31 posts tagged with dominionwar.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks: The Inner Fight  Season 4, Ep 9

Mysterious Little Ship: now with 100% less mystery. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 26, 2023 - 24 comments

Star Trek: Picard: Dominion  Season 3, Ep 7

While Data battles his alternate, Vadic tells the misbegotten tale of her not-so-Great Link. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Mar 30, 2023 - 36 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: What You Leave Behind  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 25

(Series Finale - Part 9 of 9) "To the best crew any captain ever had. This may be the last time we're all together... but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel a part of us... a very important part--will always remain here... on Deep Space Nine." -- Benjamin Lafayette Sisko. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 26, 2016 - 44 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Dogs of War  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 24

(Series Finale - Part 8 of 9) It's nearly the tail end of the war. The Dominion sniffs out rebel bases, yet Damar continues to hound them; Sisko meets a new breed of Defiant; Zek arrives to fetch a new Nagus; and the Bashir/Ezri relationship still gets criticism from Woof Worf. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Dec 22, 2016 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Tacking Into the Wind  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 22

(Series Finale - Part 6 of 9) It is a period of civil war. Rebel Cardassians, striking from a hidden base, will attempt to win their first victory against the evil Dominion. During the battle, Cardassian spies hope to steal the Dominion's ultimate weapon, the BREEN ENERGY DAMPENER, an advanced energy projectile with enough power to disable an entire starship. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Dec 15, 2016 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: When It Rains...  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 21

...it pours... plot twists. The Klingons hold the key to victory over the Dominion, and a canny and judicious leader could use that to hold them at bay until the entire Alliance was ready to join them; unfortunately, the Empire has Gowron. Kira changes her clothes and Garak makes a call. Dukat finds out that when the Pah-wraiths say "for the Kai's eyes only", they mean it. And the only cure for someone's fever (not the sexy kind) isn't more cowbell, and Bashir and O'Brien have to go to the last people (ostensibly) on their side who they want to see to get it. (Series Finale - Part 5 of 9) [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 12, 2016 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Changing Face of Evil  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 20

(Series Finale - Part 4 of 9) The tide of the war turns against the Federation Alliance after a Breen attack on San Francisco and the loss of a strategically important system in Dominion space. Likewise, the Bajor Power Couple experiences a profound—and, naturally, bloody—shift in their relationship. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Dec 8, 2016 - 16 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Strange Bedfellows  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 19

(Series Finale - Part 3 of 9) Unfortunately, despite the title, not a bedroom farce (with the deliberate exception of The Power Couple Who Shall Not Be Named), but still plenty to chew on: Martok reveals to Sisko that the real war has just begun, a prisoner is a pain in the neck for Weyoun, Quark pours one out for a homie, Damar considers the man in the mirror (prior to asking him to change his ways), Winn does a heel/even-worse-heel turn, and Worf and Ezri? They're just hangin' out. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 5, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 'Til Death Do Us Part  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 18

(Series Finale - Part 2 of 9) Sisko knowingly defies the Prophets, but for a good reason. Kai Winn unknowingly defies the Prophets, but for a HORRIBLE ICKY GROSS REASON EW EW EW. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Dec 1, 2016 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Penumbra  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 17

(Series Finale - Part 1 of 9) Sisko puts a ring on it, Worf gets a chance to practice his singing, Dax takes a trip down Memory Lane, the Founder gives Weyoun a piece of her mind, a familiar face gets a different look, a new player enters the game, and Kasidy Yates' future mother-in-law has some bad news. It's the beginning of the end. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 28, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 16

Bashir attends a medical conference…on Romulus. Naturally, the conference turns out to be more than it seems…but, with Section 31 involved, it turns out to be more than it seems that it seems. …Or is it? [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Nov 24, 2016 - 25 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Siege of AR-558  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 8

Defending a comm array on a barren planet, Sisko, Bashir, Dax, Nog, and Quark are vastly outnumbered by Jem'Hadar warriors—and their only backup is a depleted and war-weary Starfleet unit. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Oct 27, 2016 - 7 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Afterimage  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 3

There's talk on the street; it sounds so familiar/Great expectations, everybody's watching you/People you meet, they all seem to know you/Even your old friends treat you like you're something new/Ezri come lately, the new kid in town/Everybody loves you, so don't let them down... [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 10, 2016 - 10 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Shadows and Symbols  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 2

It's a Bajoran-Romulan showdown at Derna, with the alliance at stake. Meanwhile, the soul of the late Jadzia Dax is at stake in a Klingon-Cardassian battle at the Monac Shipyards. And in the desert, Ben can't remember his name. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Oct 6, 2016 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Image in the Sand  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 1

Three months have passed, and Kira's a colonel, Worf is sad, Damar is hittin' the sauce, the Prophets are MIA, the Pah-wraiths have their own cult, the Romulans are acting oddly friendly, and Sisko's still washing clams. What do the Romulans really want, who's that woman from Sisko's vision, who's the other woman who seems to know Sisko even though he's never met her, will Jadzia make it to Sto'Vo'Kor, and what's up with the baseball? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 3, 2016 - 10 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Tears of the Prophets  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 26

And THAT'S why…you don't ignore a warning from the Prophets. (Season six finale) [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Sep 29, 2016 - 31 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Valiant  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 22

A lone Starfleet ship, cut off from all allies, faces impossible odds in the midst of war. Nothing to worry about, you say? Welllll… [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Sep 15, 2016 - 14 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: In the Pale Moonlight  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 19

When you dance with the devil in the pale moonlight... the devil always leads. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Sep 5, 2016 - 32 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Inquisition  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 18

It's "Inquisition"! / What a show / Yes "Inquisition" / Here we go:[more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Sep 1, 2016 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Change of Heart  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 16

On a high-stakes mission in enemy territory, a Starfleet officer's heart is about to lead him astray…but such are the dangers of tongo. Oh, also Worf faces a difficult assignment. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Aug 25, 2016 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Honor Among Thieves  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 15

The FBIStarfleet Intelligence sends Donnie BrascoO'Brien to infiltrate the MafiaOrion Syndicate to find who's been leaking information to them, but is he getting in too deep? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Aug 22, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Far Beyond the Stars  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 13

And now for something really different: for the first time anywhere, an adaptation of a long-lost work by the tragic and underappreciated African-American SF author and Afrofuturist pioneer Benny Russell, a story considered so controversial at the time of its writing that it was completely suppressed by its publisher: "Deep Space Nine"! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Aug 15, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Waltz  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 11

Dukat is back, and he seems positively conciliatory toward Sisko, especially when they're marooned on a planet together. But is he telling the truth about their situation, and are they really alone? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Aug 8, 2016 - 13 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Statistical Probabilities  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 9

Bashir gets a visit from The Dream Teamthe Jack Pack, a group of genetically-enhanced savants who are capable of rapid and stunningly accurate assessments of the Dominion threat. But what does he do when they predict that the Federation will lose the war? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Aug 1, 2016 - 10 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Sacrifice of Angels  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 6

In the largest battle of Star Trek history, Sisko leads the attack to recapture Deep Space 9. Meanwhile, on the Dominion-occupied station, the minefield is about to come down—and the only people who can stop it have been preemptively arrested. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Jul 21, 2016 - 10 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Favor the Bold  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 5

OK, you know how, when you think you've found the right person, you just can't get enough of them? And you totally lose track of time in their arms? And all your friends are like, hey, where have you been, and you try to tell them that this is the one, man, and they just don't get it? And then you realize that one of them is going to get executed because you didn't do your part to resist the invading aliens? OK, maybe not so much the last part, but that's Odo's deal. Also, Sisko & Co. prepare to retake the station. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 18, 2016 - 7 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Behind the Lines  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 4

Reassigned from commanding the Defiant, Sisko copes with loss—and back on the station, Odo makes a moist new friend. Meanwhile, the Dominion discovers a way to bring down the minefield that's keeping their reinforcements on the other side of the wormhole, and only Rom can stop them. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Jul 14, 2016 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Sons and Daughters  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 3

Temporarily assigned to the IKS Rotarran, Worf is shocked to discover that one of the new crew members is his son, Alexander Rozhenko; so is the rest of Trek fandom, because the kid is only about eight in Earth years. (I mean, the Jem'Hadar grow to maturity in days, and the all-time Trek precocity champ is probably the resurrected Spock, but still.) And, against all odds, Dukat manages to be even creepier. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 11, 2016 - 28 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rocks and Shoals  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 2

You think YOUR relationship with your neighbors is awkward? Try being Sisko marooned on an alien world alongside half-crazed Jem'Hadar. Or how about being Kira working alongside Dominion occupiers on Terok Nor Deep Space Nine Terok Nor? [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Jul 7, 2016 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Call to Arms  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 26

"These are the times that try men's souls." Sisko mines the entrance to the wormhole, provoking Gul Dukat to attack the station…and the Dominion War begins. Season finale. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Jun 30, 2016 - 18 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: By Inferno's Light  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 15

IT'S ON NOW. A Dominion fleet pours through the wormhole, friends and enemies change alliances, Worf is in the fight(s) of his life, Garak battles against time and his worst enemy, Dukat gets a new job, and the infiltrator aboard the station puts their second and deadlier plan into motion, with the fate of Deep Space Nine, Bajor, the Federation, and the Alpha Quadrant at stake. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on May 22, 2016 - 9 comments

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