My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 457: Wake Up and Smell The Future, It’s Time For Beanjuice
April 30, 2019 7:05 AM - Subscribe

Wake Up and Smell The Future, It's Time For Beanjuice™! Grind up the day! Here is Beanjuice™. It is an exciting opportunity: A contest, maybe! But one thing's for sure: High-end luxury, and youth, and it's not the stuff that's left over in a can of beans, so please stop telling people that. Suggested talking points: Beanjuice™, Amateur Panera Bread Server, Jerry Seinfeld: Latency-free Gamer, Off to See the Lizard, Rob Lowe's Murderglobes, Accidental Butt Smack
posted by Tevin (10 comments total)

Y'all need to listen to the Blank Check Podcast if you don't already.
posted by Tevin at 8:00 AM on April 30, 2019 [1 favorite]

He fit in so perfectly well, it really was like he had been silently there all along.
posted by meese at 9:07 AM on April 30, 2019 [5 favorites]

I feel like there is a recent move away from even the thin veneer of advice podcast they usually have, and I’m enjoying their experiments.
posted by tchemgrrl at 10:19 AM on May 1, 2019

I dunno, this is the first episode that really felt like 75% marketing, 25% organic comedy to me. The entire intro goof is just the moneyzone but as content, and they are perhaps too close to Jimmy Buffett to just straight up read some ad copy for a product of his for it to not feel like also advertising, in a way.

I also feel that shift in direction, and I also have been liking it, but I did not like this one as much. I have a thin skin for things that sound like ads but try and hide it, and this one was prickly.

And in all of this, I totally get it, they all are in a position where leveraging their brand for money is like actually important, they have kids and stuff, but it's not the direction I want the art to go. Capitalism sucks.
posted by neonrev at 6:51 PM on May 2, 2019 [1 favorite]

there is nothing the brothers have ever done that makes me think "oh, they wanted to sell some mugs so they made up this bit." to me, it's clearly: "oh, they had an idea for a bit, and if they DIDN'T sell mugs people would just scream at them to do so."
posted by JimBennett at 7:46 PM on May 2, 2019 [1 favorite]

To me it screams, the brothers were trying to come up with an idea for the opening sketch, and one of them (probably Travis) said "well, there are those new mugs we're selling..." and then the others got a kick out of the idea that their stupid beanjuice mugs were a huge financial venture they needed to support.
posted by meese at 7:54 AM on May 3, 2019 [2 favorites]

I thought the mug bit was hilariously funny until I realized it was real, and then I kind of frowned a little. I think because it reminded me a lot of the old "help we signed up to shill for Powerade and now we're trapped in their factory" bit and I liked that, and then when I realized it was real it was as if they were actually selling Powerade in that bit.
posted by bleep at 9:34 PM on May 3, 2019 [1 favorite]

Were they really shilling for Powerade? (For that matter, was the Totino's episode really truly sponsored by Totino's?)
posted by ardgedee at 2:25 PM on May 5, 2019

I thought the Totino's one was real but they were upfront about it. The Powerade one wasn't real.
posted by bleep at 3:34 PM on May 5, 2019

Yeah, the Totinos one, and the ASMR mattress one (Casper mattresses?) were both real.
posted by meese at 6:48 PM on May 5, 2019 [1 favorite]

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