Mystery Science Theater 3000: SAMSON VS THE VAMPIRE WOMEN
April 5, 2017 9:46 PM - Season 6, Episode 24 - Subscribe

SAMSON VS THE VAMPIRE WOMEN aka El Santo Contra las Mujeres Vampiros. "Solo un hombre de acero... de agilidad de pantera, es capaz de lucar contra las MUJERES VAMPIROS... y ese hombre es... SANTO!" Simply, in which a masked wrestler, who is a genius crime fighter too, struggles against the legions of Hell. This is probably the silliest premise of any MST movie (even Robot Monster's gorilla-with-fishbowl was obstensibly an evil space alien), but in Mexico there were over fifty El Santo movies, and they were wildly popular. El Santo himself was a tremendous figure, an actual wrestler, and even got an awesome pilot in 2010 for his own show on the Mexican version of Cartoon Network despite dying in 1984. But even these facts are overshadowed, to MSTies, by this being not only the end of Season Six, but also the final episode of the beloved "TV's" Frank Conniff. (Well, excepting a special appearance in one later show.) YouTube, with annotations! (1h32m) Premiered March 25, 1995.


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Daddy-O's Drive-In Dirt - Rotten Tomatoes (Critics N/A, Viewers 21%) - Wikipedia (as Santo vs. las Mujeres Vampiro)
IMDB (as "Santo Versus the Vampire Women," 1962, 3.3 stars)
"A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil."
Directed by Alfonso Corona Blake. Written by Antonio Orellana, Fernando Osés, Rafael García Travesi and Alfonso Corona Blake. Starring Santo, Maria Duval and Lorena Velázquez as "Zorina, queen of the vampires."
posted by JHarris (8 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This week's show is going to be a little weird. I'm making a car trip tomorrow, and there's a chance I won't be right there Thursday at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific. If I am late, I will get things underway as soon as I can. (Where is there? Why, it's at, of course.)
posted by JHarris at 9:48 PM on April 5, 2017

BTW, have a look at this interview with the bots concerning the new season airing on Netflix in eight days! We get to meet a new bot at the beginning, Waverly!
posted by JHarris at 10:10 PM on April 5, 2017 [1 favorite]

Who Will I Kill? is a series highlight.
posted by Chrysostom at 10:21 PM on April 5, 2017 [2 favorites]

This is one of my favorites. I think the riffing is exceptional, especially during the first half of the movie.

I'm pretty, so I have value now.
posted by wittgenstein at 2:30 AM on April 6, 2017

AH, the car trip was put off so I should be available as usual!
posted by JHarris at 12:15 PM on April 6, 2017

Actually, the car trip involved a self-driving car, so JHarris was totally unnecessary.
posted by oneswellfoop at 4:06 PM on April 6, 2017

Thanks for coming out everyone! As we discussed tonight, big plans are coming starting next week! See you then!
posted by JHarris at 9:48 PM on April 6, 2017

One of my all time favorite riffs: as Samson is setting a roomful of helpless vampire women on fire, "I sure hope I'm doing the right thing!"
posted by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow at 3:51 PM on April 19, 2017 [1 favorite]

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