17 posts tagged with crime and Baltimore.
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The Wire: Unto Others Rewatch Season 4, Ep 7
"Aw yeah. That golden rule." -The Bunk [more inside]
The Wire: Port in a Storm Rewatch Season 2, Ep 12
After a setback, the Detail scrambles to make the most of a bad situation. For once, interdepartmental communication (or lack thereof) helps the case instead of hindering it. For once, good policing is rewarded with rock solid evidence and suspects in custody. For once, all the police seem to get what they want—closed cases, busted unions, scrambling crime lords. But for all that finally went right for the Detail, the world continues to turn, criminals adapt, and the scope of what they're fighting to bring to justice just keeps scaling up.
The Wire: Bad Dreams Rewatch Season 2, Ep 11
As much as they'd like to continue investigating the sprawling criminal activities of the (still largely unknown) Greek, The Detail's hand is forced and with the help of the FBI they break down all the doors they know, gathering evidence and suspects. Valchek finally gets to participate in a very special perp walk. Sobotka eventually visits Ziggy, after a stop at the union hall and a quick trip downtown. Lieutenant Daniels and Omar Little dash off to deliver very personal messages to Landsman and Mouzone, respectively. [more inside]
The Wire: Storm Warnings Rewatch Season 2, Ep 10
Ziggy continues to wreak havoc but this time his unchecked impulsiveness takes him over the line and into a lot of trouble. Trouble that spreads and pools and spatters on everyone. – Valchek is pissed and brings in the Feds to assist the Detail. The Feds assist the Detail, and Valchek is pissed. – Just as Stringer's off-brand plan goes into effect, Brother Mouzone arrives to enforce the status quo and so Bodie and crew begin to understand the nature of the new arrangements. [more inside]
The Wire: Stray Rounds Rewatch Season 2, Ep 9
Bodie's plan to increase sales backfires tragically. So String's gotta make some tough decisions, change tactics, take account for the inevitable crackdown. With Sobotka and The Greek spooked and ready to turn tail the Detail has to adapt as well. Their investigation feels on target despite a minor tantrum from Valcheck, and when the prostitution investigation goes international inside Freamon's assessment of McNulty's bad accent is spot on. [more inside]
The Wire: Duck and Cover Rewatch Season 2, Ep 8
Jimmy McNulty, Captain Chesapeake, has stopped bailing and started drinking again and so finds himself sinking quickly to the bottom. He's desperate to get on the detail where they've got every swinging dick setting up The Wire on Sobotka and The Greek, so Daniels puts what little flex he has on Rawls. Turns out McNulty's just the john they were looking for. [more inside]
The Wire: Backwash Rewatch Season 2, Ep 7
Through the turmoil of low-end product and family troubles, the Barksdale Organization moves on though in different directions. East-side Joe makes Stringer a Proposition that's hard to refuse, but Avon is adamant. Lester and Bunk put Daniels in a tough spot, setting up their surveillance at the off-site office and pleading to join up their murder investigations with the case against Sobotka. Together with Greggs, Russell, and Prez they delve deeper into the smuggling process, getting a handle on how the operation works. The detail also continues to investigate the prostitution racket and make connections between the drugs and the docks. [more inside]
The Wire: All Prologue Season 2, Ep 6
Perhaps there's no better description for Omar Little than "a rare pleasure," though anyone on the wrong end of his double-barrel sawed-off court testimony might disagree. Having wrapped up the last Bird of business from before, McNulty drops the search for Jane Doe's real name, retires to the boat, and makes another go of his marriage. "I'm done fucking myself up," he declares, and downs a beer. [more inside]
The Wire: Undertow Rewatch Season 2, Ep 5
Detail work starts in earnest on Sobotka, and Freamon looks to make a connection between Valchek's 'too much money' accusation and his own 14 murder investigations. Dockworkers who worked on that ship get summoned to testify in front of a grand jury. Ziggy continues to spend his easy money recklessly, and Nick is forced to help him deal with the consequences. Omar Little finally comes in to testify against Bird. [more inside]
The Wire: Hard Cases Rewatch Season 2, Ep 4
The full extent of Avon's hot shots plan is realized as the authorities look to shave years in exchange for easy answers. D'Angelo hears his cousin's music but refuses to dance. Burrell puts the hard sell on Daniels and keeps him around with the promise of a promotion, a permanent Detail AND the good police he needs to run it. McNulty continues to try to put a name on his 'floater,' and enlists Bubs in the search for Omar. [more inside]
The Wire: Hot Shots Season 2, Ep 3
D'Angelo's discovered heroin in the clink, and Avon sets a plan into motion that he hopes will discourage his cousin's habit as well as push back some against Proposition Joe's expanding territory. Zero progress is the report Prez gives his father-in-law Valchek when asked about how the new detail's case against Sobotka is coming along, and to boot the Southeastern's surveillance van goes on an unauthorized global tour courtesy of IBS chapters around the world. [more inside]
The Wire: Collateral Damage Rewatch Season 2, Ep 2
The shipping container full of dead women is shrugged off as accidental and everyone still breathing scrambles to cover their own ass and minimize the, well, collateral damage. Everyone except McNulty of course, who pokes his nose into Beadie's "investigation" and sniffs out 13—make that 14 murders. Daniels puts in notice and looks to pursue a career in lawyering. [more inside]
The Wire: Ebb Tide Rewatch Season 2, Ep 1
Having made their move on Avon Barksdale, The Baltimore Police Department's Drug Detail is decommissioned and its members have been scattered: McNulty's riding a boat in the bay, Daniels is hunkered down in Evidence, Greggs is on desk duty (still can't type!), Herc & Sergeant Carver are back on the beat though in separate divisions, and poor Prez is back in the Southeastern under his father-in-law's thumb. Freamon's with Bunk now, real police in Homicide. [more inside]
The Wire: The Cost First Watch Season 1, Ep 10
With Wallace in custody, McNulty and Daniels try to figure out what to do with him in the months before he testifies. Sydnor and Carver track down one of Barksdale's stash houses, and Prez shows off his 'gift for the paper trail.' [more inside]
The Wire: The Wire First Watch Season 1, Ep 6
Brandon is found. Wallace is unsettled. The detail gets a wiretap running. Daniels clashes with Rawls.
The Wire: The Pager First Watch Season 1, Ep 5
Stringer warns D'Angelo that there may be a snitch in his camp. The detail gets its affidavit approved for a cloned pager but are puzzled at the results. Prez begins to redeem himself in the eyes of his colleagues by taking a fresh approach to the pager information. Wallace spots Brandon, one of Omar's crew, in an arcade and passes the information on to the Barksdale enforcers.
The Wire: Old Cases First Watch Season 1, Ep 4
Bodie avoids Herc and Carver. Avon discusses the loss of the pit's stash and puts the word on the street about Omar. McNulty and Moreland investigate an old murder that may be related to D'Angelo. [more inside]