57 posts tagged with TTRPG and mightynein.
Displaying 51 through 57 of 57. Subscribe:

Critical Role: Causatum  Season 2, Ep 70

The Mighty Nein come to terms with the consequences of their actions as they return to Rosohna and plan their next move...
posted by booksherpa on Jul 15, 2019 - 7 comments

Critical Role: Reflections  Season 2, Ep 68

Continuing their crawl through the tomb, the Mighty Nein must tackle a bridge of terrors and come face-to-face with familiar foes...
posted by booksherpa on Jun 24, 2019 - 7 comments

Critical Role: Beyond the Eyes of Angels  Season 2, Ep 67

The Mighty Nein delve further under Bazzoxan, where dangerous traps and ghostly horrors lie in wait...
posted by booksherpa on Jun 17, 2019 - 6 comments

Critical Role: Beneath Bazzoxan  Season 2, Ep 66

The Mighty Nein tussle with a roc and make their way to Bazzoxan, a village holding the line against historical terrors...
posted by booksherpa on Jun 10, 2019 - 7 comments

Critical Role: Chases and Trees  Season 2, Ep 65

The Mighty Nein continue their trudge through the Barbed Fields, and find beauty and shelter in an unlikely corner...
posted by booksherpa on Jun 3, 2019 - 13 comments

Critical Role: A Dangerous Chase  Season 2, Ep 64

Giving chase to their wily target, the Mighty Nein travel north into the Barbed Fields, a dangerous and terrifying wasteland...
posted by booksherpa on May 27, 2019 - 7 comments

Critical Role: Intervention  Season 2, Ep 63

The Mighty Nein tell the Bright Queen about a potential attack on Xhorhas, and attempt to infiltrate a meeting at the Overcrow Apothecary...
posted by booksherpa on May 20, 2019 - 14 comments

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