel. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Mar 19, 2018 - 15 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Cyptocurrencies  Season 5, Ep 4

This week:
  • President Trump suddenly agrees to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jung Un, reversing decades of precedent on a whim.
  • International Women's Day, "that one special day for half the population of Earth. Knock yourselves out, three-and-a-half billion people!" A roundup of disturbing and disgusting responses from across the media, finishing with Vladimir Putin.
  • And Now: An MSNBC Guest, Brought On To Discuss Gary Cohn's Departure, Can't Get Over The "Bachelor" Finale.
  • Main Story: Cryptocurrencies, "Everything you don't understand about money combined with everything you don't understand about computers." In a field fulled with ridiculous terms like HODL and LAMBO, LWT invited an inspirational speaker (Keegan Michael Key) to promote their new way of dealing with cryptocurrencies, responsibility: "Instead of being HODL, you have to be CRAEFUL!"
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Mar 11, 2018 - 16 comments

Deadwood: A Lie Agreed Upon: Part II  Season 2, Ep 2

Alma and an increasingly self-destructive Bullock face an abrupt decision on their future. At the Gem, while Swearengen readies for another showdown with Bullock, infighting between Silas Adams and Dan Dority yields more feed for Wu's pigs. Doc Cochran is surprised by Calamity Jane, who has returned to camp in a state of inebriated deterioration. [more inside]
posted by porpoise on Mar 10, 2018 - 0 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: NRA TV  Season 5, Ep 3

This week:
  • The Trump Administration, "which is truly like a circus in that nothing about it is funny, and I badly want it to end." It continues to hemmorage staffers, most recently Hope Hicks.
  • Jared Kushner loses his Top Secret clearance.
  • And Now: Would You Like To Be On The Maury Show?
  • Main story: NRA TV (YouTube), the little-known streaming service. LWT answers the question you now no doubt have: What the fuck is that? Oh, you are not prepared for this....
  • And Now: Proof That NRATV's Tone Can Make Anything Seem Scary. A LWT-produced bit: "She IS the oven's contemptible whore, and her name is MUFFINS."
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Mar 5, 2018 - 8 comments

Deadwood: A Lie Agreed Upon: Part I  Rewatch   Season 2, Ep 1

Tensions flare as the camp faces an uncertain future. Al Swearengen taunts Seth Bullock over his relationship with Alma Garret, and the resulting confrontation between sheriff and criminal turns violent. With a new business venture on the horizon, Joanie Stubbs and Cy Tolliver await the arrival of the next stagecoach, which also bears two important reminders of Bullock's past. [more inside]
posted by porpoise on Mar 3, 2018 - 0 comments

Deadwood: Season 1 (Full Season)  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 0

1876: Set six months after the founding of a gold mining camp called 'Deadwood' in South Dakota, shortly after Custer's "Last Stand." The show follows individuals who are drawn to this place for a variety of reasons - some of whom leave, some who stay, and some who come back. The eponymous town itself grows, both in population and in history and complexity. The stage was set, the characters introduced; the season ends with chaos, an outside threat, and a promise for more character- and character-relationship development next season. [more inside]
posted by porpoise on Mar 1, 2018 - 7 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Italian Elections  Season 5, Ep 2

John Oliver starts with a quick update over the (recently thrown) Bob Murray defamation suit, then moves to the recap of the week: Trump's terrible plan to stop school shootings and foreign dignitaries visiting India, including Justin Trudeau's visit where he visited like a cheap backup dancer for a Bollywood movie and Donald Jr trip to sell condos and manage to give the only wrong answer to a softball question, and finally, the main Story: Italy (21:11), who in a week are going to elect their 65th government in 70 years and are seeing a rise of far-left and neo-fascist violence, as well as fake news, choosing between a former failed centrist prime minister, a candidate from a party started by a comedian, a fascist Mary Poppins and Mr. Bunga Bunga. [more inside]
posted by lmfsilva on Feb 26, 2018 - 13 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Trump's Horrendous Foreign Policy  Season 5, Ep 1

This week....
  • The Parkland shooting.
  • Scandals around the world: South Africa, Australia, Israel
  • And Now: For Valentine's Day, Local News Presents Some Heart-Shaped Shit
  • Main Story: Trump Vs. The World, on Trump's terrible foreign policy, which has eroded US soft power around the world.
This is the first episode of Season Five of Last Week Tonight. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Feb 19, 2018 - 6 comments

2 Dope Queens: New York  Season 1, Ep 1

The first of 4 HBO specials from comedy duo, and Cocoa Khaleesis, Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson. Directed by Tig Notaro. Airs on HBO, Fridays at 11:30pm. [more inside]
posted by jojo and the benjamins on Feb 4, 2018 - 4 comments

The Deuce: My Name Is Ruby  Season 1, Ep 8

Vincent balks at getting in deeper with Rudy, as expansion fever hits Frankie and Bobby. Candy gets a taste of directing, and enjoys the red-carpet perks of a major premiere. Alston finds himself in limbo at his precinct. Abby changes up the Hi-Hat's clientele; Sandra faces editorial and legal hurdles; Barbara and Thunderthighs connect with the wrong sort of clients; Vincent settles a score. C.C. encourages Ace, a onetime pimp, to get back in the game.
posted by rhizome on Oct 30, 2017 - 9 comments

The Deuce: Au Reservoir  Season 1, Ep 7

The Deuce's pimps face obsolescence; Candy eyes a higher profile; Vincent confronts Abby's past. [more inside]
posted by rhizome on Oct 22, 2017 - 20 comments

The Deuce: Why Me?  Season 1, Ep 6

An end-of-the-year crackdown by police in and around The Deuce sparks Vincent and Bobby. Candy tries to persuade Harvey, her adult-film director, that she can do more than act. Rudy witnesses a pivotal lower-court ruling on obscenity, and enlists Frankie and Big Mike to protect his interests in the peeps. Alston tries to convince Sandra that he's not just a "source."
posted by rhizome on Oct 15, 2017 - 4 comments

The Deuce: What Kind of Bad?  Season 1, Ep 5

Both Candy and Paul push forward into their futures in spite of setbacks. Darlene takes a vacation and comes back with a friend. Sandra starts pursuing her connections, Vincent demurs on the cathouse, college life bores Abby, and Bobby is at a crossroads.
posted by rhizome on Oct 10, 2017 - 7 comments

The Deuce: I See Money  Season 1, Ep 4

Vincent and the mob continue getting complicated with each other, Candy has a variety of client experiences and considers other options, Paul gets a bit more involved, and so does Sandra. Larry's still a dick.
posted by rhizome on Oct 8, 2017 - 4 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Forensic Science  Season 4, Ep 25

  • Puerto Rico, where three million American citizens continue to deal with the destruction from Hurricane Maria, while President Trump and his administration both aggrandizes their efforts to help while demeaning them for needing help. The debacle comes at the end of a weak of failures by Trump and team. Trump also claims the Republicans' most recent attempt to ruin health care failed because a senator "was in the hospital." (No one was in the hospital.)
  • Trump's efforts to pass tax reform, or as he himself calls it a massive tax cut, which the Tax Policy Center has determined would actually raise middle class taxes and accrue most of the benefits to the top 1% of taxpayers. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin dismisses those concerns, predictably.
  • And Now: Guy Fieri Gives A Surprisingly Detailed Tour of His Favorite Place on Earth ("Flavortown.")
  • Main story: the use of forensic evidence in the solving of crimes. While jurors are conditioned by shows like CSI to expect conclusive proof to come from forensic evidence, the National Research Council has stated that many "forensic sciences" don't meet the basic requirements to be called "science." Last Week Tonight produced a short promo for the show "CSI: Crime Scene Idiot." YouTube (19m)
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 3, 2017 - 8 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Corporate Consolidation  Season 4, Ep 24

  • Donald Trump criticizes NFL players for taking the knee during the National Anthem to protest the treatment of black people by police in the US, because there is no issue of which he won't take the wrong side.
  • A couple of Trump administration officials came under fire for their use of costly private jet flights. Tom Price reportedly made 24 such flights at a combined cost to US taxpayers of $400,000. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, worth $300 million, made a request (later withdrawn) to use a government jet, along the way being snide to the entire state of Kentucky.
  • And Now: A Preview of Megyn Kelly's New Morning Show. (Quote from Megyn Kelly saying she hopes her show can be a "unifying force.")
  • And Now: A Look At The "Unifying Force" That Is Megyn Kelly. (A quick selection of clips of her time at Fox News being anything but.)
  • Main Story: Corporate consolidation. As we're reminded by clips from 34 politicians, "small businesses are the backbone of our economy." Despite rhetoric, the rate at which small businesses have been created has been falling since the 1970s, perhaps because large businesses have been getting larger and larger. YouTube (15m)
  • And Now: All of Jim Cramer's Sound Buttons, Replaced With Fart Noises
  • Finally, part two of the tale of the unreasonably large train set Last Week Tonight made for Scranton, PA channel WNEP's backyard train set. The station refused LWT's gift because it was just too dang big. (They had suspected it might be, but figured it'd just be more fun to build the thing anyway.) The train didn't go to waste however; it now lives in the Lackawanna County Electric City Trolley Station & Museum.
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 2, 2017 - 3 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Joe Arpiao  Season 4, Ep 23

Whew, what with hurricanes and stuff it's been a while! This episode is now a month old! Let's take a step back in time, to an age when we were, due to the aging effects of the Trump presidency, all several years younger:
  • Trump's busy week. First he met with Congressional leaders to hammer out a deal to raise the "debt ceiling." (Suprisingly, Trump sided with the Democrats, giving them additional leverage in December when the time comes to make the deal again, and infuriating Republicans.) Then Trump gave the floor to his daughter Ivanka, annoying the further hell out of the Republicans (fortunately, they have an ample supply of hell to spare). No one seems to know why Trump did either of those things.
  • Trump announces that he's ending Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), putting the fate of 800,000 undocumented immigrants in immediate jeopardy, then immediately spins and says Congress should really get off their butts and do something about this tragic circumstance he created. Trump on why he did it: "Either we have a country, or we don't have a country."
  • And Now: A Look At What the NFL Will, And Will Not, Tolerate (This relates to players taking the knee during the National Anthem. This was before Trump directly attacked players who did so, provoking a considerable backlash, with many more players joining the protest.)
  • Main story: the (then) recently pardoned former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his many horrible acts, his downfall, and why Trumps pardoning of him was an awful thing to do. YouTube (14m) Warning: segment includes footage of Arpaio painfully droning "My Way.")
  • And Now: Joe Arpaio Singing Another Song With No Sense of Irony Whatsoever (the theme from Fame, aka "I'm Gonna Live Forever")
  • Finally, Scranton, PA station WNEP mentioned Last Week Tonight's mentioning of them on the air for the strangely controversial backyard train set they run on-camera during the weather report. Prompted by this, LWT went and build a ridiculously large train set for them, to have. More on that in the next episode....
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 2, 2017 - 0 comments

The Deuce: Show and Prove  Season 1, Ep 2

The ladies of the Deuce enjoy lobster sauce, Candy falls in love with the silver screen, C.C. proves that pimping ain't easy, and Vincent gets an offer that he can't refuse.
posted by uncleozzy on Sep 26, 2017 - 16 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: North Korea  Season 4, Ep 21

  • Violence in Charlottesville, where a Neo-Nazi drove a car into a group of counter protesters, killing one and injuring several others, after which Donald Trump refuses to admit that Nazis are bad. Oliver: "David Duke and the Nazis really seem to like Donald Trump, which is weird because Nazis are a lot like cats. If they like you, it's probably because you're feeding them."
  • AND NOW: HIGHLIGHTS FROM ROBOCUP 2017, first without, and then vastly improved by Univision Deportes Commentator Luis Omar Tapia.
  • Main Story: North Korea, the most dangerous rogue nation in the world, and its leader Kim Jong Un, whom Donald Trump seems to be personally insulted by, resulting in a dangerous exchange a couple of weeks ago between the two thin-skinned madmen. Last Week Tonight put together a helpful package of information on the country, revealing such facts that the accordion is the country's national instrument, and that video of US television programming, most notably NCIS, is smuggled into North Korea on USB drives. At the end LWT presents a special number by "Weird Al" Yankovich asking North Korea not to nuke us. YouTube (27m) - Metafilter
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 19, 2017 - 8 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The US Border Patrol  Season 4, Ep 20

So, that week that just happened. What about it?
  • Another Trump dump. Now he's complained about the White House, insulted the state of New Hampshire, and his new Communications Director is an incredible asshole.
  • And Now: You Wish You Loved Anything As Much As Seattle Gardning Expert Ciscoe Morris Loves Everything.
  • Main story: The Border Patrol. They aren't from Immigration, and they're not customs officers. In fact, their function isn't to keep everyone out; one of their roles is to welcome migrants seeking asylum from Central America. An executive order from Trump directs the hiring of 5,000 more border agents, but it turns out it's not the first such hiring surge we've done, and the last one didn't go well. YouTube (20m). It's a tough and incredibly boring job, while their commercials make it seem exciting; LWT produced a new commercial for them to give viewers a more accurate impression of the position.
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 8, 2017 - 5 comments

Insecure: Real as F**K  Season 1, Ep 7

Everything comes to a head at the fundraiser. Daniel shows up, Issa and Molly argue about therapy, Lawrence becomes more suspicious.
posted by skewed on Aug 4, 2017 - 1 comment

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Alex Jones  Season 4, Ep 19

Okay, so there were these seven days, and during them, this happened:
  • President Trump announces--via Twitter--a blanket ban on transgender individuals serving in the US military. Oliver: "We may already be entering the Mad Libs portion of Trump's presidency, where he just persecutes groups at random."
  • The Republicans' efforts to repeal the ACA, aka Obamacare, failed on every level, as Senator John McCain, the deciding vote, voted NO in dramatic fashion.
  • Scaramucci's ascent to White House Press Secretary, an auspicious reign that will certainly last forever.
  • And Now: More Newscasters Desperately Trying Not To Say The Words "Suck My Own Cock"
  • Main story: Alex Jones, favorite talk host of Donald Trump and the "Walter Cronkite of shrieking batshit gorilla clowns," his show, and the vast array of merchandise, sold on his web storefront, that keeps it afloat, much of it medical supplements and other supplies ("nutri-ceuticals") of dubious benefit. Warning: contains images of the "perineal area." (shudder) YouTube (22m)
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 3, 2017 - 12 comments

Veep: Chicklet  Season 6, Ep 5

Having settled on a location for her presidential library, Selina and Mike get to work on her book. Meanwhile, Dan lands in a gossip column.
posted by aabbbiee on Aug 2, 2017 - 2 comments

Veep: Justice  Season 6, Ep 4

Selina and her team attend the funeral of a Supreme Court Justice. Amy works on securing a location for Selina's library. Dan tries to maintain his upswing with his co-host. Jonah finds an issue.
posted by aabbbiee on Aug 1, 2017 - 1 comment

Room 104: Ralphie  Season 1, Ep 1

A young woman comes to Room 104 to babysit Ralph, who has locked "Ralphie" in the bathroom. Content warning below the fold. [more inside]
posted by Etrigan on Jul 31, 2017 - 3 comments

Veep: Georgia  Season 6, Ep 3

Selina and her team travel to Georgia (the country, not the state) to oversee the country's first free election.
posted by aabbbiee on Jul 31, 2017 - 2 comments

Game of Thrones: The Queen's Justice  Books Included   Season 7, Ep 3

Euron teaches about crowd-work. Sam levels up in medical skill. Dany makes a deal. Tyrion broods.
posted by drezdn on Jul 31, 2017 - 96 comments

Game of Thrones: The Queen's Justice   Show Only   Season 7, Ep 3

Daenerys holds court. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jul 30, 2017 - 301 comments

Game of Thrones: Stormborn  Books Included   Season 7, Ep 2

Daenerys convenes the Rebel Alliance. Jon gets Captain James T. Kirk Syndrome. Iron Island ships meet in the night. Arya meets old friends.
posted by filthy light thief on Jul 24, 2017 - 86 comments

Game of Thrones: Stormborn  Show Only   Season 7, Ep 2

Daenerys receives an unexpected visitor. Jon faces a revolt. Tyrion plans the conquest of Westeros. Euron makes gets Cersei a gift. Arya faces a decision, as does Theon. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jul 23, 2017 - 343 comments

Game of Thrones: Dragonstone  Show Only   Season 7, Ep 1

SHOW ONLY THREAD. Jon Snow organizes the defense of the North. Cersei tries to even the odds. Samwell discovers crucial information. Daenerys comes home. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher on Jul 16, 2017 - 329 comments

Movie: Tour De Pharmacy

A mockumentary that chronicles the prevalence of doping in the world of professional cycling. [more inside]
posted by Huffy Puffy on Jul 10, 2017 - 8 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Sinclair Broadcast Group  Season 4, Ep 18

  • Trump's travel ban is partially-reinstated by the Supreme Court in anticipation of its upcoming full review to not affect refugees with a "credible claim of a bona-fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States," which Trump's State Department took the opportunity to define narrowly to immediate and a select few extended family members, not including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins or brothers or sisters-in-law. YouTube (5m partial)
  • And Now: CBS 2 Meteorologist John Elliott Engages in a Bit Too Much Self-Deprecation
  • Main Story: The dangers posed by Sinclair ownership of television stations filling local news reports with Fox News-style propaganda, including "must run" conservative pieces. LWT produced a short piece that Tribune stations that might be acquired by Sinclair could air to warn viewers about upcoming biased content that may appear there. YouTube (19m)
  • News that Rachel Maddow bought a wax figure of President Eisenhower from the closed Hall of Presidents and First Ladies in Gettysburg, Steven Colbert bought Zachary Taylor, Jon Steward bought Martin Van Buren, and LWT bought five President statues: Nixon, Clinton, Carter, Harrison and Warren G. Harding, that last one of which became the main character of a movie trailer LWT made, with Campbell Scott, Anna Kendrick, Michael McKean, James Cromwell and Laura Linney. YouTube (9m)
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jul 6, 2017 - 8 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Vaccines  Season 4, Ep 17

  • Murray Energy CEO Bob Murray, as promised, decided to sue Last Week Tonight for their coverage of them. DJWheezy managed to find a PDF of the actual complaint on The Daily Beast's website! (So you don't have to mess around with their annoying web interface.) Give that a read, if only for the mental image of Bob Murray claiming he's clinging to life and needs an oxygen tank to breathe.
  • In explaining that he actually has no tapes of his conversation with James Comey, President Trump embarks on a nonsensical digression about Obama and surveillance, leaving Oliver to ask "What the fuck was that?" And it wasn't even the end of the clip....
  • The Senate moves forward, but not yet to a vote, on their own version of ACA replacement, the "Better Care Reconciliation Act," which would drastically cut Medicaid.
  • And Now: The Ongoing Controversy Over WNEP 16 Scranton's Backyard Train, and later, Seriously: The People of Scranton Are Very Invested in WNEP 16's Backyard Train.
  • Main story: Vaccines, an amazing discovery that has reshaped the modern world for the better, and vaccine skeptcism, which seeks to destroy it. YouTube (27m)
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jul 2, 2017 - 3 comments

Silicon Valley: Server Error  Season 4, Ep 10

In the Season 4 finale, Richard's caught in a web of lies in a last-ditch attempt to save Pied Piper. Meanwhile, Jared plans his exit when he's worried about Richard's future; Jack tries to change the narrative; and Gavin plots his comeback.
posted by noneuclidean on Jun 26, 2017 - 21 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The US Coal Industry  Season 4, Ep 16

So recently you may have heard these things happening....
  • The mistrial in Bill Cosby's sexual assault case, the result of which prompted Cosby to exclaim Fat Albert's catchphrase "Hey hey hey!" while exiting the courtroom, further soiling all of our memories.
  • The incredibly unpopular AHCA Take Two, accompanied by a fitting graphic of the GOP logo with a blue skull superimposed with stars for eyes. Of the version passed by the House, Trump (who held a presentation where he celebrated its passing) was quoted as saying it was "mean," the irony entirely lost on him. Its very existence is causing problems in insurance markets, as companies decide if they want to pull out of the current markets or not.
  • And Now: Things People's Fathers Used To Say
  • Main Story: Coal, coal mining jobs, coal executives, coal mining companies, executives of coal companies, and Donald Trump's fixation on the mineral, discussed divorced of its (tremendous) ecological toll. Eventually the story comes around to involving a giant squirrel.... YouTube (24m)
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 21, 2017 - 12 comments

Silicon Valley: Hooli-con  Season 4, Ep 9

Erlich goes on a trip to get his mojo back while the guys head to Hooli-Con, where Jared faces a moral dilemma; Gilfoyle and Dinesh are distracted by Keenan; and Richard becomes obsessed with an ex's new beau.
posted by noneuclidean on Jun 19, 2017 - 11 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Theresa May's Election Disaster and Brexit  Season 4, Ep 15

Last week....
  • A new installment of Stupid Watergate. James Comey tells Congress under oath that he had no doubt he was fired because of the Russia investigation, which everyone knew anyway but still sent shockwaves, and that wasn't the end of it.
  • And Now: There Is No Group Of People More Easily Amazed Than The Audience Of "America's Got Talent."
  • Main story: The continuing negotiations of the UK over Brexit, and the harm done to them by Prime Minister Theresa May's ill-considered snap election which lost her a lot of seats. YouTube (19m)
In the UK, much like from the classic Monty Python sketch Election Night Special, it's traditional for all the candidates to appear on stage together when results are announced, no matter how many votes they received, meaning Theresa May had to appear on stage with Elmo (three votes), Howling Lord Hope of the Monster Raving Looney Party (119 votes) and "Lord Buckethead" (249 votes), an "intergalactic space lord." The esteemed personage was flown in by LWT to New York to appear on the show, an event which he comemmorated on Twitter. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 14, 2017 - 6 comments

Silicon Valley: The Keenan Vortex  Season 4, Ep 8

Richard ponders a deal with the tech world's latest "it" boy; Jack faces setbacks.
posted by noneuclidean on Jun 12, 2017 - 11 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Paris Climate Agreement  Season 4, Ep 14

  • Terrorist attacks in London killed 7 and injured more. The American news media is full of stories of London "reeling" and "under siege." Londoners take issue with that description, continue drinking beer and carrying on.
  • Vladimir Putin is in many places, from clips to an Oliver Stone series of interview on him to interviewing former Fox host Megyn Kelly, where he admited Russian citizens may have interfered with the US election, while Trump's administraion looks into returning Russian compounds on US soil known to have been used for spying.
  • And Now: 60 Minutes Anchors Are Still Prompting People To Give Them The Exact Soundbites They Need.
  • Main story: Trump announces that he is pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement, a decision with possibly disasterous consequences. YouTube (21m)
  • And Now: Still More 60 Minutes Anchors Prompting People To Give Them The Exact Soundbites They Need.
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jun 7, 2017 - 5 comments

Silicon Valley: The Patent Troll  Season 4, Ep 7

Richard decides to stand up to a patent troll, but his defiance comes back to haunt him; Gilfoyle goes to extremes to battle Jian-Yang's new smart fridge; Jared embraces multiple identities in an effort to reduce costs; Erlich mixes with a group of alpha males.
posted by noneuclidean on Jun 5, 2017 - 13 comments

The Leftovers: The Book of Nora  Season 3, Ep 8

Nothing is answered. Everything is answered. And then it ends. Series finale.
posted by JimBennett on Jun 4, 2017 - 40 comments

Silicon Valley: Customer Service  Season 4, Ep 6

Erlich searches for relevance, Richard strikes a deal with acquaintances from the past and present, and Guilfoyle and Dinesh find a bug in their software.
posted by rhizome on May 29, 2017 - 5 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Stupid Watergate  Season 4, Ep 13

It's a very special episode of Last Week Tonight that, for once, actually focuses on the previous week's events, as the Trump Administration continues to be mired in scandal. John Oliver takes a stab at answering these questions:
  • What The Fuck Is Going On?
  • How Big A Deal Is This?
  • Where Do We Go From Here? and
  • Is This Real Life?
YouTube (24m) In addition to answering those questions, there is And Now: Yet Another Look At Whatever The Fuck Is Happening On WCBS 2 News At 11, and a severely abbreviated Main Story concerning the TSA. (More on that last part....) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 24, 2017 - 9 comments

The Leftovers: Certified  Season 3, Ep 6

Laurie Garvey, a former therapist, must become one again as she heads to Australia to help Nora and Kevin along their paths.
posted by LizBoBiz on May 23, 2017 - 6 comments

Silicon Valley: The Blood Boy  Season 4, Ep 5

Richard's latest partnership begins to crumble when he has to deal with an unexpected interloper. Meanwhile, Dinesh looks for a way out of his new relationship; and Monica faces a business dilemma after learning of surprising developments at Raviga.
posted by noneuclidean on May 22, 2017 - 13 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dialysis Clinics  Season 4, Ep 12

New events worthy of mention:
  • Trump again. The fallout from his firing of FBI Director James Comey, and the many problematic things about it.
  • Congressfolk's continued denial over the situation mentioned above as every functioning adult in the nation gets steadily angrier about their refusal to do anything about it. "When you've got the Presidential equivalent of a five-year-old shitting on the salad bar at Ruby Tuesdays, at some point you stop blaming the five-year-old and you start blaming the people who are not stopping him."
  • Back to New Zealand's ruling National Party's appropriation of Eminem music. New Zealand PM Bill English heard about Last Week's Last Week Tonight mention of the court case and said, "some of the stuff I've seen he does isn't very funny." LWT, in retaliation, found an actual Facebook post Bill English made, with pictures: "Cooked dinner for the family last night - like if you agree with tinned spaghetti on pizza!"
  • And Now: A Series of Terrible Pizzas That New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English Would Probably Enjoy
  • Main Story: Kidney dialysis clinics, particularly those operated by DaVita, and the dangerous extents many go through to save costs, like rushing patients through dialysis, and the deeply terrible methods some employ to keep customers using their services and not seek out life-saving transplants. DaVita has had to settle nearly a billion dollars to settle lawsuits over the past five years, while their CEO compares his business (willingly!) to Taco Bell. LWT offers a commercial for Taco Bell stating how it's not a proper business model for dialysis clinics. YouTube (24m)
[more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 17, 2017 - 15 comments

Movie: Chris Gethard: Career Suicide

A filmed version of Chris Gethard's one man comedy show about suicide, depression, alcoholism, and all the other funniest parts of life. [more inside]
posted by dnash on May 16, 2017 - 1 comment

The Leftovers: It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World  Season 3, Ep 5

Convinced it is Kevin's destiny to be in Miracle for the coming seventh anniversary of the Departure, Matt Jamison impulsively heads to Australia in an effort to bring Kevin home. [more inside]
posted by LizBoBiz on May 15, 2017 - 14 comments

Silicon Valley: Teambuilding Exercise  Season 4, Ep 4

Jared worries about Richard when he reaches out to an unlikely ally; Gilfoyle gets serious about security after Dinesh's latest dalliance; Erlich grows concerned about Jian-Yang's commitment to his app.
posted by noneuclidean on May 15, 2017 - 13 comments

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