The 100: Join or Die
May 1, 2016 9:46 PM - Season 3, Episode 13 - Subscribe

Clarke and the other kids look for Luna, while Kane finds that the situation in Polis is not at all what he expected. In a flashback, we see Pike teaching the 100 prisoners survival skills on the Ark before they are sent to the ground.

Kane arrives in Polis to find most of the people already chipped, and the ones that have refused it are being tortured and crucified in the streets. He refuses the chip again, even when Abby comes to him and he realizes Abby has taken it. Abby has him crucified, because of course that will work. But Jaha repeats his trick with Kane that worked so well on Abby -- although this time he threatens Abby's life to get Kane to take the chip. And Kane takes it.

Clarke and the others follow Lincoln's map to what appears to be an abandoned shoreline, and realize they have to light a signal fire to call to Luna. Clarke tells Bellamy he has to learn to forgive himself even if Octavia won't forgive him. (Which I think is bullshit because Bellamy is all too willing to forgive himself -- what he needs to do is actually acknowledge his wrongdoing and try to make amends, instead of continuing to justify himself.)

Murphy, Pike, Indra, and sundry other Grounders are in a dungeon at Polis because they have rejected the chip. (I don't see why it isn't possible to force them to swallow it the way I get my dog to take a pill... perhaps it doesn't work if it's not willing?) Indra starts torturing Pike as payback for all the people he killed, but Murphy convinces her that they will all need to work together to beat Jaha and ALIE.

The flashback gives Pike some more depth of characterization than we have seen to date: he is tasked with teaching the kids "Earth skills" without telling them why, and in the end all he can do is beat up Murphy in the classroom, which inspires the other kids to team up on him to defend Murphy.

Luna's people show up and make Clarke and the others drink a potion that knocks them unconscious. It turns out that Luna lives on an abandoned oil rig in the middle of the ocean. And when Clarke makes her appeal, Luna rejects the Commander's Flame. Woops. Now what?
posted by suelac (11 comments total)
Now what?
Honest to god, if I didn't have so many feelings about Clarke (and to a lesser extent Raven), I just wouldn't care anymore what happens next to any of them. When did this show become Game of Thrones for Teens? Ugh. I know they established Ontari as unstable and violent, but crucifixions? Really? And if I have to hear one more person rag on Clarke about what she did at the Mountain I will tear my hair out. Could someone please bitch slap Jasper and kick Bellamy in the balls the next time they give her shit? Cause as I recall the Mountain Men were using Grounders and Sky People as their personal plasma parfaits and sucking out all their bone marrow without a hint of remorse. They should be throwing parties and marching in parades for Wanheda, not trying to make her feel guilty for annihilating their worst enemy. Granted, there were "innocent" people in the mountain -- except, no. No. no. Except for the children, the Mountain people knew their survival depended on the brutal death of truly innocent people and fuck them. Sorry Maya.

Also, Luna is not Lexa's identical twin so am infinitely less interested in her. Yep, I am still bitter about Lexa's useless death, how did you guess?!?
posted by pjsky at 7:16 AM on May 2, 2016

Also, Luna is not Lexa's identical twin so am infinitely less interested in her. Yep, I am still bitter about Lexa's useless death, how did you guess?!?

I was really hoping for this, until I realized that it was a distinct impossibility since Lexa was in part, killed off, because the actress was going to another show.

I wasn't shocked at the crucifixions, if only, given the Grounder society we've encountered, it wouldn't be shocking that the only element of Christianity to survive was the idea of nailing someone to a cross, "Hey, apparently it was a popular thing in the past, look at all these pictures and models lying around!" As soon as Abbie showed up at Polis, I knew that Kane was a goner. I was really hoping he'd be smart enough to ask her about her husband or what not, make her self aware of her loss, as with Raven...but naw. At the least, we didn't have to watch Abbie self-mutilate or something to convince Kane to take the key.

Murphy and Pike, that could potentially be a good buddy cop setup. I assume that Indra will get him in eventually, though.

As I was watching the opening credits, they flashed the oil rig, but now I can't remember if that's been there the entire time or was added for this episode? It's kind of fun that Luna has a personal vow never to kill anyone ever again, but apparently has the apocalyptic future version of Seal Team 6 working for her.

This was a decent setup for next week's season finale, which presumably will end up with ALIE 1 going down, but in proper 100 fashion, there's going to be a lot of death and sacrifice involved. Will they kill off any of our other major characters?
posted by Atreides at 7:49 AM on May 2, 2016

it wouldn't be shocking that the only element of Christianity to survive was the idea of nailing someone to a cross
Except there has been no other mention of any old religions whatsoever in Grounder culture, so why would crucifixions still be a thing? The only religion among the Grounders seems to be the Commander myth and the Infinity symbol. I think the crucifixions are a rip off of GOT and done purely for shock value. OR ... Maybe it is an Ice Nation thing? We know they are more brutal than the average Grounder, but we've never seen their towns.... IDK, I just found it a bit over the top and without merit.
posted by pjsky at 11:27 AM on May 2, 2016

I feel like this show has become a retirement home for the writers of 24.
posted by srboisvert at 12:03 PM on May 2, 2016 [1 favorite]

Except there has been no other mention of any old religions whatsoever in Grounder culture, so why would crucifixions still be a thing?

That's kind of the awful point of it, the only remaining thing of Christianity are the large number of crucifixes littering the place for Grounders to stumble across. ... in the horrible problem, which I guess we blame on the original book series, of the world devolving so much in just under a 100 years. So as a result, the Grounders know nothing about Christianity, they just have seen numerous examples of a figure suffering while nailed to a cross and took it for a good idea.

that's me stretching it!

This show kind of like it's crucifixion imagery, be it Lincoln in season one, Raven and now Kane in season three. Arguably, you could point to Finn in season two, though he was really just tied up to a post (which pops up in martyr imagery).
posted by Atreides at 12:13 PM on May 2, 2016

This was a decent setup for next week's season finale

We've still got three episodes left, I believe. Wikipedia wouldn't lie to me, would it?
posted by Sparx at 4:28 PM on May 2, 2016

No, it wouldn't. I, apparently have no control over my misconceptions lying up a storm. On the bright side, three more episodes!
posted by Atreides at 6:56 PM on May 2, 2016

I'm a bit lost by the crucifixions; do they come from ALIE or from Ontari?

I'm not seeing a ton of evidence that they're from Grounder culture generally, given how much of the previous cultural trappings Grounders have lost (again supporting the idea that closer to 200 years have past).

And I still want to know what Raven's up to.
posted by suelac at 10:28 PM on May 2, 2016

Yeah, I'm reading as Alie's idea. She scanned everyone's brains for torture ideas and someone had that floating around and she ran with it.

Like the rest of everyone, I'm pretty fuzzy on why ALIE's "it has to be consensual" rule is okay with torture but not putting the pill down someone's throat by force.
posted by vibratory manner of working at 8:09 PM on May 3, 2016 [2 favorites]

Like the rest of everyone, I'm pretty fuzzy on why ALIE's "it has to be consensual" rule is okay with torture but not putting the pill down someone's throat by force.

At her core, she's something someone else programmed. It could be that the consent angle was some kind of safeguard - but like all AI/robot doesn't work as intended.
posted by Atreides at 9:07 AM on May 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

Just seeing if Sparx can see this, pay no attention to me.
posted by phunniemee at 3:47 PM on January 8

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