Nashville: Unguarded Moments
November 19, 2015 11:47 AM - Season 4, Episode 8 - Subscribe

Avery tries to make his music more "commercial." Scarlett and Gunnar deal with adversity during a set. Will focuses on writing.
posted by drezdn (6 comments total)
I like new confident Scarlett when she's performing! They made that song really cute with the cell phone lighting improv.

I also like Will's storyline and his nerves at the Bluebird, but man was that song treacly (and the soft-focus Avery-flashbacks of Juliette were way too cheezy. C'mon, Nashville. Have a little faith in your viewers that they'll understand why Avery shed the Single Tear of Manpain at the end of that song.)

I am still reluctantly liking Luke Wheeler and his difficulties in trying to suddenly be a good dad and a good businessman.

And finally, I think it's telling that I honestly hadn't remembered that Maddie's hair was brown and thus her blonde dyejob was supposed to be shocking--in other words, she's having pretty much the tamest teenage rebellion ever and being a total pill about it and I'm torn between thinking that it's a realistic depiction of a 16 year-old and wishing that she would just be "grounded" out of the storyline for a while.
posted by TwoStride at 1:47 PM on November 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

Really enjoyed The Exes acoustic number, but was a bit annoyed by the lead up to it.
posted by drezdn at 6:51 AM on November 20, 2015

Ha! I also didn't notice that much of a change in Maddie's hair. Yes, we get it, you're a pill. Congratulations.

I'm a bit confused about where they're going with Will now with the whole songwriting thing; didn't he already decide he wanted to be singing his own songs instead of selling them to the Luke Wheelers (or Averies) of the world?

I am not looking forward to the inevitable Deacon/Marcus clash. Instead, I am preparing myself for Juliette's triumphant return (which I expect to be glorious, so I will almost certainly be disappointed).
posted by pitrified at 7:38 AM on November 20, 2015 [1 favorite]

didn't he already decide he wanted to be singing his own songs instead of selling them to the Luke Wheelers (or Averies) of the world?. He wants to be singing, but all of his previous songs had been co-written or written by someone else entirely, so he's scared of being truly solo in the venture, I'm guessing.
posted by TwoStride at 4:20 PM on November 20, 2015

but was a bit annoyed by the lead up to it.
And yes, I'm tired of Gunnar and his increasingly-awful hair.
posted by TwoStride at 4:20 PM on November 20, 2015 [1 favorite]

I liked Gunnar showing some backbone for a change, and getting both the respect of his partner and what must have been some pretty good make up sex out of the bargain.
I wish they'd let Will be less of a victim. And wouldn't keep Deacon cycling back to his old irrationality.
Ah, Nashville, you could be a good show (again) if they just toned down the stupid.
posted by signal at 12:59 PM on November 21, 2015 [1 favorite]

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