
The Adventure Zone

Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad for a campaign of high adventure. Join The McElroys every other Thursday as they kill a nauseating number of gerblins in ... The Adventure Zone!


Podcast: The Adventure Zone: The Adventure Zone Versus Dracula - Episode 2

The Dracula Hunters head into the town of Lumineax to gather information from some familiar faces. Brother Phileaux makes a confession. Lady Godwin tests her strength. Mutt confronts a frenemy.  [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library on Jan 19, 2024 at 6:28 AM - 2 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: The Adventure Zone Versus Dracula - Episode 1

Dracula has spread chaos in the realm of Angrave for too long, casting a dark shadow over the city of Lumineaux. Can a semi-retired monster hunter, a man of the cloth, and a muscled high-society woman team up to take him down?  [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library on Jan 12, 2024 at 10:24 AM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Setup - Dust Season 2

Travis returns to MC Season 2 of The Adventure Zone: Dust. Special guest Erika Ishii (@erikaishii on twitter) joins the adventure to Wild-West inspired Crescent City. Listen in as we create our characters and give a primer on the mechanics of the game.We're playing Urban Shadows by Magpie Games:
posted by zeptoweasel on Sep 2, 2022 at 6:26 PM - 14 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: The The Adventure Zone Zone: Ethersea Wrap-Up!

This week we're answering some questions about The Adventure Zone: Ethersea, as well as talking a bit about our next two (!) projects. To learn more about Urban Shadows: To learn more about Blades in the Dark:
posted by curious nu on Aug 18, 2022 at 7:57 AM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 19

The Abyssal Auction: Part Six With the auction house's security systems thwarted, the facility's survivors attempt a hasty retreat. Zoox does what Zoox does best: Networking with unidentified, dangerous sea life. Additional music in this episode: "Night I" by Swelling; "So sorry little girl" by ROZKOL; and "Fearweaver" by Three Chain Links
posted by zeptoweasel on Dec 3, 2021 at 5:24 PM - 4 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 17

The Abyssal Auction: Part Four — Following a tense exchange of money and merchandise, all heck has broken loose. Can the auction's bidders survive an assault from within -- and without? Additional music in this episode: "Day I", "Day II", and "Night III" by Swelling
posted by ardgedee on Nov 28, 2021 at 5:39 PM - 1 comment

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 18

The Abyssal Auction: Part FiveThe Coriolis crew collect their winnings — among other things — and begin their extraction from a doomed deep sea marketplace. A slight complication: The deep sea marketplace is trying to doom them as well.Additional music in this episode: "Troubadour" by Mirco Cortesi; "Night III", "Day II", and "Day I" by Swelling; "Outsiders in Nome" by Mystery Mammal; and "Epic Battle Music 01" by Airwolf89
posted by zeptoweasel on Nov 27, 2021 at 5:40 PM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 16

The Abyssal Auction: Part Three Let the money fight commence! As our turquoise heroes bid to claim their quarry, their opponents move against them, mostly because of the many terrible impressions they made in the previous episode.Additional music in this episode: "Piano Improvisation" by Moon Finger; "The Whisper" by Pipe Choir III; and "Night I" by Swelling.
posted by ardgedee on Nov 11, 2021 at 6:21 PM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 15

The Abyssal Auction: Part Two After an unfortunate journey, the Coriolis arrives at a fancy, clandestine deep sea auction house. Time to do what exactly one-third of this party is good at: Shmoozing the room. Additional music in this episode: "Creepy Bell Music 01" by Magmi Soundtrack; and "Piano" and "Late Jazz Piano" by Szegvari.
posted by ardgedee on Nov 7, 2021 at 5:53 AM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 14

The Abyssal Auction: Part One  The crew of the Coriolis take on a new mission, one that exchanges the slimy hazards of enormous mollusks for the slimy hazards of good old-fashioned capitalism. Let's have a money fight! Additional music in this episode: "Creepy Bell Music 01" by Magmi Soundtrack.
posted by ardgedee on Nov 7, 2021 at 5:51 AM - 1 comment

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 13

With their first proper mission under their belt, the crew of the Coriolis attempt a series of negotiations with mixed results. A night at the Cloaca forges new friendships, while morning at the Gills forges new ... enemy ships. Additional music in this episode: "Piano Abstract" by Ubik; and "Intense Horror Music 01" by Magmi Soundtrack
posted by ardgedee on Oct 22, 2021 at 10:53 AM - 6 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 12

The Infinite Clam: Part Six Amber, Devo and Zoox face off against foes both tangible and cerebral, within and without, ancient and new. The Infinite Clam's power is harnessed at great cost. Additional music in this episode: "Phased Drops" by Michael Carrier
posted by ardgedee on Oct 14, 2021 at 4:10 PM - 7 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 11

The Infinite Clam: Part Five The crew of the Coriolis approach the anomaly that has trapped them in their current bivalve environ. Amber takes a dive. Devo exercises surprising restraint. Zoox experiences a metaphysical identity crisis.
posted by ardgedee on Oct 8, 2021 at 5:22 PM - 12 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 10

The Infinite Clam: Part Four. A surprising revelation about their enlarged environment sends Amber on a trip down memory lane. Unstable energies further discombobulate the Coriolis crew's sense of scale.
posted by Cash4Lead on Sep 30, 2021 at 12:20 PM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 9

The Infinite Clam: Part Three. The heroes fend off a curious lionfish while getting their bearings within a curious bivalve. A slapdash infiltration brings them face-to-face with the Super Captain. We all love the Super Captain!
posted by Cash4Lead on Sep 17, 2021 at 6:08 AM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 8

The Infinite Clam: Part Two. The Coriolis is visited by an inscrutable little guy whose name definitely does not appear on the manifest. They reach their destination in the Phytal Flats, and then things go very south, very quickly.
posted by Cash4Lead on Sep 9, 2021 at 1:59 PM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 7

The Infinite Clam: Part One. The newly employed crew of the Coriolis take on their first official job with the Bluespan Brokerage. Devo confronts his past as he crosses paths with the leaders of the Benevolent Parish.
posted by Cash4Lead on Sep 3, 2021 at 6:44 AM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 6

Our heroes take their new ship to a VERY familiar aftermarket vendor, tacking on a few much-needed improvements. We spend a bit of time talking character classes, and finally come up with a name for the crew's new vessel!
posted by Cash4Lead on Aug 30, 2021 at 11:36 AM - 10 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 5

The Gallery Job: Part Five. Our three intrepid Etherseafarers have survived their first gig, though, boy howdy, it was a close one. With Lux in hand, they go shopping for a gently used ship to call home. 
posted by Cash4Lead on Aug 19, 2021 at 1:58 PM - 7 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 4

The Gallery Job: Part Four. As one crisis interrupts another, the Dreams of Deborah's plucky crew must weigh their priorities. A Brinarr precariously teeters on the brink of death.
posted by Cash4Lead on Aug 12, 2021 at 1:38 PM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea - Episode 3

The Gallery Job: Part Three. A brief diversion during their first undersea voyage has proven to be far more arduous (and far more dangerous) than our heroes initially expected. A race for the prize breaks out with a new, well-armed competitor. 
posted by Cash4Lead on Aug 5, 2021 at 6:40 PM - 11 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea — Episode 2

The Gallery Job: Part Two Three prospective contractors for the Bluespan Brokerage embark on their first, questionable voyage in the waters surrounding Founder's Wake. A lucrative, outrageously spicy opportunity presents itself along the way. Join us for the start of a new adventure in the undersea metropolis of Founders' Wake! For more info on this new setting, give a listen to our Prologue mini-series (or our special, abridged recap!) to hear how the Ethersea first took form.
posted by Navelgazer on Jul 22, 2021 at 1:53 PM - 4 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea — Episode 1

The Gallery Job: Part One A Finner, an Orator, and a Brinarr walk into a bar. Well, first they walk into a job interview, and it doesn't go so great, so THEN they walk into a bar. Join us for the start of a new adventure in the undersea metropolis of Founders' Wake! For more info on this new setting, give a listen to our Prologue mini-series (or our special, abridged recap!) to hear how the Ethersea first took form. [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Jul 8, 2021 at 11:08 AM - 13 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea — Prologue V: The Weight of History

Winter arrives. The shoreside community begins the arduous process of migrating to their new undersea home. A suspiciously dormant kingdom plays its final, cataclysmic hand. Our Prologue draws to a close.  Join us as we build our next campaign while playing The Quiet Year, a brilliant mapmaking game designed and written by Avery Alder. Learn more about The Quiet Year and purchase it for yourself here: See the maps and their alt-text here:
posted by curious nu on Jun 24, 2021 at 2:56 PM - 9 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea — Prologue IV: The Hierarchy of Terror

New dangers loom over the shoreside community as the rest of the mortal world retreats from the storm.Join us as we build our next campaign while playing The Quiet Year, a brilliant mapmaking game designed and written by Avery Alder. Learn more about The Quiet Year and purchase it for yourself here: See the maps and their alt-text here:
posted by curious nu on Jun 13, 2021 at 5:58 AM - 6 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea — Prologue III: The Comfort of Guilt

The shoreside community stands divided over their priorities as the storm looms ever closer. Join us as we build our next campaign while playing The Quiet Year, a brilliant mapmaking game designed and written by Avery Alder. Learn more about The Quiet Year and purchase it for yourself here: and see the maps and their alt-text here:
posted by curious nu on May 28, 2021 at 6:28 AM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea — Prologue II: The Cost of Opportunity

Forgotten relics from the past are unearthed and put to use as the shoreside community continues plotting their undersea departure. Join us as we build our next campaign while playing The Quiet Year, a brilliant mapmaking game designed and written by Avery Alder. Learn more about The Quiet Year and purchase it for yourself here: See the maps here:
posted by curious nu on May 16, 2021 at 12:31 PM - 7 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ethersea – Prologue I: Our Wasted World

Travelers from four war-torn kingdoms congregate at the edge of a fearsome storm, following a divine invitation emanating from deep within the Ethersea.Join us as we build our next campaign while playing The Quiet Year, a brilliant mapmaking game designed and written by Avery Alder. Learn more about The Quiet Year and purchase it for yourself here: the end-of-episode map here: [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on May 7, 2021 at 8:30 AM - 19 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 38: Finals

Where have all the good folks gone? Where is all of HOG? We need a streetwise thunderman to stop these scheming gods. Isn't there a Firbolg upon a flying steed? Reality is ripping, someone get me Argo Keene! We need some heroes. [more inside]
posted by Tevin on Apr 15, 2021 at 9:06 AM - 12 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 37: Investment Opportunities

The Thundermen race to stop the machinations of the gods.  But first, they have to make it past an army of demons and settle some unfinished business. Luckily, they have help. A lot of help. A paradox is solved. A wrong is righted. A resignation is accepted. It is the beginning of the end.
posted by supercres on Apr 9, 2021 at 12:30 AM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 36: Reunions

With all the hustle and bustle of life, it's so easy to lose touch. That's why it's nice when there's an important life event (two gods trying to open a rift to hell) to bring us all together! So, let's get connected! Send a g-mail! Visit someone's house! Tear down these walls!
posted by Tevin on Mar 25, 2021 at 1:51 PM - 20 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 28: Business Plan

Time to answer some questions. Time to make some plans. Time for everything to change.
posted by Tevin on Oct 29, 2020 at 8:56 AM - 3 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 22: Open and Shut

The Thundermen have been brought before an Unbroken Chain tribunal. They need to prove that they are worthy of membership or they will lose the chance to win the group's help in the upcoming war. Winning them over might be tricky, especially since the head of the tribunal is Argo's nemesis!You know what they say: If at first you don't succeed, try tribunal again!
posted by Tevin on Aug 23, 2020 at 8:08 AM - 2 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 19: Creative Writing

It's a very special episode for week one of MaxFunDrive 2020. The Thundermen are shown what could be. We learn about crimes, both past and future. We find out more about the boys and they find out more about themselves. Much is revealed and makes things even less clear.
posted by The corpse in the library on Jul 17, 2020 at 2:14 PM - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 16 "Give Me A Hand"

The Thundermen's time with the centaurs has come to a close. While Fitzroy recovers from his recent cursing, a new and present danger threatens the team.While Fitzroy buys some time, Argo takes a swing and the Firbolg changes. Maybe it could be said that everyone changes, but only time will tell.We're donating the ad revenue from TAZ this week to the Nina Pop & Tony McDade Mental Health Funds, organized by The Okra Project, and would encourage you to consider donating as well if you can.
posted by Tevin on Jun 12, 2020 at 9:43 AM - 4 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 15 "Out of Order"

Fitzroy is not doing well. The curse is consuming him from the inside out. Argo does his best to comfort him. The Firbolg is on the hunt.Chaos rears its head and all hell is about to break loose.
posted by Tevin on May 28, 2020 at 7:24 AM - 15 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 14 "Spirit Day"

The Thundermen work with the Centaurs to find a solution to the apple issue. They encounter a spirit and make a bad first impression. Also, they eat some road snacks.A question gets resolved. The Firbolg makes a sacrifice. Nobody trusts the wizard. It's a pretty solid day of adventuring! That is, right up until the end...
posted by Tevin on May 14, 2020 at 7:31 AM - 9 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 13 "Apple for Teacher"

The Thundermen have headed out for another real world assignment. They also have an assignment from Higglemas that they are working on. Before they reach the centaur camp, they need to level up and deal with some new friends. Plus, a shopping trip!
posted by Tevin on Apr 30, 2020 at 9:20 AM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 12 "Pop Quiz"

On the eve of another real world mission, the Thundermen finally get the whole story.Major questions are answered, everything is on the line and dinner is ruined.
posted by Tevin on Apr 16, 2020 at 4:41 AM - 9 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 11 "You Can Call me Al(thea)"

Investigator Althea Song has some questions for the Thundermen. Meanwhile, each of the fellas has their own missions.A friendship is forged in favors, allegiances are questioned and a letter is sent. Also, the Thundermen go toe to toe with an Arena Champion.
posted by Tevin on Apr 2, 2020 at 4:43 AM - 6 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 10 "Dark Arts and Crafts"

A new semester has begun and with it comes a new guests, new questions, and new mysteries.The Thundermen have moved into their new dorm. The Firbolg confides in a friend, Argo ignores hidden dangers and Fitzroy takes on a project.  Can friends be trusted? Who is this person asking question? And where did that new crepe station come from?!
posted by Tevin on Mar 17, 2020 at 9:23 AM - 14 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 9 "Mission: Imp Hospital 2"

The Thundermen are moving up in the world! Specifically, to the second floor of the imp filled hospital. A new friend is made and a major(?) enemy is defeated.
posted by Tevin on Mar 5, 2020 at 5:06 AM - 11 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 8 "Mission: Imp Hospital"

It's the semester break and the Thundermen are getting paid to do a little exterminating.  Birds and rats and imps, OH MY!
posted by Tevin on Feb 20, 2020 at 4:50 AM - 19 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 7 "Secrets, Secrets"

It's the end of the semester! The Thundermen meet with some teachers, trick a counselor and look for poison. When the sun goes down, it's party time. For some that means presents and dancing. For others, oaths and secrets. A dream turns into a nightmare and it seems a friend is missing.
posted by Tevin on Feb 6, 2020 at 6:13 AM - 32 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 6 “Long Overdue”

The buddies return to get their evaluations as well as some big news for Fitzroy. The Firbolg checks on a friend, gets some troubling information, and returns a library book. Argo has a decision to make and some quiet thinking to do.
posted by Tevin on Jan 24, 2020 at 7:40 AM - 24 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 5 “What’s Yours is Mined”

The dorm-mates are dispatched on their first mission, squaring off against magma monsters, interplanar behemoths and a child's word puzzle. You'll never guess which one of those gives them the hardest time!
posted by EndsOfInvention on Jan 9, 2020 at 8:53 AM - 20 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Holiday Brawl in Chicago!

What do you get when you cross the North Pole, Jason Statham, A Christmas Carol, and the wildly inscrutable plotting of the Metal Gear Solid franchise? Well, you get this live show. Whether or not that's something you actually want is up to you. This episode's game is The Fight Before Christmas by Paul Matijevic (@Ettin64), which is a hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper.
posted by kmz on Dec 30, 2019 at 8:27 AM - 8 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 4 "Four Sidekicks Walk Into A Bar..."

The fellas are out in the world and things get real. Real litigious that is! Also, everyone goes shopping and gets stronger!  Plus, Fitzroy scams a free drink! Roll to enjoy this episode... it's a CRITICAL HIT!
posted by Tevin on Dec 19, 2019 at 5:11 AM - 26 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 3 "Pursued By Bear"

A pleasant sleep is interrupted by an unsettling messenger, but leads to a delicious meal. Then, the fellas get some fake real world experience.  Welcome back! Please enjoy! [more inside]
posted by EndsOfInvention on Dec 5, 2019 at 5:22 AM - 18 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Dadlands

In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only Dads. [more inside]
posted by Mr.Encyclopedia on Nov 29, 2019 at 12:26 PM - 15 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 2 "It's (a) Familiar"

Class is in session. The gang enjoys a nice breakfast. Argo takes the blame while the Firbolg struggles to keep it together. A friendly game goes off the rails. Fitzroy makes a new friend, literally.   Welcome back! Hope you enjoy TAZ:Graduation Episode 2!
posted by Tevin on Nov 14, 2019 at 6:21 AM - 25 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Graduation Ep. 1 "Orientation"

It's the first day of school! There are new friends to be made and plenty to explore! The teachers and staff are here to help with any problem that may arise! Just be sure to steer clear of Groundsy's hut...   Please enjoy the first episode of The Adventure Zone: Graduation!
posted by Tevin on Oct 31, 2019 at 5:46 AM - 46 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: The The Adventure Zone Zone: Amnesty Wrap-Up!

We're answering some questions about The Adventure Zone: Amnesty in this bonus episode, and talking very, very briefly about our next season! It's called Graduation, and it launches next week!
posted by Tevin on Oct 24, 2019 at 1:46 PM - 10 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: The Adventure Zone Presents: The Ballad of Bigfoot: An Amnesty Story

Travis takes the reins in this not-remotely-canonical prequel to our recently concluded Appalachian supernatural drama. This is the wildest live episode of any podcast we've ever done. We're still not entirely sure what happened up there.
posted by Tevin on Oct 17, 2019 at 10:24 AM - 9 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Hootenanny - Live in Nashville!

As we ready ourselves for the next season of Adventure Zone, we've got some special programming lined up for you! The first is this: Our live show from this past summer, live at the Ryman Theater in Nashville! It's a country western space opera, or, if you will: A Space Opry. Enjoy!
posted by Tevin on Oct 3, 2019 at 8:06 PM - 12 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Amnesty - Episode 36

The curtain rises, and the machine is exposed. The Pine Guard stands in judgment of judgment itself. Two doors — two choices — illuminate the darkness. The final episode of The Adventure Zone: Amnesty. Thank you for listening.
posted by Tevin on Sep 23, 2019 at 9:22 AM - 31 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Amnesty - Episode 35

The defenders of Kepler, West Virginia continue their desperate struggle for survival. A world away, a softly spoken truth reverberates down a subterranean chasm. The Pine Guard's destiny waits below. The penultimate episode of the Amnesty campaign.
posted by Tevin on Sep 12, 2019 at 1:53 PM - 6 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Amnesty - Episode 34

Storm and fury overtake Kepler, West Virginia. Pieces of an ancient puzzle move closer together. The survivors of Sylvain's fall take shelter. The source of an unimaginable power is revealed.
posted by Tevin on Aug 22, 2019 at 10:21 AM - 6 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Amnesty - Episode 33

The Department of Unexplained Phenomena's grip on Kepler's topside begins to loosen as The Pine Guard attempts to infiltrate their compound. A deadline approaches. The Quell is waiting.
posted by Tevin on Aug 8, 2019 at 9:33 AM - 3 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Amnesty - Episode 32

The allied forces of Kepler, WV finish their preparations for the daunting task that lies before them. As the sun sets over the shattered mountain above, wheels are put into motion.
posted by Tevin on Aug 1, 2019 at 2:28 PM - 6 comments

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