15 posts tagged with Wonderfalls.
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Wonderfalls: Caged Bird  Season 1, Ep 13

As Eric prepares to leave Niagra forever, Jaye, Sharon, Alec, and Wade are held hostage in Wonderfalls by a bank robber on the run. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Sep 7, 2015 - 6 comments

Wonderfalls: Totem Mole  Season 1, Ep 12

Jaye, Mahandra, and Sharon visit a Native American reservation where Sharon sparks up an old college rivalry with a local catching Mahandra in the crossfire. Jaye, meanwhile, has a conversation with the deceased seer and tries to get the woman's accountant grandson to find his spiritual gift, despite the signs saying that Jaye is, in fact, the chosen one. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Sep 7, 2015 - 5 comments

Wonderfalls: Cocktail Bunny  Season 1, Ep 11

When the muses tell her to "save him from her" Jaye becomes convinced that Eric's life is in danger and begins investigating Heidi. Meanwhile, Jaye is coerced by her parents into returning to therapy with Dr. Ron. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Sep 2, 2015 - 2 comments

Wonderfalls: Lying Pig   Season 1, Ep 10

When Eric's estranged wife returns to town, Jaye is instructed by the muses to "mend what was broken." Afraid of losing Eric, Jaye turns to her brother for help and tries to ignore the muses' orders. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Sep 2, 2015 - 1 comment

Wonderfalls: Safety Canary  Season 1, Ep 9

Jaye and Eric's first date goes awry when Jaye, upon a muse's instruction, causes a rare bird to go wild and gets the bird keeper fired. Jaye, Eric, and the bird keeper then go on a mission to "save the lovebirds" while Mahandra tries to warn Jaye against getting too close to Eric. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 27, 2015 - 5 comments

Wonderfalls: Lovesick Ass  Season 1, Ep 8

Jaye and Eric start to get closer while helping a Russian woman who came to America to meet her on-line fiancé, Peter, who turns out to be less that she expected. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 27, 2015 - 8 comments

Wonderfalls: Barrel Bear   Season 1, Ep 7

Jaye and Mahandra end up on opposite sides of a battle between two older women both claiming to be the first woman to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 25, 2015 - 5 comments

Wonderfalls: Muffin Buffalo  Season 1, Ep 6

Jaye tries to help a shut-in neighbor re-enter society while the muses tell her not to give another neighbor her disability checks that were delivered to Jaye by mistake. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 25, 2015 - 5 comments

Wonderfalls: Crime Dog  Season 1, Ep 5

Jaye gets into an increasingly convoluted situation involving the family maid, border control, the feds, and a cow creamer. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 20, 2015 - 5 comments

Wonderfalls: Wound-Up Penguin  Season 1, Ep 4

Jayne uncovers a woman living in a barrel at her local bar and the mysterious animal voices compel Jayne to help whether she wants to or not. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 18, 2015 - 10 comments

Wonderfalls: Karma Chameleon  Season 1, Ep 3

Jaye feels inadequate when her Mom's book blurb barely mentions her, until a young woman starts taking in inordinate interest in her. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 16, 2015 - 7 comments

Wonderfalls: Pink Flamingos   Season 1, Ep 2

Jaye nearly kills two people trying to avoid her high school reunion and ends up helping end a disasterous marriage. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 12, 2015 - 6 comments

Wonderfalls: Wax Lion  Season 1, Ep 1

Over-educated and unambitious retail clerk Jaye Tyler is coerced into helping a stranger, against her better judgment and desire to avoid human interaction, when a wax lion at the Wonderfalls gift shop begins talking to her. [more inside]
posted by The Whelk on Aug 7, 2015 - 24 comments

Wonderfalls (2004)

Wonderfalls! The first of Bryan Fuller's TV shows to get cancelled is over ten years old and deserves a critical re-appreciation as both heralding the future of TV and being so late 90s it hurts. plus, baby Lee Pace! who's up for a rewatch? ( scheduled in about a week to allow Netflix discs to be rented and such)
posted by The Whelk on Jul 29, 2015 - 11 comments


Is there any interest in a Wonderfalls discussion? The eps are on Netflix and it would be a relatively brief discussion. I wonder if one thread for the whole show might work best?
posted by PussKillian on Sep 26, 2014 - 8 comments

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