4 posts tagged with mascot.
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Movie: Hundreds of Beavers

A drunken applejack salesman must go from zero to hero and become North America's greatest fur trapper by defeating hundreds of beavers. [more inside]
posted by haplesschild on Apr 22, 2024 - 14 comments

BoJack Horseman: Feel-good Story  Season 6, Ep 3

Girl Croosh sends Diane on the road with rugged cameraman Guy and her video segments are climbing the social metrics ladder, but she balks when they ask her to produce more feel-good stories. "What an exciting, empowering time for you!"
posted by filthy light thief on Oct 30, 2019 - 5 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Muller Report & Chiitan  Season 6, Ep 9

There are two topics covered at roughly equal length this week. The first is the long-awaited release of the Mueller Report, the contents of which reveal things that are entirely insane. On YouTube (15m). The other, almost as insane, is the story of Chiitan (TWITTER), an unofficial mascot for the Japanese city of Susaki. The behavior of Chiitan, a cartoon otter with a turtle on its head, was random, bizarre and violent, and so was asked to stop, by the city Susaki, associating with its official mascot, Shinjo-Kun (INSTAGRAM). But where some ways part, others join, so LWT sent one of their own mascots, Chii-john, a cute otter version of John Oliver, to Susaki to be Shinjo-Kun's new friend.
posted by JHarris on Apr 22, 2019 - 7 comments

Podcast: 99% Invisible: 151- La Mascotte

The idea of the mascot came to America by way of a popular French opera from the 1880s called La Mascotte. [more inside]
posted by gladly on Feb 9, 2015 - 4 comments

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