18 posts tagged with yesyesno.
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Podcast: Reply All: #142 We Didn't Start The Fire

This week, an epic Yes Yes No spanning an entire galaxy of internet fights. Plus, Alex Goldman reveals a dark personal secret. And an update on Sal's quest to get into college in Canada. [more inside]
posted by dnash on May 24, 2019 - 14 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #137 Fool's Trade

Yes Yes No returns and Alex Blumberg takes us on a journey from secret celebrity love letters to the biggest, strangest rock band you've never heard of. Also, basketball.
posted by dinty_moore on Feb 28, 2019 - 10 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #131 Surefire Investigations

This week, the return of YYN: from a deranged mascot to the top of the FBI [more inside]
posted by dnash on Nov 15, 2018 - 15 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #126 Alex Jones Dramageddon

We're back this week with a Yes Yes No. Alex takes PJ and Alex Blumberg through Alex Jones's visit to the Senate. And producer Anna Foley helps us unpack the scandal that's engulfed Beauty YouTube. Alex Jones tweet and Beautube tweet [more inside]
posted by gladly on Sep 20, 2018 - 8 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #114 Apocalypse Soon

This week: Yes Yes No returns and takes us to the brink of apocalypse.
posted by Tevin on Jan 18, 2018 - 13 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #106 Is That You, KD?

This week, we help Alex Blumberg understand why a Google engineer ended up complimenting the KKK, and then Yes Yes No turns bizarro. [more inside]
posted by DoctorFedora on Oct 2, 2017 - 6 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #98 Fog of Covfefe

The last person on earth who has not heard about covfefe walks into a studio, and a strange journey begins.
posted by bq on Jun 8, 2017 - 8 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #88 Second Language

A new Yes Yes No, plus Sruthi meets her first fully-functional cyborg. [more inside]
posted by radioamy on Feb 9, 2017 - 6 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #83 Voyage Into Pizzagate

A conspiracy theory, a pizza related map, and a website fighting for its very soul. [more inside]
posted by the_querulous_night on Dec 8, 2016 - 11 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #80 Flash!

This week: a bitter Yes Yes No rivalry, and the return of 10 Minutes on Craigslist. Someone has gone missing. [more inside]
posted by SansPoint on Oct 27, 2016 - 8 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #77 The Grand Tapestry Of Pepe

Forty servers full of lost photos, a secret plan, and an unexpected rescue. Also, a Yes Yes No about a frog.
posted by zeptoweasel on Sep 22, 2016 - 15 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #72 Dead is Paul

It's all Yes Yes No this week. First, a tweet about a banana sculpted (nibbled?) into a gorilla, then another tweet that requires "outside counsel" to explain. [more inside]
posted by radioamy on Aug 4, 2016 - 8 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #69 Disappeared

This week a man decides to sabotage the entire internet. Plus, PJ discovers the secret code he's accidentally been speaking, and learns about the people who created it.
posted by radioamy on Jul 7, 2016 - 19 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #68 Vampire Rules

It's an old story. Two people date, they break up, they both go on Tinder. And on Tinder, one of them stumbles across an incredibly creepy photo, taken inside the apartment they used to share. Super Tech Support to the rescue. Plus, the return of Yes Yes No. [more inside]
posted by jazon on Jun 16, 2016 - 8 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #52 Raising The Bar

Leslie Miley went from being a college dropout to Twitter's only black engineer in a leadership position. So why did he quit? And what does it have to do with ketchup? Plus a new Yes Yes No involving the manosphere and Star Wars.
posted by radioamy on Jan 21, 2016 - 6 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #32 The Evilest Technology On Earth :-)

What happens when the hackers are hacked? [more inside]
posted by radioamy on Jul 16, 2015 - 12 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #31 BONUS: The Reddit Implosion Explainer

A Yes Yes No about the recent (and massive) dustup on Reddit.
posted by radioamy on Jul 9, 2015 - 9 comments

Podcast: Reply All: #12 Back End Trouble

The entire internet decides to look at one famous butt at the same time. One man has to ensure that the website hosting Kardashian butt pictures doesn't crash. The sheer terror and joy of solving that problem. [more inside]
posted by radioamy on Feb 5, 2015 - 14 comments

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