489 posts tagged with MST3K and mysterysciencetheater_club.
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Mystery Science Theater 3000: SPACE TRAVELERS Season 4, Ep 1
MST Club presents... for the third time.... Since we've been through the entire show twice, and a good number of episodes a third time, I've not been posting them here when we do what we call "MST Throwback" episodes, favorite selections from the show to keep the MST in our name, and to break up the other riffing. Due to a coincidence, we're doing 401 SPACE TRAVELERS tonight, a remixed version of Marooned cut apart and stitched back up by the infamous Film Ventures International, starring the very recently departed Gene Hackman. I figured I'd make a Fanfare post about it in case people wanted to drop by.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: THE BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS
MST Club presents! An alien brain sets up shop in the body of an Earth scientist, and it's only vulnerable at those times when it temporarily leave it to absorb oxygen. Another brain, a good one, comes to apprehend el cerebro diablo, although for some reason it's stuck in the body of a dog. Contains the phrase "fissure of Rolando." Riff first released November 2020.
MST Club presents! A "gnarly" and "radical" movie where Lancelot is in the former-present-day and young Arthur is a 90s kid. It's "totally awesome," so "cowabunga dude." Released quite recently, in September 2024.
Special Event: Rifftrax Live: THE RETURN OF SWAMP THING
MST Club presents! Features a blooming relationship been a lady and a plant monster. It's a sequel to the Wes Craven cult classic, but it isn't itself directed by Wes Craven, so beware! Movie released in 1989, riff released November 2022.
Special Event: Rifftrax: WONDER WOMEN
MSTClub presents! A villain is harvesting the organs of jai alai players, and only the original sidehacker himself, Ross Hagan, can stop them. Has absolutely nothing to do with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Riff released January 2015.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: NIGHT OF TOONS
MST Club presents! The Mads are slowing their output, at least for a while, but they've still brought us a collection of cartoon shorts to close out the year, with special guest Jerry Beck! You can get your own copy here. Riffed a few days ago, December 2024. [more inside]
Special Event: Rifftrax: THE FANTASTIC ARGOMAN
MST Club presents! Argoman is a superhero with an unfortunate weakness: whenever he has sex, he loses his powers for six hours. Surely that wouldn't be so bad, right? Apparently though he's hornier than a moose, and the self-titled Queen Of The World has figured out his Achilles Prick, and plans to take advantage of his post-coital fatigue to steal a valuable gem... and then use it somehow to cause terrible inflation? The money kind that is. Rifftrax released this riff quite recently, on November 22, 2024.
Special Event: RiffTrax: SHE GODS OF SHARK REEF
MST Club presents! Bridget Nelson and Mary-Jo Pehl riff this one, directed by Roger Corman himself. The purchase page asks, is it a hula movie with sharks, or a shark movie with hula? Released August 2024.
Special Event: FilmRoasters: THE DUNGEONMASTER
MST Club presents! This is another of the riffs put together by the FilmRoasters guys, available on the Rifftrax site, but only if you know the URL ($2). Despite the title, it's not a D&D-themed movie mostly. It's about a computer programmer who runs afoul of that bane of all computer programmers: the demonic wizard Mestema, played by Richard "Bull Shannon" Moll! the riff year is unclear to me, but it's at least 13 years old, so maybe 2011?
Special Event: Rifftrax: HALLOWEEN (1978)
MST Club presents! Michael Myers tested positive in a routine soul smear for Pure Evil. He killed his sister as a kid, and as an adult has escaped from his institution and is stalking a babysitter. Fortunately psychiatrist Donald "Blofeld" Pleasence is on the case. I know the reputation is that riffing is for bad movies, but Halloween is effective, and it's always great to see Pleasence. The riff was released in 2006, so 90s-style content warnings apply.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: THE DEVIL BAT
MST Club presents! The Devil Bat was released in 1940, and stars Bela Lugosi, who--get this--invents an aftershave lotion that causes giant bats to attack the wearers. All, um, according to plan? Premiered November 2022.
Special Event: iRiffs: ZARDOZ
MST Club presents! Some years ago Rifftrax piloted a means by which people could record riffs for movies themselves that they'd sell through the site, a program that they called iRiffs. It appears that iRiffs can no longer be found on Rifftrax site searches, but Google can still turn up the pages, and they can still be bought. That is how I purchased this riff of ill-advised Sean Connery vehicle Zardoz, produced by a group known as FilmRoasters. I don't know if FilmRoasters is still active, but they have a Youtube channel, which the address filmroasters.com redirects to. The most recent videos on the Youtube channel are six years old. I don't know how old the Zardoz riff is, but if it's six years old that would put its release at around 1998. FilmRoasters appears to be comprised of Eric Vinyard, Brandon Bates and Wes Allen.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: Night of Shorts 1
MST Club presents... the first of the many popular short compilations that "TV's" Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu have riffed for their Dumb Industries series. It's one of their longer bits at an hour and a half. The nine shorts riffed are: Are You Listening?, How Friendly Are You?, an episode of Mighty Mister Titan, Office Etiquette, Halloween Safety, More Dates for Kay, Health - Your Cleanliness, Danger! Poison and The Cautious Twins. First riffed in October of 2020. [more inside]
Special Event: Rifftrax: SOLO, a Star Wars Story
MST Club Presents! The Rifftrax to a certain Star Wars backstory movie. A nobody smuggler called Han Solo teams up with a walking carpet to carry out a heist. Directed by Ron Howard! The riff was released on December 21, 2018.
Special Event: Rifftrax: NIGHT OF THE LEPUS
MST Club presents! That killer rabbit movie. From Wikipedia: "Widely panned by critics for its silly premise, poor direction, stilted acting and bad special effects, the film's biggest failure is considered to be the inability to make the rabbits seem scary." Of note, the Rifftrax site warns that the movie contains violence against rabbits. I don't know if that's just simulated or actual violence, although if it were the latter I'd imagine people would be rightfully up in arms. Notably contains DeForest Kelly, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy. Riff was released back in February 2014.
Special Event: RiffTrax: READY PLAYER ONE
For a change we're doing a "Just The Jokes" riff. The way these work, you use your audio player of choice to play the MP3 of Mike, Kevin and Bill along with the movie of your choice. Follow Mike's directions on when to start the file, then listen for "Disembaudio," their distinctive synthesized voice, to speak a line of dialog at the same time as a character in the movie. If Disembaudio speaks slightly early, pause the audio file for just a moment, and if the movie's early, pause it momentarily instead. Or alternatively, you can use the free Rifftrax app to do the syncing for you on your smartphone. Rifftrax got their start doing Just The Jokes riffs like these 18 years ago as an end run around releasing commentary on movies they didn't have rights to, and while these days they tend to focus on movies that they can legally mix their riffs directly into, they still release new ones from time to time. As for the movie, Ready Player One is a big ol' pandering mess that they managed to get Steven Spielberg to direct. Much of it is set in a virtual world where every 80s and 90s media property owned or licensed by Warner Bros can all interact, making it a special kind of crossover hell. I realize that sounds like Space Jam: A New Legacy, but that was actually three years after this movie. The riff was released October 18, 2018.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: THE CREEPING TERROR
MST Club presents! While one of the absolute worst movies ever to be featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Creeping Terror isn't nearly as well known as Manos "Everyone Loves Torgo" the Hands of Fate, or Monster "Couldn't Think of An Ending" A Go-Go, or any of the Coleman Francis trilogy. This is a shame though, as The Creeping Terror features absolutely the most ludicrous headline monster of any MST'd movie, essentially a carpet with vacuum cleaner hoses attached to it, that eats victims by apparent dint of them actively crawling into its mouth. MST3K tackled the Terror while both Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu were still at Best Brains, so this is a second trip through this film for both of them. Riffed December 12, 2023, and available either standalone (for about $12) or part of a collection of nine other MST-featured items (70 bucks).
Special Event: Rifftrax: OUIJA SHARK
MST Club presents... and yes, that's the title, Ouija Shark. The site tell us it's from the people who brought us (groan) Jurassic Shark. Riff first released on May 24, 2024.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: Night Of Shorts 16
The Mads have been doing this for four years now, and the show begins with a roll of wellwishers! The before-show, and after-show Q&A, have special guests Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett, Mary Jo Pehl and Felicia Day! The shorts this time out seem to all be from Coronet Films: How QUIET Helps a School (1953), Boy and Girl of BRITIAN (1976), CITY PETS: Fun and Reponsibility (1953), Rumpelstiltskin (1949) and Understanding Your Ideals (1950). The riffing premiered just two days ago, July 9, 2024.
Special Event: Rifftrax: Undefeatable
MST Club Presents! Oh wow. Cynthia Rothrock plays Kristi Jones, who seeks to avenge her sister's death at the hands of a character I'm just going to call a "crazed martial artist." It was made in 1993, which figures. Here's a Youtube video of the climatic fight, at about three minutes long. Again I say, wow. The riff premiered June 2024, just about two weeks ago.
Special Event: The Mads: The Manster
The Man does The Madster, uh, the Mads do The Manster in a riff from just a few days ago on June 11, 2024. An American journalist in Japan is given an injection by a mad scientist that causes him to develop an extra eye... that develops into an extra head... that eventually develops into an entirely separate person, and he's EEEEVIL. But Master Manster couldn't past muster even as a Munster mister.
Special Event: Rifftrax: THE X FROM OUTER SPACE
MST Club presents! A riff released in August 2023 of a Japanese movie made in 1967. One of the sillier-looking kaiju of riffdom, the promotional text describes the monster as looking like what the result would be if Gonzo ever sealed the deal with Camilla. The monster is the result of space spores, so beware if you have space allergies, or "spallergies."
Special Event: The Mads: Night of Shorts X
For some reason the title of this one uses the roman numeral for 10 instead of a digit. The shorts this time are Bookkeeping And You (1947), Special Days in February (1953), Why Study Industrial Arts (1951, a reriff from MST3K), Hoppy: The Bunny (1953), Joan Avoids A Cold (1947) and Life in a Medieval Town (1965). First streamed January 2023.
Special Event: Rifftrax: EMBER DAYS
MST Club presents.... The Rifftrax people released just a week ago this fantasy movie that looks just like a bunch of LARPers decided to make a motion picture, much like first-season MST favorite Robot Holocaust. This is what Dungeons & Dragons has done to the world and why it can never be forgiven. The riff can be gotten here!
Special Event: Mining Accident Theater: WAR OF THE ROBOTS
MST Club presents.... Okay, this one requires some explanation. MST Club has lately been doing "expanded universe" riffs, like Rifftrax and The Mads Are Back, but has also been presenting fan-made riffing productions, like this one. Many old fanriffs are lost to the ages, sadly, but this one is quite recent, like two-weeks-ago recent! Mining Accident Theater is the story of Bogdan Smithee, a person trapped in an abandoned mine, with nothing but coworker Tom MacDonald and stranded rescuer Katherine Sprakehunter, and a bunch of old filmreels, to keep them company. There's no "Shadowrama" effect, their comments are just voiceovers. Up to this point MAT has only riffed shorts. This is their first attempt at riffing a full movie, and it's a doozy. It doozes. It's Alfonso Bresca's WAR OF THE ROBOTS, a movie where the robot army is composed of bodybuilders with Prince Valiant haircuts, the ultimate evil lady leader is named "Lois," and... well, you should see it for youself. On Youtube. Here. (1 hour 42 minutes) It was released April 2024. [more inside]
Special Event: The Mads: She Shoulda Said 'No'!
A.k.a. "Marijuana - The Devil's Weed." "How bad can a good girl get?" "Stay up or stay dumb." One of those anti-drug movies, from 1949. A young woman's life is wrecked through the use of 'the reefer.' The actress playing the main character is Lila Leeds, who had been the subject of scandal after she and Robert Mitchum were arrested for smoking marijuana. Due to the scandal it would be the last film Leeds would appear in, and she left acting, while Mitchum would go on to receive multiple Academy Award nominations and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I'll let you guess as to why Mitchum's career took off and Leeds' died, and here's a hint: it rhymes with "exism." Riff first shown September 19, 2023.
Special Event: Rifftrax: The Amazing Bulk
MST Club presents... a riff of a frankly astonishing movie. You may think you know awful CGI. Well, the computer art in this movie makes Birdemic look like a masterpiece. Buildings made out of a few rectangles! Storefronts with names written out in Comic Sans--which is also what the credits are written in! And the titular Bulk combines all the worst aspects of both Playstation and N64 in-engine cutscenes. Sites say it's meant as a spoof, but, oof. It seems a lot like that's just them trying to justify their terrible decisions. Riff from April 2024, movie from 2012.
Special Event: The Mads: Battle Of The Worlds
MST Club presents this 2022 riff of a 1961 movie. It's referred to as Season 3, episode 1 of The Mads Are Back. A mysterious rogue planet called The Outsider is approaching the Earth, and everything but Professor Benson thinks it'll hit! Prof Benson is right, but that's only the beginning of Earth's problems. At the end, a little dog is sad.
Special Event: Rifftrax: For Love Or Death
MST Club presents a 2024 Rifftrax of a movie from 1996. A karate monk doesn't want to do the karate-monk thing any more and leaves their evil karate sect. They come after in the evil karate sect way. So he transfers his soul into a passed-out hobo, giving him his karate moves. I didn't know it was so easy! Neo's skills in The Matrix don't seem so impressive now. Wait... maybe this is the Matrix, and the robots got their brain files mixed up? Agent Smith is going to have to pull overtime to fix this. You know most of the work the Agents do is going to be dumb gruntwork like that. Anyway, 1996 karate hobo action flick go.
Special Event: The Mads: Night of Shorts 7
Tonight on MST Club.... The Mads Are Back's Night of Shorts 7 was on sale recently, so I took the opportunity to purchase a copy. The five shorts shown are mostly from the late 40s and early 50s. The initial stream was on April 12, 2022. [more inside]
Special Event: RiffTrax: Spy High
Next up for MST Club.... this is a fairly recent release, both in movie (2000) and riff (February 2024). Hi-tek hakker kidz, and their dog, are recruited by a government agent to foil the plans of a nefarious video game company to put a mind control weapon on the internet. Think about what it implies to have a movie about hacker kids on the internet in the year 2000. I think a little more kindly of the movie knowing that nowadays the kids would be in their 30s and cursing the name of Elon Musk.
Special Event: The Mads Are Back: The Phantom at 10,000 Leagues
A radioactive monster wreaks havoc; for some reason the heroic scientist has to develop a relationship while saving lives from it; also, the monster's maker has to perish in his attempt to stop his creation. All these things the way they have to be in 50's monster movie world. (Riff from 2024, earlier this week)
Special Event: Rifftrax: Prisoners of the Lost Universe
MST Club presents! We're going back and forth between The Mads and Rifftrax in this phase of our riff watching project. This week Rifftrax is up, with the movie Prisoners of the Lost Universe. You may have seen a bit of it before: when Film Ventures International repurposed Ator the Fighting Eagle into Cave Dwellers, they gave it a generic fantasy scene behind the opening credits: that, it turns out, was from Prisoners of the Lost Universe. IMDB says: "Three people are transported into a parallel reality, where they find they must use modern technology, but medieval weapons, in order to save the citizenry from a murderous warlord." Selective technology, got it. For more on Rifftrax, see inside. This riff was released in 2012. [more inside]
Special Event: The Mads: Manos The Hands of Fate
Next up on MST Club's current mostly random sequence of further riffing as we can get it is The Mads' showing of (gulp) Manos The Hands of Fate. Infamously one of the worst movies MST3K ever did, this return to the trough has Trace Bealieu and Frank Conniff tackling it by themselves. Rifftrax also covered Manos, in a live show, but we'll save that for a future date. As for the movie... yeah, its Manos. A family of three on a vacation trip unwisely stay the night at the mysterious Valley Lodge, run by "Torgo," a balking goat-man with intrusive theme music. Turns out Torgo is in league with the forces of darkness, which include The Master and his undead wives out in the desert. Things don't well, either for the family or for the viewer. Good luck, once again, everyone. [more inside]
Special Event: The Mads: Mutiny In Outer Space
The Mads are Trace Beaulieu, who played Dr. Clayton Forrester and was the original voice and performer for Crow on Mystery Science Theater 3000, and Frank "TV's Frank" Conniff. They partner with Dumb Industries to riff movies and shorts! We are doing some of their shows in our continuing exploration of the wider universe of riffing. Their most recent show was Mutiny In Outer Space. The Commander of Space Station X-7 has come down with a bad case of space raptures, and his crew has to mutiny to save their station from being destroyed.
Special Event: MST3K Vs. Gamera Round 2: GAMERA VS JIGER
The second of a set of three fan productions; the first two were made in 2019, the third was delayed but is said to be almost ready for the world. (When it is released, we'll try to show it if possible.) When this production was made, MST3K Season 11 was fresh in people's memories, but Gamera vs Jiger had yet to be riffed in Season 13. Crow and Servo are joined by hapless test subject Helmut Crusoe, who is subjected to Gamera movies by a goofy second banana-wannabe called the Crimson Weirdo. The makers place these episodes in continuity between the Comedy Central and Sci-Fi Channel eras of the show.
Special Event: MST3K Vs. Gamera Round 2: GAMERA VS VIRAS
In 2019, some fans of our favorite cowtown puppet show took it upon themselves to riff Gamera movies that the show (at that time) never touched. Tonight we're watching the first of these, GAMERA VS VIRAS. It's got the same kind of content as Gamera vs Guiron and Gamera vs Zigra: it's a kids' film starring a giant mutant flying turtle. Meaning, look out for the return of the Gamera Song!
Special Event: Mystery Fandom Theater 3000: STARCRASH
What, again? Before the new MST show covered Starcrash, Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 did it, and that's what we're watching tonight!
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS
When we went through Cinematic Titanic, we passed over one episode to save it for the Holiday Marathon: their re-riff of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. A weird conceit (the lives of Martian children are too regimented so they need Santa to break them out of it), the actors give it their all but the low production values have given it a reputation of one of the worst movies ever made. Among the actors in this are a young Pia Zadora as Girmar the Girl Martian, and Bill McCutcheon, who later appeared on Sesame Street and in Steel Magnolias, as the childlike Martian Dropo.
Special Event: Film Crew: GIANT OF MARATHON
We conclude our review of the four Film Crew episodes with another peplum, directed by Mario Bava and starring Steve Reeves as the hard-to-say Phillipides. This one's focus is more historical than the usual, with the events shown dating to the Medic Wars instead of the general mish-mash of places and people these movies usually give us. Wikipedia informs us that Bava was forced to reshoot some scenes when extra were spotted on camera smoking cigarettes, proving he's a cut above our usual grade of director. Also, this movie was actually considered to be pretty successful at the time!
Special Event: Film Crew: THE WILD WOMEN OF WONGO
Possibly the most awkward of the four movies Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy riffed as The Film Crew, it's 1959's version of a crazy sex comedy. Mother Nature and Father Time muse on the situation of the island of Wongo, where the menu are ugly and the women are beautiful, and of Goona, where the reverse is true. In the end those of matching levels of comeliness are paired up, and 1959 societal expectations are upheld.
Special Event: Film Crew: KILLERS FROM SPACE
We're in the final weeks of MST Club's ten-year mostly-weekly run, although we'll probably do other shows from time to time. Tonight's episode is the second Film Crew production (R.I.P. Mike Dodge), about a guy who's killed in a crash, kidnapped by aliens, then forced to aid them in their plans for world domination... which involves irradiated giant lizards. It's like the backstory to a kaiju movie.
Special Event: The Film Crew: HOLLYWOOD AFTER DARK
After Mystery Science Theater 3000, some of the performers/writers/crew (a lot of them filled multiple roles) moved on to other things. One of these projects was a series of riffing-related projects they called The Film Crew, with Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy. They did a few different things, and of them all the one that has best survived is a series of four direct-to-DVD movie riffs, done with a framing story and a sketch at a mid-movie break. This is the first, Hollywood After Dark, a.k.a. Walk The Angry Beach, starring later Golden Girl Rue McClanahan as Sandy, "stripper who aspires to become an actress but ends up being taken advantage of by the industry," sez Wikipedia. My how times haven't changed. While originally made for Rhino Video in 2006, the Film Crew disks weren't released by Shout Factory until 2007, and the character of "Bob Rhino," voice played by late MST3K writer Mike Dodge, had to be renamed to Bob Honcho. It's another MST-related project from MST Club.
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: THE RATTLERS
It's the last of the 12 episodes of Cinematic Titanic (we have skipped one to save for Christmas). The movie: rattlesnakes in a mineshaft are affected by abandoned military nerve gas that causes them to start attacking people. I don't know, seems like a negative quality of a military nerve gas, to make its targets attack people, but then I'm not a military nerve gas contractor. Next week we'll start in on the four episodes of The Film Crew!
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: WAR OF THE INSECTS
a.k.a. "Genocide." In this Japanese-made horror movie, the bugs hate people. The bugs attack people. There's an atomic bomb involved too, that can't be good. Released on DVD in 2011.
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: DANGER ON TIKI ISLAND
Renamed for the Cinematic Titanic release from its original title, "Brides of Blood." The movie's plot is pretty crazy, involving radiation, a monster that requires sacrifices, dismemberments, and butterflies and banana trees turning into monsters. Released on DVD in 2010.
Another Poll of Episodes
Does anyone still read these? We're doing another poll of favorite Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes! I'm not sure how we're going to use it this time, but it'll help pick out episodes rather than go through the entire show again, heh.
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: THE ALIEN FACTOR
MST Club's quick jaunt through Cinematic Titanic continues. The movie's about aliens landing and attacking the residents of a small town. In the world of cinema, this appears to be a statistically significant problem.
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: EAST MEETS WATTS
a.k.a. Dynamite Brothers. MST Club keeps rolling with a martial arts blaxploitation movie. It's the first Cinematic Titanic DVD that was filmed before a live audience.
Special Event: Cinematic Titanic: BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRES
"Dad, where's mom?" Dad: (refuses to tell kids she's locked in the basement and is now a vampire) This is the last Cinematic Titanic with the original premise of being locked in a bunker and being forced to watch bad movies. The remaining episodes were all recorded live before an audience.