32 posts tagged with 20fixteen and maximumfun.
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Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 333: The Full Randall
It's another mostly sleep deprived episode this week, so please enjoy our nearly incoherent ramblings about Japanese reality shows, Prince's vault of personalized music and an outline for a new, Oscar-worthy installment in the Home Alone franchise. Suggested talking points: Terrace House and Piss Tales, Pseudonym, When Doves Actually Cry, Jinglepockets, Wrestling Identities, Sext Mystery, Three-way Godzilla Battle
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 324: A Heroic and Well-Reviewed Lizard
Now that we're technically television experts, we're going to spend a lot more time talking about how that delicious TV sausage gets made. Did you know most characters you see on television shows are just famous people who are reading their words off of a script? Sorry to pull the rug out from under you like that. Suggested talking points: SNL Review, Long Goodbyes, Running in Circles, Pants Emergency, Reverse Lizard Heist, Lbrunchunch, Real TV
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 316: Smart Stuff
Hey, look who's at the door! The back door, I mean. It's Island Boy, and he's very, very lost. Oops! Now we have to take care of Island Boy, because I'm pretty sure he'll perish out in the real world. Suggested Talking Points: Island Boy Rises, Deep Sea 'Corns, Barber Barber Barber, Burke Plimpton, Gimme the Hippo, Please and Thank Yous, Justin's New Podcast, Return to the Zoo
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 44. The Eleventh Hour - Chapter Four
Our heroes explore an extremely deadly derelict mine in an attempt to find out what's happening to Refuge every time the clock strikes noon. They do so with the usual amount of caution and grace, which is to say things go very, very, very poorly, very, very, very often. Merle makes some furry friends. Magnus finds a trap the hard way. Taako flies to Heaven.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 310: A Tale of Two Gallaghers
Happy Birthday, America! We got you another episode, but you have to share it with everyone. Also, you should not enjoy the last 10 minutes at a family bar-b-q without headphones. It gets pretty blue America! Enjoy! Suggested talking points: Joey's 'Stang, Up Our QPE, Dumpster Lamb, Spirit of Music, Hamper of Secrets, The McElroy Way, FakeOutkastFans, Cougar Town, Teaching Internet
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 43. The Eleventh Hour - Chapter Three
Our heroes start to get a hang of the difficult business of repetition as they learn more about Refuge and the events that led the town to such a sorry state. How much catastrophe can they undo in 60 minutes? Certainly they can't make things worse -- can they? Taako burns some spell slots. Magnus goes Over the Top. Merle's evangelism is met with the usual reception.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 309: Here Comes Ray Donovan
Our RSS news feed is an absolute garbage pile right now, so we spent most of this episode talking about the one shining, brilliant light in the darkness: Ray Donovan. Welcome back, Ray: You're here right when we needed you most. Suggested talking points: RAY DONOVAN'S BACK, Dick's Purge Cafe, Old Timey Hacking, Stolen Stories, HERE COMES RAY, Land Ownership, Old Old Water [more inside]
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 308: Burgertrees
We're back after our post-live show recording hiatus, which explains why we spend the first, oh, six minutes of this podcast just saying the word "Daddies" over and over again. Celebrate some dads with us! All those good daddies. Suggested talking points: Daddy Chat, Getting Sketched, TommyChong.com, Two Rolls a Day, The Dick, Doctor Munch, Baby Geniuses
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 306: Face 2 Face: Foggy Bottoms
Here's a live performance from The Lincoln Theatre, in beautiful, humid Washington D.C.! Join us for a lengthy discussion on soupy gooses, a perplexing audience question about random acts of tap shoes and, of course, the live debut of MUNCH SQUAD.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 304: Chicken Soup for Boys
This episode's just full of heapin' helpin's of that good old down-home wisdom -- the kind that just warms up yer bones and renews your spirit, right when you need it. It's sagely as heck. Dig on into a plateful of grateful. Suggested talking points: Pony Time, Pasketti Interrupted, Potato Soup for the Spirit, Coke Dad, MUNCH SQUAD, Crack for Kid Planet
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 40. Lunar Interlude III: Rest & Relaxation
That last adventure was a tough one. Our heroes have earned some time off -- both from mortal danger, and from each other. But how do adventurers spend their downtime between jobs? Also, what's hot and fresh at the bakery counter of the Fantasy Costco? Magnus considers a change in careers. Merle dishes out some beard-centric philosophy. Taako takes on a pupil.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 302: Honkin' on Bruno
This may be a difficult transition for y'all, but we need you to scoop up all your old DVDs of Kung Fu Panda 3, and throw them right into the incinerator. We're on to Captain America: Civil War-Watch, y'all. Suggested talking points: Civil War Watch, Elegant Kooky, MMA Safety, Dick's Last Cafe, Bruce Willis' Yahoo Answers Account, Slime Time: I Done Goofed Up Derek
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 301: The Pirate King
Here it is, our first episode of MBMBaM Vol. 2. What's different
in this bold new chapter of our podcast? Viiirrtuuaallllyyyyy
Suggested talking points: Twitter Defense Force, Frutopia Curse,
Dunk Etiquette, Dog Park Visitor, Buried Treasures, Yahoo
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 299: The Shorting Hat
This is it: The end of an era. In this episode, we put the opening chapter of the MBMBaM experience behind us. Join us for a deep gaze into the TIME PORTAL, where all possible podcast futures will be revealed.
Suggested talking points: The End of Vol. 1, Sunglasses Discovery, Yahoo's Demise, Hogshorts, Check Revival, Stink Jacket
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 298: The Impossible Joke
We're ramping up to our 300th Episode Extravaganza in the only way we know how: By releasing this episode late, and spending a whooooole lot of it talking about Randy Quaid and Mario Lopez.
Suggested talking points: An Embarrassment of Quaids, Hyper C.O.P.S., Mario Lopez Facts, Car Songs, Satin Bags, Wrestle Babies
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 297: Justin Wide
Happy belated April Fools' Day everyone! That's when we recorded this episode, and hoo boy, apparently our prank on you is that we have prepared an episode that discusses, to an obsessive degree, Julias Caesar's ancient gastrointestinal distress.
Suggested talking points: A Great April Fools Goof, Tweet Narc, Toilet Mysteries, Recycle Justice, Camp Pranks, Roscoe the Potato Man, Party Baby, Ghost Clothes
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 296: Shower Boys
THANKS FOR THE MONEY CHUMPS. You thought all that was going to help support the podcast you're about to listen to? No way - we just needed some seed money to launch our heart's true passion: A Podcast about renovating people's showers against their will. Welcome to: Shower Boys: Episode One.
Suggested talking points: New Projects, Babysitting Whoopsies, Dyngus Day, Buzzers, Hogbasket, Ambien Olympics, Haunting Value
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 36. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter Eight
Hey, things aren't really going that great for our heroes right now, but on the plus side -- it's MaxFunDrive time! You can support our show by going to maximumfun.org/donate, though unfortunately, you can't really support our heroes right now; they've got to un-goof this situation themselves. Merle saves a life. Magnus gets new legs. Taako introduces a long-overdue tentacle scene to the show. [more inside]
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 295: Goofbusters II
It's the second week of the MaxFunDrive, and our second week of reviving some of your favorite classic bits from MBMBaMs past. One small problem: We kind of ran out of bits. We're getting more conceptual this time around, meaning: It's time for some serious pony chat.
Suggested talking points: MBMBaMily Reunion, Octonutting, Horse Talk!, More Farm Wisdom, Gold Encryption, Baby Mommy, My Very Tall Wife, Bucket List Moonwalk, Barefoot Office, 16' Doll Wife
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 294: Goofbusters
AWWWW DUNK. It's MaxFunDrive time! We're kicking off a two-week celebration of your generosity with this an episode that's just, like, chock-full of pandering. By which we mean we revive all of our classic bits, some of which were dead for very good reasons.
Donate at www.maximumfun.org/donate!
Suggested talking points: Haunted Doll Watch, Hat Stink, Quinoa Month, The Saddest Lib, Lil' Musky, Boogle, Mailroom Ghost, Dr. M'Crum, Truck Month, Regarding Marrying Sonic Characters [more inside]
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 35. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter Seven
Our heroes recover after performing some impromptu emergency surgery on their holiest team member, and then, after kicking it for a while, learn the secrets of the universe. No big deal. Taako tries on a new voice. Magnus does some backseat Regulating. Merle learns about an exciting new plant.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 292: Remain on the Smooth Tip
H-hey, you guys are cool with us talking about Fuller House for a hot minute, right? Because, holy chalupas, do we have some hot-ass takes up in this episode.
Suggested talking points: The Gibbler Shed, Young Love, Underwear Voice, Gildo, Birthday Business Future Man, 22 Slices, SkiDrake, MC Scat Facts
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 34. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter Six
Can our heroes achieve a competent victory against three relatively unkillable foes? More importantly: Can they do any sick stunts while doing so? Taako conjures up the ultimate terror. Magnus has a public service announcement. Merle faces a crystal conundrum.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 291: Most Likely to Boat
Bliss Delight returns to the studio after a few weeks spent traveling the Ethersphere and kicking it on Earth Jr. for a bit. We've only got about an hour of studio time before the next metamorphosis, so let's get this thing on wax.
Suggested talking points: Carly Spray, Rick Steez, Life Skills, Getting a Boat, Cat Permission, Old Man Star Wars, The Guyron Throne, Drum Fighters
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 289: Ben Stiller's Museum Nights
Welcome, all, to our most fanciful episode yet! It's got everything: Extremely wrong-headed Super Bowl predictions, Travis' mushroom-tainted movie memories and a brief lesson on Mogwai rights. Come with us on a three-way mind voyage!
Suggested talking points: The Hug Heard Round the World, Mushroom Movie Editions, A Very Terrible Towel, Office Traps, Pirate Jeffcoats, Emu President
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 288: Shuriken Dip
We're glad that the subject matters addressed in this episode are coming at this point in our careers, because we're not sure we would have been equipped to handle them four years ago. Like: Sleep Jeans? SLEEP JEANS? JEANS FOR SLEEPING?
Suggested talking points: Football Pointers, Sleep Jeans, Tim McGraw's Krav Maga Returns, Accidental ASMR, Candy Stamps, Realtor Kisses, A Matter of Taxonomy
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 287: Glistening Fishlifters
It's really hard for the three of us to get together and record a solid hour-or-so of comedy audio without our robotic assistants barging into the studio. We apologize for their automated, synthetic rudeness.
Suggested talking points: ASMR Prep, Ripped for Fish, Short Tongue, Sick Bob Ross Collabo, Popularity Resume, A Brief History of Andrew Johnson
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 286: Coyotes Ate Our Dad
Listen, it's our own fault, really. We teased that coyote with the promise of warmth and familial love, which are a coyote's two most favorite things. Feeding him that sweet 'ched probably didn't help things, either.
Suggested talking points: Bliss Delight, Get That Surprise, Meme Scene, Elderly Bank Robbery, Kyle: A Movie About Being a Good Dad and Good Human
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 31. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter Three
Having survived an encounter with their deadliest foe yet, our heroes take a moment to reflect on some of Faerun's most prodigious scientific achievements. Later, the trio is forced into a deadly test of intellect, and you can probably guess how well that goes. Merle does some pest control. Magnus makes a token of friendship. Taako enjoys some "Taako time."
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 284: Hope and Slime
We're kicking off 20-Fixteen: Building Bridges by providing bespoke advice for some very specific groups of people: Former members of ska bands, grandma pill vendors, sleepyheads and the 12 slimy duplicates of Michael Jordan. All of you: You're welcome.
Suggested talking points: Poppin', Shovel Courtesy, Beetlejuicier, Nap Genius, Barack Clonebama, Space Down
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 30. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter Two
Our heroes make their way into Lucas' floating, crystallized lab, and face off against their deadliest foe yet. Will they thrive under the pressure of an apocalyptic time limit? Or will they waste too much time just standing around, debating the names of members of the band U2? Magnus gets caught fibbing. Taako learns about a Grandpa. Merle gets Touched by an Angel.
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep 29. The Crystal Kingdom - Chapter One
A new adventure begins! Join our heroes as they host a relatively successful office holiday party, and mourn as that party gets totally sidelined by a potential apocalypse. Magnus puts his carpentry to good use. Taako perfects his macaroon recipe. Merle does some re-gifting.