5 posts tagged with shorts by JHarris.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.

Special Event: The Mads Are Back: Night Of Shorts 16

The Mads have been doing this for four years now, and the show begins with a roll of wellwishers! The before-show, and after-show Q&A, have special guests Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett, Mary Jo Pehl and Felicia Day! The shorts this time out seem to all be from Coronet Films: How QUIET Helps a School (1953), Boy and Girl of BRITIAN (1976), CITY PETS: Fun and Reponsibility (1953), Rumpelstiltskin (1949) and Understanding Your Ideals (1950). The riffing premiered just two days ago, July 9, 2024.
posted by JHarris on Jul 11, 2024 - 1 comment

Special Event: The Mads: The Manster

The Man does The Madster, uh, the Mads do The Manster in a riff from just a few days ago on June 11, 2024. An American journalist in Japan is given an injection by a mad scientist that causes him to develop an extra eye... that develops into an extra head... that eventually develops into an entirely separate person, and he's EEEEVIL. But Master Manster couldn't past muster even as a Munster mister.
posted by JHarris on Jun 20, 2024 - 0 comments

Special Event: The Mads: Night of Shorts 7

Tonight on MST Club.... The Mads Are Back's Night of Shorts 7 was on sale recently, so I took the opportunity to purchase a copy. The five shorts shown are mostly from the late 40s and early 50s. The initial stream was on April 12, 2022. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Mar 28, 2024 - 1 comment

Special Event: Mystery Fandom Theater 3000: Shorts

The last episode the fans made of Mystery Fandom Theater was a collection of shorts. We'll watch it tonight, if you want to join us! I'm not sure yet what we'll show next week, but there's a couple of other fan-made riffing productions that we're looking into.
posted by JHarris on Jan 25, 2024 - 1 comment

Mystery Science Theater 3000: THE UNEARTHLY  Season 3, Ep 20

"Lured! to the house of monsters." "Guaranteed to FRIGHTEN!" John Carradine is a mad scientist convinced he has the key to eternal life, namely a gland transplant. It turns his test subjects into mutants, but you know what they say about omelets and eggs, right? With shorts Posture Pals and Appreciating Our Parents. The first short has kids learning about posture in school and bying to become Posture Royalty. The second is an oppressive piece devoted to killing any joy and spontaneity a kid might have in the name of parental obedience. The movie's kind of a slog (even though it contains our first exposure to Tor Johnson!), but the shorts are both iconic, and the host segments are pretty good. YouTube (1h37m) Premiered December 14, 1991. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Sep 2, 2015 - 4 comments

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