66 posts tagged with GOT.
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House of the Dragon: The Heirs of the Dragon Season 1, Ep 1
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen tries to find her place within the court of King Viserys I.
Game of Thrones: Game of Throne Episode 8.6 Show Only Season 8, Ep 6
In the aftermath of the attack on King's Landing, the survivors deal with the future. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Game of Throne Episode 8.5 Show Only Season 8, Ep 5
The armies of Cersei Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen face each other at Kings Landing.
Game of Thrones: Game of Throne Episode 8.4 Show Only Season 8, Ep 4
The Battle of Winterfell is over and a new chapter for Westeros begins.
Game of Thrones: The Long Night Show Only Season 8, Ep 3
The army of the undead arrives at Winterfell and the battle for life begins. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Show Only Season 8, Ep 2
The battle at Winterfell approaches and a number of characters come to terms with what's coming. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Winter is Here (full season) Books Included Season 8, Ep 0
Winter is here, and the show has outpaced GRRM's writing, but in case we want to talk about the books, here's a thread for speculating on this season.
Game of Thrones: Winterfell Show Only Season 8, Ep 1
People gather in the North to prepare for the coming battle. [more inside]
Game of Thrones rewatch
Any interest in doing a season-by-season rewatch of Game of Thrones ahead of the final season premier next month? [more inside]
RuPaul's All Stars Drag Race: Pop Art Ball Season 3, Ep 5
The six remaining queens participate in a mini-challenge where they dress up in "Quick Drag" and model in an Andy Warhol-inspired photoshoot. For the main challenge, each contestant is asked to prepare two runway looks for the Pop Art Ball: one inspired by Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans and a second inspired by Studio 54. Guest Judges: Tituss Burgess & Shay Mitchell [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Beyond the Wall Books Included Season 7, Ep 6
Gendry runs fast. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Eastwatch Books Included Season 7, Ep 5
Bran continues to do nothing.
Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War Books Included Season 7, Ep 4
Jon and Dany go spelunking. Other stuff you've been waiting on for 6 to 20 years happens.
Game of Thrones: The Queen's Justice Show Only Season 7, Ep 3
Daenerys holds court. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Dragonstone Books Included Season 7, Ep 1
Arya makes her big return to Westeros. Jon and Sansa disagree on strategy. The Hound gets lectured. Cersei and Jamie disagree on strategy. Samwell gets lectured. The existence of the sand snakes is briefly mentioned. Dany makes her big return to Westeros.
Game of Thrones: Dragonstone Show Only Season 7, Ep 1
SHOW ONLY THREAD. Jon Snow organizes the defense of the North. Cersei tries to even the odds. Samwell discovers crucial information. Daenerys comes home. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Home Books Included Season 6, Ep 2
In Meereen, Tyrion hatches a new plan. In Braavos, Arya gets beat up (again). At Winterfell, Ramsay deals with Sansa and Theon's escape. In King's Landing, the Lannisters mourn Myrcella. At the Wall, the standoff between Davos and Thorne reaches a critical point. Beyond the Wall, Bran is still hanging out with the tree people. On the Iron Islands (remember them?), Balon and Yara argue about what to do now that the War of the Five Kings is over.
Game of Thrones: The Red Woman Books Included Season 6, Ep 1
The season 6 premiere picks up right where the season 5 finale left off. At the Wall, Sir Davos and Dolorous Ed ponder how to respond to Thorne's treachery. In the North, Sansa and Theon fight the cold and flee the Boltons' hounds. In King's Landing, Cersei and Jaime are reunited. In Dorne, Doran and Ellaria discuss leadership. In Essos, Tyrion and Varys go for a walk in Mereen, while Daenerys meets the local Khal somewhere in the Sea of Grass.
Game of Thrones: Mhysa First Watch Season 3, Ep 10
Joffrey challenges Tywin. Bran tells a ghost story. In Dragonstone, mercy comes from strange quarters. House Frey receives the Seat of Riverrun. Roose Bolton is appointed the new "Warden of the North." Maester Aemon sends out ravens to alert Westeros about the arrival of the White Walkers. Dany waits to see if she is a conqueror or a liberator. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere First Watch Season 3, Ep 9
Honor. Vengeance. Victory. Tragedy. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Second Sons First Watch Season 3, Ep 8
Come one, come all to the Wedding from Hell in King's Landing! (Also, Melisandre gets her leech on with Gendry. Dany meets the Titan's Bastard and Sam and Gilly meet an older gentleman.) [more inside]
Game of Thrones: The Bear and the Maiden Fair First Watch Season 3, Ep 7
Jon and the wildlings travel South of the Wall. Dany exchanges gifts with a slave lord outside of Yunkai. Talisa tells Robb she's pregnant. As Sansa frets about her prospects, Shae chafes at Tyrion's new situation. Arya and the Brotherhood part ways. Tywin counsels the king, and Melisandre reveals a secret to Gendry. Jamie leaves Brienne behind at Harrenhal, where she faces a formidable foe. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: The Climb First Watch Season 3, Ep 6
Tywin plans strategic unions for the Lannisters. Littlefinger plans to leave King's Landing. Robb plans to apologize and attempt to rebuild his alliance with the Freys. Roose makes plans for Jaime. Jon, Ygritte and the Wildlings plan to do the impossible. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Kissed by Fire First Watch Season 3, Ep 5
The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed; Tyrion learns the cost of weddings. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: And Now His Watch Is Ended First Watch Season 3, Ep 4
"Hey Varys, what’s in the box?"
Theon's fortunes are reversed. Jamie mopes over his lost hand. The Hound gets put on trial. Cersei grows uncomfortable with the Tyrells. The Night's Watch grows impatient with Craster. Daenerys seizes control of her destiny. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Walk of Punishment First Watch Season 3, Ep 3
A farewell to arms, so to speak. [more inside]
Game of Thrones First Watch Threads
For the past few months I've been posting First Watch with Books Threads for the initial seasons of Game of Thrones. In several weeks, we'll complete season 3. Season 4 threads already exist on FanFare from when they aired live. Should I bother to create new ones, or end at S03E10?
Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy Books Included Season 5, Ep 10
Stannis begins to march; Dany is surrounded by strangers; Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon is challenged.
Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy Show Only Season 5, Ep 10
Stannis begins to march; Dany is surrounded by strangers; Cersei seeks forgiveness; Jon is challenged.
Game of Thrones: Dark Wings, Dark Words First Watch Season 3, Ep 2
Everybody does a lot of walking. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons Show Only Season 5, Ep 9
Stannis faces a difficult decision; Jon returns to the Wall; Mace Tyrell visits the Iron Bank; Arya encounters someone from her past; Dany oversees a celebration of athleticism.
Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons Books Included Season 5, Ep 9
Stannis faces a difficult decision; Jon returns to the Wall; Mace Tyrell visits the Iron Bank; Arya encounters someone from her past; Dany oversees a celebration of athleticism.
Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris First Watch Season 3, Ep 1
Jon is brought before Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, while the Night's Watch survivors retreat south. In King's Landing, Tyrion asks Tywin for his reward, Littlefinger offers Sansa a way out, and Cersei hosts a dinner for the royal family. Dany sails to Astapor, on Slaver's Bay. [more inside]
Podcast: A Cast of Kings - A Game of Thrones Podcast: Hardhome
In this episode of “A Cast of Kings,” Joanna and David discuss the eight episode of Season 5 of Game of Thrones, “Hardhome.”
Game of Thrones: Hardhome Show Only Season 5, Ep 8
Tyrion and Dany connect. Arya makes progress in her training. Sansa confronts Theon. Cersei struggles. Jon travels beyond The Wall to Hardhome with Tormund to meet with the Wildlings.
Game of Thrones: Hardhome Books Included Season 5, Ep 8
Tyrion and Dany connect. Arya makes progress in her training. Sansa confronts Theon and learns a secret. Cersei struggles. Jon travels beyond The Wall to Hardhome with Tormund.
Game of Thrones: Valar Morghulis First Watch Season 2, Ep 10
Tyrion awakens to a changed situation. King Joffrey doles out rewards to his subjects. As Theon stirs his men to action, Luwin offers some final advice. Brienne silences Jaime; Arya receives a gift from Jaqen; Dany goes to a strange place; Jon proves himself to Qhorin. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: The Gift Books Included Season 5, Ep 7
Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis remains stubborn. Jaime tries to reconnect with family.
Game of Thrones: The Gift Show Only Season 5, Ep 7
Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis remains stubborn. Jaime tries to reconnect with family.
Game of Thrones: Blackwater First Watch Season 2, Ep 9
In one corner we have Joffrey, Tyrion, Cersei, Bronn and the city army – about 7,000 men defending King’s Landing. In the other, there’s the contender for the Iron Throne – Stannis, backed by Davos, Melisandre and about 200 ships and 20,000 men. This is The Battle of Blackwater. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken Show Only Season 5, Ep 6
Arya trains. Jorah and Tyrion run into slavers. Trystane and Myrcella make plans. Jaime and Bronn reach their destination. The Sand Snakes attack.
Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken Books Included Season 5, Ep 6
Arya begins training; Jorah and Tyrion encounter slavers; Trystane and Myrcella make plans; Jaime and Bronn reach their destination; the Sand Snakes attack.
Game of Thrones: The Prince of Winterfell First Watch Season 2, Ep 8
The impending clashes take shape: Stannis vs. King's Landing. Dany vs. The House of the Undying. The Lannisters vs. Robb Stark. Northerners vs. Iron Islanders at Winterfell. Wildlings vs. The Night's Watch. Arya vs. Jaqen. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Kill the Boy Books Included Season 5, Ep 5
Daenerys tries to hold on to Meereen, Jon tries to hold on to the Wall, the Boltons try to hold on to the North and Jorah and Tyrion just try to hold on. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: A Man Without Honor First Watch Season 2, Ep 7
Missing dragons. Horny Wildings. Escaped hostages. Reckless assassinations. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: Sons of the Harpy Show Only Season 5, Ep 4
Things get hotter with the sparrows, war in the North looks more inevitable and Sansa ponders her role in it. Down south Jamie reveals some of his motivation and learns a new fighting tactic. Across the narrow sea the Harpy's are starting to turn up the heat.
Game of Thrones: Sons of the Harpy Books Included Season 5, Ep 4
The King is caught between Sansa and Margary. Stannis has a touching moment with his daughter. Jamie and Bronn bro it up, Tyrion and Jorah fail to do so. Sansa gets ready for a big move. We get introduced to Oberyn's daughters. We get some backstory about Rhaegar. [more inside]
Game of Thrones: The Old Gods and The New First Watch Season 2, Ep 6
Theon's plan comes to fruition. Arya has a surprise visitor. Joffrey meets his subjects. Qhorin gives Jon a chance to prove himself. [more inside]
Podcast: A Cast of Kings - A Game of Thrones Podcast: A Cast of Kings S5E03 – High Sparrow
In this episode of “A Cast of Kings,” Joanna and David discuss the third episode of Season 5 of Game of Thrones, “High Sparrow.”
Game of Thrones: The Ghost of Harrenhal First Watch Season 2, Ep 5
Confusion in the Stormlands. Catelyn joins with a new ally. Tyrion uncovers a hoarded secret weapon. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya a gift. Theon attempts to prove himself. The Night's Watch arrives at the Fist of the First Men. Daenerys receives advice and a marriage proposal. [more inside]
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