FanFare Clubs

Clubs are a way for members to plan group viewings and discussions.


Films from 1979. Focus on American films but the scope can extend to world-wide.
started by joseph conrad is fully awesome on 11/13 - 22 members

2019 Tournament of Books

We're going to read through the shortlist of the Morning News Tournament of Books. The dates are approximate. Instead we are claiming books on this spreadsheet and creating posts on those books between now and March.
started by tofu_crouton on 12/22 - 16 members

Animation Celebration

Animated films - beginning with the 2000-2015 time period.
started by joseph conrad is fully awesome on 8/24 - 26 members

Anime Club

Whatever qualifies as anime... There is usually a current Japanese TV season's series being watched, and classic movies and series from the past being rewatched.
started by ardgedee on 7/11 - 75 members

Apocalypse Fiction Club

In this club, we read fiction about the apocalypse! The rules of apocalypse fiction club are very loose – we refuse to be confined by genre, era, or author! I’ve proposed a list of 3 works for the first three months, and included a survey for participants to vote on what we want to read month four. See club talk for more details on the specific books that are already scheduled.
started by latkes on 10/21 - 88 members


For a re-read (or first read, if you are open to spoilers) of the A Song of Ice and Fire Books.
started by nubs on 3/7 - 39 members

Aubrey-Maturin Book Club

The bosun started his call. Brooms, buckets, swabs, squeegees, holystones, prayer-books, brass rags flew into sheltered places as his mates roared down the hatches ‘All hands, all hands ’bout ship’ and then vanished below to drive the sleepers up – those few so worn with toil, seasickness and desolation, that they were unconscious in spite of the carronade and the echoing thunder of the holystones. The score or so of right seamen had been at their stations ten minutes before the last desperate half-clothed bewildered landsman was hunted up, shoved and beaten and cobbed into his place. ~ Let's talk about Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin books.
started by fleacircus on 3/27 - 45 members

Aussie New Wave Club

Watching movies from Australia's cinematic renaissance of the '70s and '80s, from the well known to the quite obscure, including films from directors whose success at home paid for a trans-Pacific flight to Hollywood.
started by Fukiyama on 3/12 - 5 members


Reading Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, sequels, and related materials.
started by bq on 8/28 - 34 members

Ball Club Film Club

For movies about baseball.
started by phunniemee on 8/4 - 13 members

Billy Wilder film club

Let's watch some Billy Wilder movies! Why? Wilder’s films show an extraordinary range, from film noir to screwball comedy. Although he claims that as a director he aspired to an unobtrusive style of shooting, all his films, nonetheless are marked by a singular vision—elegant dramatization of character through action, distinctive dialogue, and a sour/sweet, or even misanthropic, view of humanity—qualities that stem, for the most part, from the writing. Wilder’s credits as a director and cowriter include Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard, Sabrina, Ace in the Hole, Stalag 17, The Lost Weekend, Some Like it Hot, and The Apartment. Four films directed and cowritten by Wilder have been selected by the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress for recognition and preservation. We'll start with some big hits, and if folks are interested, we'll keep going, including old writing credit only European films. For our first films: 1. The Apartment 2. Sunset Blvd 3. One, Two, Three 4. Double Indemnity. If this catches on we'll go on to Fedora, Front Page & Some Like it Hot and...
started by latkes on 9/25 - 11 members

Bond Club

Weekly posts of the 23 official EON James Bond films, leading up to the theatrical release of Spectre (Bond 24) on November 6th. Posts go up on Thursdays.
started by everybody had matching towels on 5/26 - 27 members

Cannibal Club

This is a group for anyone who is interested in discussing and dissecting the various works that comprise the Hannibal canon, including the movies, TV show, and the four book series by Thomas Harris that first brought these characters to life.
started by litera scripta manet on 9/6 - 40 members

Comic Book

For discussions about comics/graphic novels. We're starting off with Saga, reading one trade paperback every two weeks. Other suggestions welcome.
started by dinty_moore on 3/27 - 21 members

Comics Discussion

Comic books, graphic novels, manga, bandes dessinees. If it has words and pictures then we'll talk about it here.
started by any portmanteau in a storm on 5/30 - 3 members

Criterion on Hulu

A support group for those of us who spend $8 a month for access to some of the greatest films ever made, yet somehow always end up watching last week's American Ninja Warrior instead.
started by Ian A.T. on 5/28 - 71 members

Cyberpunk Club

Welcome to the Cyberpunk club! Where we watch movies that are generally considered cyberpunk and analyze their themes. It's also where we'll probably end up arguing over which movies are or aren't cyberpunk. That's cool too.
started by I-baLL on 8/31 - 38 members

Cycling Club

Since Sports have recently found their way to Fanfare, I thought I would test the waters and see if there's enough interest to do posts on pro cycling races. I would focus on the UCI Worldtour since that's what I follow, but I think the club ought to be open to MTB, cyclocross, and whatever else people are following.
started by selfnoise on 5/12 - 27 members

Dark Tower Reread/Discussion

Cortex is, awesomely, going to let us do a proper Books thread as a bit of a trial run. So this'll be the place to work out reread/posting details and schedules, who wants to do what and when-ish, spoiler policy, etc, and then we can spin book (and eventually movie) threads out from here.
started by Dormant Gorilla on 3/2 - 45 members

Doctor Who

Club to discuss all things Doctor Who. The Show, The Books, The Audio Drama's, the little known Barbara Benedetti fan series, and so on....
started by Just this guy, y'know on 9/22 - 15 members

Dune Club

Frank Herbert's Dune and it's follow-up novels are a fascinating and idiosyncratic science fiction epic. We're gonna read all six.
started by cortex on 10/21 - 90 members


We're reading Ursula Le Guin's series of novels and stories set in the world of Earthsea.
started by Cash4Lead on 11/6 - 18 members

Eurovision Club

Everything related to the Eurovision Song Contest. (Bring your own wind machine, rhinestone overalls, and superfluous acrobats.)
started by zebra on 5/9 - 100 members

Fast & Furious

Dom: Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning. Previously organized here, to watch the FF series of films.
started by the man of twists and turns on 5/22 - 20 members

Film Noir

We watch and comment on film noir. Any noir is fine--from the golden noir age of the 40s and early 50s, through neo noir, and even future noir, it's all good.
started by MoonOrb on 2/10 - 35 members

First Club

The first rule of First Club is testing FanFare Clubs. First.
started by pb on 5/22 - 21 members

Friday the 13th on Friday the 13th

We are watching all Friday the 13th movies, in order, on Friday the 13th.
started by Literaryhero on 5/15 - 5 members

Golden Age Mysteries

A catchall focusing on mysteries written during the “Golden Age” (1920s to 1940s-ish), but including later ones either set in this period, or clearly influenced by them.
started by scorbet on 12/3 - 21 members

Harry Potter Club

A monthly reread of the HP books with a rewatch of each movie following the book by a week.
started by toomanycurls on 12/13 - 63 members

Heist Movie Club

"Easy come, easy go," they say. Money don't always come easy, but the harder it comes, the sweeter it spends. Of course there's always somethin' to screw up a good lick—the law, the mob, amateurs, and unprofessionals (not the same thing, as any trustworthy mechanic can tell you). This particular club is about heist movies. You wanna yap about Richard Stark, you can make your own club.
started by infinitewindow on 5/23 - 37 members

Historical Fiction Book Club

A monthly read within the genre of historical fiction, leaning towards the more literary end of the spectrum but aiming for an eclectic mix of authors, styles, periods, etc. Book discussion opens on the first of each month; selections are announced well in advance to provide reading time.
started by Eyebrows McGee on 10/21 - 103 members

Holiday Movie Club

The Holiday Movie Club, a way to avoid our families enjoy heartwarming holiday films together from about the end of Novemeber to the end of December.
started by the man of twists and turns on 8/2 - 83 members


For people to discuss the webcomic Homestuck as well as any offshoots, such as Paradox Space and Hiveswap.
started by divabat on 3/10 - 20 members

Hope In the Darkness: Nonfiction for the post-Trump resistance

A nonfiction-oriented sister club to In These Trying Times: fiction for a post-Trump era. We're aiming to discuss nonfiction books that provide tactics, strength, hope, and lessons for the resistance against fascism building worldwide, with a particular focus on the US resistance to Trump. Books will, judging from our list, draw from a mixture of political thought, sociology, history, and biography, among other genres. Here's our reading list for the future.
started by sciatrix on 2/9 - 21 members

Hugo Awards 2019

For discussion of the 2019 Hugo Award nominees
started by dinty_moore on 4/6 - 32 members

Hugo Awards 2020

Discussing the 2020 Hugo Awards
started by dinty_moore on 4/29 - 10 members

"In the Cut" Podcast Movie Club

A group for listeners of In the Cut to watch and discuss the films, in tandem with the podcast. Fun!
started by churl on 5/25 - 4 members

In These Trying Times - Fiction post-Trump

A Book Club for reading fiction that speaks to our current, post-Trump reality. Book planning sheet here.
started by chainsofreedom on 2/8 - 27 members

Indigenous Books

A club for reading books (mainly fiction) by indigenous authors.
started by jacquilynne on 1/12 - 18 members

Kattullus' Monthly Random Fiction Book Club

As the title indicates, this will be a book club which discusses one book of fiction per month. The terms "book", "fiction" and "one" will be very loosely defined. The only two rules will be that at least half of the months will feature books by women, and that at least a quarter of the months will feature works in translation. The scheduled works for the first four months are:

Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov
The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
Third Reich by Roberto Bolaño

started by Kattullus on 10/21 - 20 members

Kdrama Club

Do you watch Korean TV? Do you want to watch Korean TV? Join the club!
started by oh yeah! on 8/1 - 26 members

LGBT Romance According to Netflix

In honor of, or perhaps in spite of, our thread on the Fusion article "Every single LGBT romance movie streaming on Netflix, ranked", I decided to celebrate Pride Month and staat a club for the movies on the list that I'm going to watch, whether they're good or not. Schedule is not set but it will probably be mostly the top 20 movies on the list because I think that covered all that interested me even a bit (except I will also probably also include The Seminarian because "a The Room-like sheen to its badness" is not something I can pass up and I'll also probably eventually make sure I have a balance between gay men and lesbian protagonists). But the first two will be 1) Pit Stop 2) Boys because those are the ones I watched. If you're interested, please review the list and let me know what interests you and I'll plan accordingly.
started by MCMikeNamara on 6/11 - 10 members

Mad Max/George Miller movie club

We are going to watch the films of George Miller, with an emphasis on the Mad Max movies. Original FanFare Talk discussion here.
started by ocherdraco on 5/22 - 24 members

Mann's World

In which we watch the films of Michael Mann
started by the man of twists and turns on 12/15 - 8 members

Marvel Cinematic Universe

For fans of the transmedia storytelling experience that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the movies, TV shows, DVD extras, tie-in books and comics, and anything else set in Earth-199999.
started by Jacqueline on 3/16 - 82 members

MeFi Football Club

The club for everything Football/Soccer. Club and International team competitions discussion welcome!
started by lmfsilva on 5/10 - 97 members

MeFi Horror Club

MeFi Horror Club is a biweekly film discussion club about horror and horror-related films that anyone and everyone in MetaFilter is invited to take part in. Films are announced on alternating Fridays, with the discussion posts following a week later on the next Friday. All selections are made by individual MeFites. You might want to look at the club guidelines.
started by Artw on 5/22 - 68 members

Metafilter Low Effort Book Club

For people who want to chat about literature without having to read anything new. Post adolescent faves or the book that changed your life or that one weird old novel that you stole off your mom's nightstand. Then grab a glass of wine and let's talk.
started by roger ackroyd on 2/26 - 18 members

Metaphysics and Entanglement

This group is for readers of philosophy and philosophical fiction of any vintage, observers of the history of ideas, and those interested in the way we overthink about thinking. The recent death of philosopher Hilary Putnam inspired me to start this group, to involve fellow MeFi members in exploring and appreciating the literature of philosophy in a critical, inclusive, and irreverent context.
started by Fritz Langwedge on 3/16 - 12 members

Mystery Science Theater Club

A place to talk about our quest to group-watch, over the Internet, the entire 198-episode cable run of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Bad movies with good friends! MST3K episodes on FanFare.
started by JHarris on 5/22 - 72 members

Narrative Games

This club will meet on a monthly basis, and share discussion for a game with a heavy focus on narrative. Also covers experimental games and interactive fiction.
started by codacorolla on 3/4 - 28 members

NBA Club

A Club for Discussion of the National Basketball Associations Televised Broadcasts. We will discuss the Playoffs, important news items and possibly the regular season in Weekly Recap threads.
started by Potomac Avenue on 5/9 - 27 members

Non-Fiction Club

Do you read a lot of non-fiction? On a variety of topics? Do you want to read a lot of non-fiction? Then this club is for you! History, Science, Food, Language, Nature, non-fiction is a broad category! I'm hoping that together we can all post on and recommend our favorites to the community as a whole.
started by Homo neanderthalensis on 3/8 - 55 members

Nostalgic YA Books

A place to revisit all those amazing YA books ...
started by ChuraChura on 6/13 - 53 members

Old Timey Film Club

Black and white movies. Must be good, no other restrictions.
started by joseph conrad is fully awesome on 8/11 - 97 members

Olympics Rio 2016

Here's your MetaFilter FanFare headquarters for sports chatter about the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
started by cortex on 8/5 - 137 members

Opera Club

Let's talk opera! Open to any performances available to watch or listen via recording, live broadcast, or live streaming. Opera beginners and experienced opera fans welcome!
started by asperity on 9/30 - 5 members

Peter Grant Novels

Reading all of the Peter Grant novels, and possibly the graphic novels/errata too.
started by dinty_moore on 1/8 - 43 members

Philip K Dick Club

Reading the novels and writings of PKD.
started by hobgadling on 12/17 - 19 members

Professional Wrestling

For the enlightened proponent of the one true sport in all of its eras, forms, and flavors.
started by zerolives on 9/4 - 4 members

Rainer Maria Fassbinder

Monthly watch of Fassbinder, covering the popular and more obscure.
started by mrcrow on 9/3 - 3 members

Reading Gene Wolfe

Gene Wolfe's novels are demanding, complex, and beautiful. We will be reading the Solar Cycle in its entirety.
started by justalisteningman on 10/25 - 14 members

Robin Williams Movie

A retrospective of some of the films that featured Robin Williams. A chance to re-view his work, discuss it, and appreciate what he gave the world through his work.
started by nubs on 5/23 - 11 members


We wanna rock! No, wait, we don't. We wanna watch historical footage of other people rocking! Non-rock musical documentaries also welcome.
started by The corpse in the library on 3/18 - 4 members

Shakespeare Movie Club

Each month, watch a Shakespeare movie, rotating between comedy, history and tragedy. Only straight adaptations, based on the plays allowed. Either adapted for film like Joel Coen's Tragedy of Macbeth or recordings from stage productions like those from the BBC, RSC or the like. More liberal adaptations like 10 Things I Hate About You or She's the Man will be considered for extra credit. I mostly started this because I used to watch Shakespeare all the time and somehow got out of the habit so I'm trying to restart it.
started by fiercekitten on 3/17 - 5 members

Shut Up And Drive!

Do you like movies about fast cars? Do you know what GTO stands for? Is Kowalski your secret screen name? Is Steve McQueen your desktop wallpaper? Do you remember a time before The Fast and The Furious defined a genre? You've come to the right place. Muscle cars. Burning rubber. Distant, moody loners with rear-wheel drive, Thrush mufflers, the smell of leaded gasoline and more horsepower under the hood than the law allows. Strap in and we'll put the pedal to the metal. Let's ride!
started by valkane on 3/25 - 19 members

The Simpsons Rewatch, Seasons 1-9

I'll need three ships and fifty stout men. We'll sail 'round the Horn and return with spices and silk, the likes of which ye have never seen.
started by chinesefood on 2/1 - 5 members

Spy-Fi Club

Welcome to the SpyFi Club where the sun is shining but the ice is slippery! "What is Spy-Fi?", you ask? Well, Wikipedia defines it as "Spy-fi is a subgenre of spy fiction that includes elements of science fiction." but we'll play it loose and narrow and have it include pretty much most spy fiction that takes place after WW2. So, sit back, relax, and check for enemies in your periphery as we dive into the world of secrets, espionage, and intrigue, and espionage.
started by I-baLL on 6/2 - 15 members


Club to discuss Silly Science Fiction and Fantasy. We're looking at things like Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Tom Holt, Robert's Rankin and Aspirin, Doug Naylor / Rob Grant, Jasper Fforde, Jo Walton and so on. This'll be primarily books, but also to include other media (films, radio shows, Stage shows, TV shows and whatever else) But books first.
started by Just this guy, y'know on 3/17 - 37 members

Stale Beer

"Stale Beer" spy fiction "is "more realistic" in that it does not romanticize the profession... It involves dead-drops, brush-pasts, blackmail and morally iffy things. Spying is stressful and you may end up an alcoholic or worse. "
started by the man of twists and turns on 11/5 - 12 members

Star Wars

Organizing a Star Wars rewatch prior to the latest movie release on December 18th
started by PigheadedGnu on 8/28 - 40 members

Strange Club

Exactly as the name suggests - strange & sublime, bizarre & beautiful, arthouse-leaning, unclassifiable. A pure mind melt, or just delightfully not-quite-right. Emphasis is on "stuff we actually like" rather than "so bad it's good," though exceptions are inevitable.
started by naju on 8/5 - 115 members

Tamora Pierce fan club

Reading all of Tamora Pierce's novels
started by Eyebrows McGee on 1/15 - 36 members

Terry Pratchett Book Club

The main adventure for this club will be to read all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books in publication order. Other works by Pratchett outside of Discworld or ephemera related to same will also make appearances, but the main arc will be the Discworld books. We will read two books per month starting in January 2017.
started by lazaruslong on 1/6 - 47 members

Up Series Club

The Up Series is an award-winning collection of documentary films that checks in on a collection of twenty British children once every seven years. The first movie was made of the kids at age seven (Seven Up!), and the most recent one covers the kids at 56. (56 Up)
The purpose of this club is to watch the entire series at a set of regular intervals.
started by Going To Maine on 5/23 - 29 members

A Videogame Club

Posts and discussion of the latest and greatest in home interactive entertainment. All games welcome!
started by lazaruslong on 12/6 - 90 members

Vor Club

Discussions of the work of Lois McMasters Bujold that form the corpus of the Vorkosigan Saga.
started by infinitewindow on 9/11 - 20 members

The Wheel of Schlock

Netflix has a lot of stupid, low rent, schlocky movies. The goal of this club is to watch them randomly on a biweekly basis. The discussion thread is here if you'd like to throw a title into the mix. First discussion happens June 22, and continues every other week from there.
started by codacorolla on 6/11 - 17 members


Inspired by Artw's post, let's work our way through the 30 Essential Wuxia Films!
started by gwint on 2/16 - 13 members