4 posts tagged with youtube by JHarris.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

The Amazing Digital Circus: Candy Carrier Chaos!

The day after Pomni's arrival, Caine gives the group a new adventure, to protect a tanker delivering maple syrup to a Candy Kingdom from bandits. Jax is excited at the prospect of violence, but Zooble is apathetic and stalks off. But in the Candy Kingdom, Pomni finds an unexpected kindred spirit. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 5, 2024 - 1 comment

The Amazing Digital Circus: Pilot

From Glitch, and created by Youtube animator Gooseworx. In a wacky 3D virtual world set in a circus, a new human arrives! But she immediately finds herself trapped there, and unable to recall their name. Rechristened Pomni, she meets several other trapped humans, some who have been there for years, and who daily try to keep their sanity while being subjected to frequent wacky hijinx, created by the crazy ringmaster Caine. If they don't, they become "abstracted" and turn into an eyeball blob monster. In the show's own description: "The Amazing Digital Circus is a psychological dark comedy about cute cartoon characters who hate their lives and want to leave🎪😀" [more inside]
posted by JHarris on May 5, 2024 - 1 comment

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Biden's Border Policy  Season 10, Ep 10

This week.... Matthew McConaughey's had a five-and-a-half-hour-long "The Art of Livin'" Virtual Live Event that was bonkers. In the UK, they prepare for Charles' coronation despite facing serious economic problems. And Now: Is Matthew McConaughey OK? Main story: Biden, and the ways in which he's failed to live up to his campaign rhetoric regarding immigration, like the continued abuse of Title 42, a public health law, which began under Trump as a way to prevent access to immigrants and asylum seekers was began under Trump policy golem Stephen Miller, and which Biden has notably failed to stamp out." And Now: Wait, Did Tucker Carlson Know This Was Coming? (Statements Carlson has said on Fox News that could be seen to refer to his recent resignation-probable-firing.) On Youtube. (20 minutes) Finally, an update over the ads fo Radiant Plumbing and Air Conditioning, who makes strange and wonderful toilet-themed parodies of big movies for commercials. Last month LWT challenged them to make a toilet-themed commercial parody based on a movie of their choosing. They accepted in brilliant fashion, and the movie choice was, of all things, Magnolia. What they produced, awesomely, was... Magtoiletolia.
posted by JHarris on May 1, 2023 - 2 comments

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Misinformation Among Immigrant Communities  Season 8, Ep 26

This week.... Idaho's Lieutenant Governor issued an executive order forbidding vaccine mandates, even though the Governor is opposed it. It turns out OAN, which has been covered by the show before, owes a lot of its existence to AT&T, the same AT&T that's Last Week's Tonight's abdicating business-daddy, which John Oliver cuts them no slack over. And Now: "Fox & Friends'" Brian Kilmeade Likes Christopher Columbus Way, Way Too Much. Main story (YouTube, 20 minutes) : Misinformation as it spreads through immigrant diaspora communities, for although more than 90% of Facebook monthly users are outside the U.S. and Canada, only 13% of hours the company has spent on monitoring information is focused outside the U.S. LWT made some memeable pass-around videos to try to spread the word about not spreading misinformation on the internet, available at bettermorningmessages.com. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 11, 2021 - 3 comments

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