299 posts tagged with scienceFiction and startrek.
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Movie: Star Trek: Section 31
Philippa Georgiou, enlisted by the nefarious organization Section 31, is confronted by fallout from her past evil deeds. [more inside]
The Next Voyage
There's been some talk of another Trek series rewatch now that our Voyager rewatch is wrapping up. So, as we did before, let's hash out some deets! [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Endgame Rewatch Season 7, Ep 25
[Series finale] As our starship and its crew near the end of their voyage, we're at the end of the season, the series, and our rewatch. And, at the end of it all... a plate of beans the size of the Delta Quadrant. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Renaissance Man Rewatch Season 7, Ep 24
When Janeway is kidnapped, Voyager's holographic Doctor must truly be all that he can be. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Homestead Rewatch Season 7, Ep 23
AKA "Vulcans Don't Dance" [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Natural Law Rewatch Season 7, Ep 22
Chakotay and Seven crash-land Voyager's 8,347th shuttle within the lands of a primitive tribe. Meanwhile, Tom Paris is a soul in tension that's learning to fly, condition grounded but determined to try. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Friendship One Rewatch Season 7, Ep 21
Lt. Carey, personal log, stardate 54775.4. I'm about to beam down to an alien planet on a mission from Starfleet, looking for remnants of a famous 21st-century Earth probe. This is my first away mission in over six years, which is kind of weird, given Voyager's tiny crew. Ah well, it's probably not any kind of omen of misfortune. Starfleet history, here I come! [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Author, Author Rewatch Season 7, Ep 20
The Doctor writes a roman à clef holonovel about being a hologram doctor aboard a starship stranded thousands of light years from home. What could possibly go wrong? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Q2 Rewatch Season 7, Ep 19
Facing his son's banishment from the Q Continuum, Q leaves him on Voyager in the hopes that he will gain self-discipline. Yeah, good luck with that, Aunt Kathy. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Human Error Rewatch Season 7, Ep 18
While simulating a relationship with Chakotay on the holodeck, Seven begins to learn that making mistakes is a part of life's imperfection. Is it so wrong to be human after all? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Workforce, Parts I and II Rewatch Season 7, Ep 16
[two-part episode] Most of the crew of Voyager is kidnapped and brainwashed into joining the labor force of an alien planet, where they are repeatedly re-indoctrinated into forgetting their previous lives. But, hey, the benefits are great. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: The Void Rewatch Season 7, Ep 15
Voyager is trapped in a pocket of space from which escape seems impossible. And when the crew gazes long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into them. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Prophecy Rewatch Season 7, Ep 14
Voyager becomes a battleground for the descendants of a group of Klingon zealots, some of whom believe that B'Elanna Torres's child is their savior. Kept waiting for three of them to show up with gold, frankincense, and gagh. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Repentance Rewatch Season 7, Ep 13
There was me, that is Iko, and my convict droogs, rescued from our prison transport by a Human ship captained by quite the hardened devotchka. But soon, I viddied a holographic doctor putting some manner of Borg technology in me gulliver. You can imagine the surprise, O my brothers and only friends, when I found that all me desire for tolchocking and the like had vanished. I was cured all right… but doomed nonetheless to snuff it. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Lineage Rewatch Season 7, Ep 12
Torres discovers that she is pregnant, and faces a private fear that she has had to deal with since her childhood. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Shattered Rewatch Season 7, Ep 11
Chakotay must travel between different timeframes to prevent yesterday's enemies from destroying Voyager, which has been temporally shattered. Sha-doo-bay [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Flesh and Blood Rewatch Season 7, Ep 9
[Feature-length episode] Voyager answers a distress call from a Hirogen outpost – only to find carnage caused by holographic technology that Captain Janeway has given them. Who will be first up against the wall in the holorevolution? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Nightingale Rewatch Season 7, Ep 8
Harry Kim gets his first command, an alien ship with a mysterious purpose. And no, it's not to harvest his genetic material or make a deuterium duplicate of him or exploit him for space terrorism purposes… [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Body and Soul Rewatch Season 7, Ep 7
When the Delta Flyer II is attacked, The Doctor must hide his program in Seven's Borg implants. Meanwhile, Tuvok undergoes the pon farr. Can the away team escape the Vortex of Unsatisfied Crushes? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Inside Man Rewatch Season 7, Ep 6
A holographic version of Lt. Barclay is transmitted to Voyager from the Alpha Quadrant with an ambitious plan to get the ship home. Beware holograms bearing gifts… [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Critical Care Rewatch Season 7, Ep 5
The Doctor's program is taken from Voyager, and he is put to work on a vast hospital ship, where the twisted medical system is based on social status, rather than medical condition. (Please note: this is not a time travel episode.) [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Repression Rewatch Season 7, Ep 4
On the starship Voyager, assaults against former Maquis are considered especially troubling. The dedicated detective who investigates these vicious felonies is security officer Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. This is his story. *DUNK DUNK* [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Drive Rewatch Season 7, Ep 3
Tom Paris enters the new Delta Flyer in an interstellar starship race. When B'Elanna becomes his copilot, will they drive... each other crazy? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Imperfection Rewatch Season 7, Ep 2
We are the ex-Borg. We are here to talk to you today about organ donation. Your biological and technological distinctiveness could help save a life. Resistance is selfish. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Unimatrix Zero, Part II Rewatch Season 7, Ep 1
[Season premiere; part 2 of 2] Assimilated by the Borg, Janeway, Torres, and Tuvok plot to release a virus into the Borg Collective which will allow members of Unimatrix Zero to retain their individuality in the real world and resist the Borg Queen. Is resistance futile? Thus begins the last season... [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Unimatrix Zero Rewatch Season 6, Ep 26
[Season finale; part 1 of 2] Seven discovers a virtual reality realm inhabited by drones escaping the torment of their real lives. And they call it…THE OASIS [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: The Haunting of Deck Twelve Rewatch Season 6, Ep 25
While the USS Voyager is without power for several hours, Neelix tells the children a ghost story of the events that lead up to it… or is it more than just a story? This is really going to be scary... I'm not kidding you this time! [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Life Line Rewatch Season 6, Ep 24
The Doctor makes a house call to the Alpha Quadrant when he learns that his programmer, Lewis Zimmerman, has a tragic and inoperable case of terminal baldness. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Fury Rewatch Season 6, Ep 23
Kes returns, seeking revenge on both Voyager and Janeway. (Because that is totally a thing that Kes would do, right?) [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Muse Rewatch Season 6, Ep 22
On a primitive planet inhabited by warlike humanoids with a robust theater tradition, Torres is bitten by the acting bug, and there's no hypospray for that. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Live Fast and Prosper Rewatch Season 6, Ep 21
A trio of con artists impersonate Captain Janeway, Tuvok, and Chakotay to try to scam money and resources out of unsuspecting victims. But the crew has a sting of their own, if only they can keep their eye on the tera nut... [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Good Shepherd Rewatch Season 6, Ep 20
Three low-ranking crew members' underwhelming job performance attracts the attention of Captain Janeway. Blessed is she for shepherding the weak through the valley of darkness!… [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Child's Play Rewatch Season 6, Ep 19
Icheb's return to his home planet after his abduction by the Borg is difficult for Seven to bear when her awakening parental instincts make her suspicious of his parents. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Ashes to Ashes Rewatch Season 6, Ep 18
Harry and his crewmates encounter an unfamiliar face on a familiar name: Ensign Lyndsay Ballard. (Well, okay, familiar to THEM.) [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Folk Rewatch Season 6, Ep 17
The characters in the Fair Haven holoprogram begin to suspect the Voyager crew after they witness several "supernatural" occurrences. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Collective Rewatch Season 6, Ep 16
♫ When your cube looks kind of weird and you wish that you weren't there / Just disable your ocular scanning graft and you can be anywhere / I like diagnostics! / I like romance! / I like astrophysics! / I like non-leather pants! ♫ [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Tsunkatse Rewatch Season 6, Ep 15
"When America's smackdown hero takes on Voyager's battlestar babe, worlds will collide!" Are you not entertained? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Memorial Rewatch Season 6, Ep 14
From Burbank Studios, it's the Colgate Toothpaste Nakan Massacre Hour! This week's special guests: the crew of the starship Voyager! [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Virtuoso Rewatch Season 6, Ep 13
Solo amore/ Quando fuggeva lontano/ Speri invano ma non torni più./ Speri invano ma non torna più. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Blink of an Eye Rewatch Season 6, Ep 12
Attention! The Prefect of Audiovisual Programming has decreed that the latest iteration of The Skyship Chronicles must be fit for retransmission in random sequence; therefore, heavily-serialized plotlines are officially forbidden. And it will have not one, not two, but FIVE cute kids. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Fair Haven Rewatch Season 6, Ep 11
[stuck between Trekkifying an old Irish joke and filking "Fairytale of New York"] OK, the crew goes to a stereotypical Irish village on the holodeck, and it starts raining, and there's this guy who's just standing out in the rain, and Tuvok goes, "Illogical." The pub owner says, "Don't mind him, he's Paddy O'Furniture." OK, so I went with the joke, sue me. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Pathfinder Rewatch Season 6, Ep 10
"I'll hold the beast off!" Seoni cried as she stepped up to the dragon, her staff flaring with defensive fire. Merisiel looked to the hulking… uh, hang on [shuffles index cards] combat maneuver defense? Um, these must be for a different— wait, since when do I even use index cards? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: The Voyager Conspiracy Rewatch Season 6, Ep 9
Tricobalt explosives can't destroy tetryon reactors--CARETAKER WAS AN INSIDE JOB [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: One Small Step Rewatch Season 6, Ep 8
My god… It's full of space garbage… [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Dragon's Teeth Rewatch Season 6, Ep 7
Voyager has one of its strangest encounters yet when it comes across a human serviette wearing a tam o' shanter--wait [peers at index card] sorry, I thought that it said "Nardwuar"--why the heck am I still using index cards in the twenty-first century, anyway? We're getting warp drive in a few decades! [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Riddles Rewatch Season 6, Ep 6
What has he got in his Vulcan brainses? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Alice Rewatch Season 6, Ep 5
We all float down here, Harry!--uh, wait [shuffles index cards] all work and no play makes Kathryn a dull girl--no, that's not right [shuffles them some more] the man in black fled across the quadrant, and the starship followed--damnit [starts looking through them one by one] ah, here we go... [looks up] do we have a "Larry Gene Blanton" here? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy Rewatch Season 6, Ep 4
Do holograms dream of electric women? [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Barge of the Dead Rewatch Season 6, Ep 3
"What's the hold-up, First Mate?" "Well, captain, we seem to have run aground on... a giant clot." "What the--" "Well, it is a river of blood, sir." [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Survival Instinct Rewatch Season 6, Ep 2
"Hey, Seven of Nine! Long time no see! This is gonna be a great opportunity for us to reconnect." [more inside]