6 posts tagged with horror by Pope Guilty.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.

Movie: V/H/S/85

Unveiled through a made-for-TV documentary, five chilling tales of found footage horror emerge to take viewers on a gore-filled journey through the grim underbelly of the forgotten 1980s.
posted by Pope Guilty on Oct 6, 2023 - 6 comments

Movie: Dark Night of the Scarecrow

In a small Southern town, four vigilantes wrongfully execute a mentally-challenged man, but after the court sets them free mysterious "accidents" begin to kill them off one by one. [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Oct 12, 2022 - 2 comments

Movie: Lord of Tears (2013)

When James Findlay's mother dies, he inherits from her the mansion he spent his childhood in and which his mother requests he never return to. Ignoring her wishes, he returns to sort out the estate and finds himself delving inexorably deeper into a horror that even his vague, traumatic memories of a sinister owl-headed figure are only the surface of. [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Sep 2, 2022 - 1 comment

Movie: Savageland

When the 57 residents of Arizona border town Sangre de Cristo are massacred in a single night in 2011, the sole survivor, a Mexican immigrant, is quickly arrested, charged, and convicted of single-handedly murdering all of them. In 2015, a documentary examines the case and raises questions: Why doesn't the evidence seem to implicate him? Why were people so eager to blame him, no matter how implausibly? And do the horrors captured on the roll of film he shot that night provide a more plausible explanation for the killings? [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Jan 15, 2022 - 6 comments

Movie: Beetlejuice

It's showtime! In Tim Burton's second feature film as a director, the recently deceased Maitlands (Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis) find the house they hoped they'd haunt together forever bought and hideously renovated by avant-garde artist Delia Deetz (Catherine O'Hara), her developer husband Charles (Jeffrey Jones), and gothy daughter Lydia (Winona Ryder). Unable to rid themselves of the intruders, they turn to a "bioexorcist"... the obnoxious, outrageous Betelgeuse (Michael Keaton). But once they agree to hire him, things are going out of control fast! [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Mar 30, 2018 - 24 comments

Podcast: The Black Tapes Podcast: Episode 204 - Voices Carry

Alex uncovers more connections between the mysterious grimoire and the Order of the Ceonophus, and discovers that there might be more to her insomnia than meets the eye.  [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Mar 11, 2016 - 5 comments

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