2 posts tagged with wolfofwallstreet.
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Movie: The Wolf of Wall Street

In 1987, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) takes an entry-level job at a Wall Street brokerage firm. By the early 1990s, while still in his 20s, Belfort founds his own firm, Stratton Oakmont. Together with his trusted lieutenant (Jonah Hill) and a merry band of brokers, Belfort makes a huge fortune by defrauding wealthy investors out of millions. However, while Belfort and his cronies partake in a hedonistic brew of sex, drugs and thrills, the SEC and the FBI close in on his empire of excess. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on Sep 23, 2022 - 16 comments

Steven Universe: Letters to Lars  Season 5, Ep 16

Still in space, trying to get his ship repaired, Lars get a letter from Steven about the latest happenings in Beach City. Bill Dewey is directionless. [more inside]
posted by numaner on Mar 28, 2018 - 9 comments

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