7 posts tagged with barbarian.
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Mystery Science Theater 3000: ATOR THE FIGHTING EAGLE  Rewatch   Season 12, Ep 6

Rewatch! Remember Cave Dwellers? Before Cave Dwellers there was Ator: The Fighting Eagle. This movie. The only character the films have in common is Ator, played by a sizable quantity of O'Keefe. The generic fantasy setting seems to be mostly different too, similar, but modulated differently. Ator's love interest/sister gets newted in a flashback in Cave Dwellers, so don't get too wrapped up in her fate here. Other than that it's standard barbarian-type shlock, a bit more skin and pseudo-Conan lore on display than in Cave Dwellers, and it moves a little faster. It's the last episode of (beat) The Gauntlet, the end of Season 12, and the end of the Netflix era. Previously.
posted by JHarris on May 4, 2023 - 0 comments

Movie: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

A charming thief and a band of unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people. [more inside]
posted by Fleebnork on Mar 31, 2023 - 65 comments

Movie: Vordum: Price of Death

Many adventurers. Many monsters. One arena. One gnome. And a prize beyond all imagination... (Currently 8.7/10 on IMDB) [more inside]
posted by Balna Watya on Sep 13, 2022 - 3 comments

Movie: Barbarian

Traveling to Detroit for a job interview, Tess (Georgina Campbell) books a rental home. But when she arrives late at night, she discovers that the house is double booked and a strange man (Bill SkarsgÄrd) is already staying there. Against her better judgement, she decides to spend the evening, but soon discovers that there's a lot more to fear than just an unexpected house guest. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on Sep 10, 2022 - 22 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: ATOR THE FIGHTING EAGLE  Season 12, Ep 6

aka Ator L'Invincible. Every legend has its beginning... even the very bad ones. Long ago barbarian lawyer/surgeon/hangglider enthusiast Ator, from way back in 301 THE CAVE DWELLERS, was born, hidden away from evil guys, and raised to fight the Spider Puppet God. Along the way he falls in love with his sister (WTF), makes nookie with an evil witch lady, finds a magic mirror shield, and suffers all the personal trauma that a primitive fantasy world can dish out. The conclusion to The Gauntlet sees Dr. Erhardt fulfilling Dr. Forrester's last wish, Jonah and the bots shipped to Earth to go on the "Deep Hurting" tour, and Kinga and Max falling into the trap that Jonah spent the past five episodes building. This is the end of Season 12 of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and, unless more episodes are made, the series. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Jan 17, 2019 - 9 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: OUTLAW  Season 5, Ep 19

aka "Outlaw of Gor," "Gor II." "The Adventure of a Thousand Lifetimes Continues!" "Fuera de la Ley de GOR" While John Carter fell asleep in a cave and woke up on Mars, one thing author John Norman's creation Gor has over Burroughs' Barsoom books is that at least Tarl Cabot has a magic ring to explain his ridiculous translocation to Barbarian Planet. You know Barbarian Planet, it's a world based on one of those oft-written-about fantasy times that never really existed historically, but all kinds of folk like to imagine, from Howard to Gygax. Well, at least this version has Jack Palance! When this episode aired, the movie was just four years old! I'm not sure it ever got a release in theaters in the US. Although he did it under a pseudonym, the main screenwriter is the same Harry Alan Towers who did the screenplay for 323 THE CASTLE OF FU MANCHU. Fortunately this movie is tons more watchable, thanks to massive amounts of flesh (both male and female, it's an equal opportunity exhibitor) and excellent riffing. One of the host segments refers to all the skin, one of the best sketches and songs MST ever did: Tubular Boobular Joy. Notes on Gor itself are after the break. Official YouTube, with annotations! (1h32m) Premiered December 11, 1993. If you want to fill in the blanks with the movie this is a sequel to (may god have mercy on your soul), here it is! (1h30m) [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Aug 17, 2016 - 6 comments

Mystery Science Theater 3000: CAVE DWELLERS  Season 3, Ep 1

aka The Blade Master, Ator the Invincible (1984, Color, Italian, Barbarian, Fantasy, Sequel, Hang Glider) "A pure action fantasy where good, strength and exotic beauty battle evil." In a savage world a warlord's attempts to find and control the Geometric Nucleus is opposed by muscular, half-naked surgeon and hang glider enthusiast Ator, similarly poorly-dressed young woman Mila, and his mute Asian companion Thong. The first show of season three, and a perfect introductory episode. Nothing lends itself better to movie mockery than nearly unclad beautiful people doing goofy things with intense seriousness. YouTube (1h37m) First aired June 1, 1991. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Apr 9, 2015 - 14 comments

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