3 posts tagged with taxidermy.
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Book: Furiously Happy

In Furiously Happy, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jenny Lawson explores her lifelong battle with mental illness. A hysterical, ridiculous book about crippling depression and anxiety? That sounds like a terrible idea. But terrible ideas are what Jenny does best. As Jenny says: "Some people might think that being 'furiously happy' is just an excuse to be stupid and irresponsible and invite a herd of kangaroos over to your house without telling your husband first because you suspect he would say no since he's never particularly liked kangaroos ... [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on May 28, 2019 - 2 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #40 The Flower Child

Ripoff Report is one of the original complaint websites. It's basically the work of one person, a man whom the internet describes as a kind of mythical villain, a Keyser Söze who wields power from behind his janky website. Reply All producer Sruthi Pinnamaneni visits his bunker. [more inside]
posted by lunch on Sep 24, 2015 - 14 comments

The Blacklist: The Mombasa Cartel (No. 114)  Season 2, Ep 6

Red shows his soft spot for animals when he tells Liz about the Mombasa Cartel, an international exotic wildlife poaching ring. Ressler encounters trouble when investigating the murders of some of their operatives in Alaska. Appropriately for Halloween, there is a guest appearance by Carel Struycken. [more inside]
posted by Small Dollar on Oct 28, 2014 - 7 comments

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