Doctor Who: Face The Raven Season 9, Episode 10
The Doctor and Clara, with their old friend Rigsy, find themselves in a magical alien world, hidden on a street in the heart of London. Sheltered within are some of the most fearsome creatures of the universe, and Ashildr! With a death sentence hanging over their heads, not all of the intruders will get out alive. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Sleep No More Season 9, Episode 9
This terrifying story is assembled from footage discovered in the wreckage of Le Verrier Space Station. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Zygon Inversion Season 9, Episode 8
Shapeshifting Zygons are everywhere in the UK, and there is no way of knowing who to trust. With UNIT neutralised, only the Doctor stands in their way. But how do you stop a war? And what can the Doctor do to save his friends? [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Zygon Invasion Season 9, Episode 7
The Zygons, a race of shapeshifting aliens, have been living in secret amongst us on Earth, unknown and unseen - until now! When Osgood is kidnapped by a rogue gang of Zygons, the Doctor, Clara and Unit must scatter across the world in a bid to set her free. But will they reach her in time, and can they stop an uprising before it is too late? [more inside]
Doctor Who: Series 9: 6. The Woman Who Lived Season 9, Episode 6
England, 1651. Deadly highwayman 'the Knightmare' and his sidekick stalk the dark streets of London. But when they find loot that is not of this world, they come face to face with the Doctor. Who is the Knightmare in league with? And can the Doctor avoid the hangman's noose and protect the Earth from a devilish betrayal? [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Girl Who Died Season 9, Episode 5
Captured by Vikings, the Doctor and Clara must help protect their village from space warriors from the future, the Mire. Outnumbered and outgunned, their fate seems inevitable. So why is the Doctor preoccupied with a single Viking girl? [more inside]
Doctor Who: Before the Flood Season 9, Episode 4
On a remote army outpost, a fearsome alien warlord called the Fisher King sets in motion a twisted plan to ensure his own survival. The ripples will be felt around the universe. Is this chain of events inevitable? And can the Doctor do the unthinkable? [more inside]
Doctor Who: Under the Lake Season 9, Episode 3
When an underwater base comes under attack, the Doctor and Clara must save the frightened crew and defeat an impossible threat. But what is behind these terrifying events? And can they really be haunted by ghosts? [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Witch's Familiar Season 9, Episode 2
Trapped and alone on the terrifying planet Skaro, the Doctor is at the heart of the evil Dalek Empire - no sonic, no TARDIS, nobody to help. With his greatest temptation before him, can the Doctor resist? And will there be mercy? [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Magician's Apprentice Season 9, Episode 1
'Where is the Doctor?' When the skies of Earth are frozen by a mysterious alien force, Clara needs her friend. But where is the Doctor, and what is he hiding from? [more inside]
Doctor Who: Last Christmas Season 8, Episode 13
The Doctor and Clara team up at the North Pole with Santa Claus against face-hugging aliens who eat brains. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Death in Heaven Season 8, Episode 12
In the last in the current series, Missy's plan comes to fruition, the Doctor gets a temporary promotion, the dead come home and they've got shiny new suits. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Dark Water Season 8, Episode 11
After a phone call is abruptly terminated, Clara and the Doctor go in search of Danny Pink. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Girl in the Fireplace Rewatch Season 2, Episode 4
First off, TARDISODE 4!
Right, and we're off! And it's a good one! Girl in the Fireplace. Mickey and Rose find themselves on an abandoned spaceship in the Dagmar Cluster, two and a half galaxies away from earth. Inside the spaceship is a French fireplace and some very very nice robots. [more inside]
Doctor Who: In the Forest of the Night Season 8, Episode 10
The Doctor, Clara, Danny and a classful of children find themselves in a mysterious forest that has grown up in central London - and all over the world - overnight. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Flatline Season 8, Episode 9
While the Doctor is trapped in a tiny Tardis, Clara has to save Bristol and the world from invaders from a flat universe who have come to steal our dimensions. [more inside]
Doctor Who: School Reunion Rewatch Season 2, Episode 3
Physics, Physics, physics physics physics.
(First of all, let's get Tardisode 3 out the way)
The Doctor is teaching Physics, but one of the children knows far too much!
Rose is working as a Dinner Lady
Anthony Head is.... Sinister [more inside]
Doctor Who: Mummy on the Orient Express Season 8, Episode 8
The Doctor takes Clara on one last holiday on board an Orient Express that flies through space. But there's an ancient monster on board, and once you see it you have sixty-six seconds to live. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Tooth and Claw Rewatch Season 2, Episode 2
We open on Kung Fu Monks in a Scottish Castle, cos, yeah ok, why not I guess...
The Doctor and Rose travel to the 1970's to catch Ian Dury in sheffield 1979, but end up in Victorian Scotland to meet the queen and determine why there are buddhist kung fu monks in a Scottish castle. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Kill The Moon Season 8, Episode 7
The Doctor takes Courtney on a trip to be to be the first woman on the moon, however it turns out the moon is not what it seems. [more inside]
Doctor Who: New Earth Books Included Season 2, Episode 1
A sequel of sorts to The End Of The World featuring the return of Cassandra. The Doctor and Rose travel to New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York in the year 5,000,000,023 and enter a hospital run by CatNuns! But the catnuns are hiding a terrible secret. But First....
{we're a bit out of sync cos I called the Christmas special episode 1 and fanfare doesn't like there being two threads numbered that.. unless maybe I can cheat and make it a different category, sorry for all the trouble} [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Caretaker Season 8, Episode 6
Coal Hill School has a new caretaker and an unwelcome visitor. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Christmas Invasion Rewatch Season 2, Episode 1
First of all start with this:
Children in need regeneration special. Now, onto the episode!
The newly regenerated Doctor, suffering side effects from his regeneration, crash lands the TARDIS in London. He exits to meet Jackie Tyler and Mickey, and collapses in front of them. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Time Heist First Watch Season 8, Episode 5
The Doctor turns bank robber when he is given a task he cannot refuse - steal from the most dangerous bank in the cosmos. With the help of a beautiful shape-shifter and a cyber-augmented gamer, the Doctor and Clara must fight their way past deadly security, and come face-to-face with the fearsome Teller - a creature of terrifying power that can detect guilt.
Description from BBC
Doctor Who: Parting of The Ways Rewatch Season 1, Episode 13
The Dalek fleet is poised to destroy the Earth and only The Doctor, Rose, Jack and a band of television producers can stop them. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Listen Season 8, Episode 4
The Doctor goes in search of whatever it is that's under the bed when we wake up, terrified, at night. This takes him, and Clara, into Danny Pink's childhood, to the end of the Universe and a barn in the distant past where a frightened boy is trying to sleep. Meanwhile, Clara has several shots at the same date with Danny. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Bad Wolf Rewatch Season 1, Episode 12
The Doctor, Rose, and Jack Harkness find themselves separated, waking up with temporary amnesia in various mid 2000's television game shows. The Doctor finds himself in a Big Brother house hosted by the Davinadroid, Rose ends up on the set of The Weakest Link hosted by Anne Droid, and Jack wakes up facing two female androids who offer to give him a makeover on a show similar to What Not to Wear.
This won't date badly, not at all. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood Season 8, Episode 3
In a sun-dappled Sherwood Forest, the Doctor discovers an evil plan from beyond the stars and strikes up an unlikely alliance with Robin Hood. With all of Nottingham at stake, the Doctor must decide who is real and who is fake.
Doctor Who: Boom Town Rewatch Season 1, Episode 11
The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack arrive in Cardiff in the year 2005. Mickey Smith arrives by train. The Tardis is there to refuel at the Cardiff Rift formed in 1869 but whilst enjoying lunch they spot the face of the escaped Margaret Blaine (containing the Slitheen Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day.) [more inside]
Doctor Who: Into The Dalek Season 8, Episode 2
In the midst of a warzone, the soldiers occupying Aristotle, a secret human outpost, have captured a lone Dalek. This Dalek is so damaged that it has come to view its own kind as evil, and claims it wants to help the humans exterminate the Dalek legions. When the Doctor and Clara arrive on Aristotle, they are miniaturised and sent into the body of the Dalek itself, in the hope of understanding what has happened to it. As the Doctor confronts the question of whether there can ever be such a thing as a good Dalek, he must also confront the hatred in his own heart. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Doctor Dances Rewatch Season 1, Episode 10
Second Part of a two parter: See Part One (The Empty Child)
The Child's plague is spreading throughout wartime London, and its zombie army is on the march. The Ninth Doctor and Rose form an alliance with intergalactic con man Captain Jack, but find themselves trapped in the abandoned hospital. They head to the crash site of Jack's supposed space junk and discover the ground zero for the mysterious plague. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Deep Breath Season 8, Episode 1
In Victorian London, the Paternoster Gang, comprising of Silurian Madame Vastra, her human maid and wife Jenny, and Sontaran butler Strax, are summoned by the police force when a dinosaur suddenly materialises outside the Houses of Parliament. Vastra observes that the dinosaur has something stuck in its throat, and moments later it spits out the TARDIS onto the banks of the Thames. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Empty Child Rewatch Season 1, Episode 9
Chasing a metallic object through the Time Vortex, the Ninth Doctor and his companion, Rose Tyler, arrive in London during the Blitz. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Fathers Day Rewatch Season 1, Episode 8
The Doctor takes Rose back to the day her father died.
Rose, in a moment of weakness saves her fathers life. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Long Game Rewatch Season 1, Episode 7
The Doctor, Rose and Brand New Companion, who I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of arrive at Satellite 5 in the year 200000.
Something is not as it should be! The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe has taken over the station and is using
it to control the lives of the people below. Ultimately the Doctor destroys it by futzing with the environmental systems, but is there
a longer game afoot? [more inside]
Doctor Who: Dalek Rewatch Season 1, Episode 6
The Doctor and Rose follow a distress signal and end up in Utah, in the far flung future year of 2012. They find themselves in a museum of sorts full of alien artefacts.
This is the private collection of a very rich and powerful man called Henry Van Statten.
The only living part of his collection is an alien he calls The Metaltron, but is in fact, A DALEK!
The doctor is terribly cross that a Dalek has survived the Time War.
He tries to destroy the Dalek, but it escapes after using Rose's DNA and presumably time travel energy (Blinovitch Limitation Energy) and kills it's way through the base.
Eventually the stolen DNA causes it to mutate into a creature which feels emotions other than hate, and after basking in sunlight, it finally self destructs. [more inside]
Doctor Who: World War Three Rewatch Season 1, Episode 5
A two parter with Aliens of London the Doctor and Rose (and mickey the idiot) stop a coup d'etat of green farty aliens. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Aliens of London Rewatch Season 1, Episode 4
The Doctor accidentally returns Rose to London a year too late, but get's away with it because everyone is distracted by a spaceship crashing into Big Ben. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The Unquiet Dead Rewatch Season 1, Episode 3
The Doctor and Rose travel into the past, Cardiff 1869 where the dead are more lively than they ought to be. [more inside]
Doctor Who: The End of the World Rewatch Season 1, Episode 2
The Doctor takes Rose on her first trip in the TARDIS to the year 5,000,000,000, where wealthy alien delegates have gathered on observation space station Platform One to watch the Sun expand and destroy the Earth. [more inside]
Doctor Who: Rose Rewatch Season 1, Episode 1
Rose Tyler is an ordinary shop worker living an ordinary life in 21st century Britain. But that life is turned upside down when a strange man calling himself The Doctor drags her into an alien invasion attempt. [more inside]
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