1785 posts tagged with horror.
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Movie: You're Next
When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of the victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back. [more inside]
Movie: Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau
Behind the scenes chronicle of how clash of vision, bad creative decisions, lack of interest and really bad weather plagued the disastrous production of the 1996 adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau.
MeFi Horror Club: You're Next (2011)
Next up for MeFi Horror Club: on August 13th, we'll be discussing You're Next (2011) by Adam Wingard. This is a kind of convention-tweaking slasher film, with considerably more energy and fluidity than standard slasher fare. It makes for a pleasing pivot from how these stories usually unfold. [more inside]
Movie: Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a 1988 American science fiction horror comedy movie made by The Chiodo Brothers and starring Grant Cramer and Suzanne Snyder. [more inside]
Movie: Evil Dead II
When friends Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell set out to turn their 1978 short Within the Woods into a full-length film on a shoestring budget, what they came up with was The Evil Dead; a nauseating film, sure, but also a thunderstorm in a bottle that managed to splice black comedy with innovative technique to make a hugely beloved cult horror mainstay. But how could anybody follow up such an apparent fluke with a sequel? Well, if you're Raimi and Campbell, you take another run at the same story, with the insanity turned up to 11, and in the process you practically invent a new genre of film.
Movie: The Night of the Hunter
If ever there was a movie that could be called "virtually indescribable," this one is it. Loosely, though, it's about a con artist (Robert Mitchum) posing, or at least halfway believing himself to be, a traveling preacher who, during a short prison stay, meets a man sentenced to death, one who had stolen and hidden $10,000. The would-be preacher learns that the man will soon have a window (Shelley Winters), and an idea is born. What follows is half-gritty Depression era crime tale, half Southern Gothic/Grimm Fairy Tale (and or Good vs. Evil fable), as he tries to track down the money, via the widow's children. Now playing through July 23 at Watch TCM, available with a cable sign-in. [more inside]
Movie: Killer's Moon
TALES FROM THE WHEEL OF SCHLOCK... In this instalment, we find a truly deplorable exploitation film that figures on two outdoor enthusiasts, a busload of British schoolgirls waylaid on a trip to a singing competition, and four Kubrick inspired escaped mental patients who of course have been dosed with LSD and told that they're in a waking dream. I mean, why not. (Warning: The film contains scenes of sexual violence) [more inside]
Steven Universe: Keeping It Together Season 2, Ep 11
The Crystal Gems find a sinister secret in the Kindergarten.
Being Human UK?
Any interest is doing a Being human rewatch? [more inside]
Movie: Here Comes the Devil
A married couple's children disappear on a day trip into the mountains outside Tijuana. That's bad. Then they come back. That's worse. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Here Comes the Devil
A married couple's children disappear on a day trip into the mountains outside Tijuana. That's bad. Then they come back. That's worse. Here Comes the Devil is the next MeFi Horror Club pick. [more inside]
Movie: Berberian Sound Studio
A sound engineer's work for an Italian horror studio becomes a terrifying case of life imitating art. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Berberian Sound Studio
Toby Jones is hired as a sound engineer for Italian horror film "The Equestrian Vortex", or is something more sinister going on? It's Berberian Sound Studio, the next MeFi Horror Club film! [more inside]
Movie: Don't Look Now
John and Laura Baxter (Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie) move to Venice after the tragic drowning of their young daughter. There they encounter eerie visions, omens, psychic sisters and (of course) murders. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Don't Look Now
John and Laura Baxter (Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie) move to Venice after the tragic drowning of their young daughter. There they encounter eerie visions, omens, psychic sisters and (of course) murders. [more inside]
Movie: Jacob's Ladder
A veteran attempts to discover the truth about a devastating attack on his unit in Vietnam years earlier, while reality crumbles around him and gives way to demonic, nightmarish visions. [more inside]
Mystery Science Theater 3000: POD PEOPLE Season 3, Ep 3
aka The Unearthling, Extra-Terrestrial Visitors, Tales of Trumpy, The Return of E.T. and Los Nuevos Extraterrestres. (1983, Color, Spain, Aliens, Science Fiction, Knockoff, Horror) Movie A: Poachers in the woods incur the wrath of a mysterious entity who starts hunting them. Movie B: A singing group in the city decides to go on vacation. Movie C: A lonely adopted boy grows from a huge egg a magic aardvark he names Trumpy. The movies collide, people get killed, cut, wrap, print. A particularly beloved episode of our favorite movie-mocking cowtown puppet show, and the source of one of its most enduring catchphrases. (YouTube 1h37m) First aired June 15, 1991. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins) is a postal worker in New York City in 1975 who experiences frightening hallucinations and breaks with reality that are possibly related to a devastating attack on his unit in Vietnam four years earlier. As he tries to figure out what's going on, things turn even stranger and more sinister. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: The Host (2006)
In The Host, toxic chemicals create a monster of a problem in Seoul, South Korea. The director is Bong Joon-ho of Snowpiercer fame. It's funny, scary, and good fun. This is the pick for April 10. [more inside]
Movie: The Babadook
A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her. [more inside]
Movie: Housebound
Kylie Bucknell is forced to return to the house she grew up in when the court places her on home detention. However, when she too becomes privy to unsettling whispers & strange bumps in the night, she begins to wonder whether she's inherited her overactive imagination, or if the house is in fact possessed by a hostile spirit who's less than happy about the new living arrangement. [more inside]
Movie: It Follows
After a strange sexual encounter, a teenager finds herself haunted by nightmarish visions and the inescapable sense that something is after her. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Housebound (2014)
The pick for March 27th will be Housebound. A surly bank robber is sentenced to house arrest at her parents' home, and a malevolent spirit isn't any happier about it than she is. canistream.it listing [more inside]
Movie: Friday the 13th Part 2
Friday the 13th Part 2 is a 1981 American horror film directed by Steve Miner. It is a direct sequel to Friday the 13th, picking up five years after that film's conclusion, where a new murderer stalks camp counselors at a nearby training camp. The film marks the first time Jason Voorhees is the antagonist. [more inside]
Helix: Vade in Pace Season 2, Ep 8
Amy makes a play for control, the CDC team gets a lead on a cure just a strike force prepares to pull them off the island and Sarah finally finds her missing fetus.
MeFi Horror Club: Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th Part 2 is a 1981 American horror film directed by Steve Miner. It is a direct sequel to Friday the 13th, picking up five years after that film's conclusion, where a new murderer stalks camp counselors at a nearby training camp. The film marks the first time Jason Voorhees is the antagonist. [more inside]
Movie: Near Dark
A small-town farmer's son reluctantly joins a traveling group of vampires after he is turned by a beautiful drifter. [more inside]
Movie: The Orphanage
The Orphanage is a Spanish language horror film produced by Guillermo Del Toro, and directed by Juan Antonio Bayona. It is the story of a woman returning to her childhood home—an orphanage—with her husband and adopted son, intending to reopen the facility. [more inside]
Movie: Detention
Detention is a hyperfrenetic high school comedy / horror genre mash-up from Torque director Joseph Kahn. [more inside]
The Walking Dead: The Distance Season 5, Ep 11
A newcomer shows up looking so fresh and so clean, offering hope to our merry band of survivors. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: The Orphanage (2007)
The Orphanage is the story of a woman returning to her childhood home—an orphanage—with her husband and adopted son, intending to reopen the facility. Produced by mefi favorite Guillermo del Toro, The Orphanage is praised by critics for its spooky atmosphere, good acting, and emotional core. [more inside]
Helix: Oubliette Season 2, Ep 5
Kyle and Peter leave the wounded Sarah in the care of Grandma Agnes. Brother Michael has a staff meeting to motivate Ann and Amy. Brother Landry and Amy experience ups and downs in their relationships. Alan and Peter try work on their sibling issues. Caleb and Julia have a nice chat around the campfire as he sews up her wounds.
Everyone asks lots of questions and the matter of legacies keeps coming up.
Movie: The Voices
A colorful journey of self-discovery for a young man, his dog, and his cat. [more inside]
Movie: Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th is a 1980 American slasher film directed by Sean S. Cunningham and written by Victor Miller. The film concerns a group of teenagers who are murdered one by one while attempting to re-open an abandoned campground, and stars Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram, Kevin Bacon, Jeannine Taylor, Mark Nelson and Robbi Morgan. It is considered one of the first "true" slasher movies. [more inside]
Mystery Science Theater 3000: RING OF TERROR, with THE PHANTOM CREEPS, part 3 Season 2, Ep 6
(1962, B&W, Horror, College, Short) "Behold a Ring Forged in Hell from Flaming Molten Fear!" As a prank on a cocky young med student, his fraternity brothers cook up a scary task for him: steal the ring from off a corpse's hand. How annoyed must filmgoers have been, expecting a horror movie when the only scary thing turns up near the end and isn't even all that frightening? It's a really lame ending, and not just to the film, for this is the only episode in MST3K's 198-episode run in which the short follows the movie. YouTube (1h37m) First aired November 3rd, 1990. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th is a 1980 American slasher film directed by Sean S. Cunningham and written by Victor Miller. The film concerns a group of teenagers who are murdered one by one while attempting to re-open an abandoned campground, and stars Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartram, Kevin Bacon, Jeannine Taylor, Mark Nelson and Robbi Morgan. It is considered one of the first "true" slasher movies. [more inside]
The Walking Dead: What Happened and What’s Going On Season 5, Ep 9
After all the recent trials that the group has faced, a slight detour might be the solution they've been looking for. Or it might be a long contrived slog to another disastrous confrontation.
Helix: Scion Season 2, Ep 3
As the CDC team continues to investigate the mystery viral breakout on the island of the culty people, the creepiness factor gets upped with fraternizations, confrontations, beautifully large ornate windows, drugs, a very unBrady Bunch like gang of children in the woods and a family reunion with the world's greatest dad.
Constantine: A Whole World Out There Season 1, Ep 11
John is sent to help an old friend at Ivy University, where students have figured out how to get to an alternate dimension - only to be met by a killer. [more inside]
American Horror Story: Curtain Call Season 4, Ep 13
The Freaks rebel against new management. Dandy prepares for his debut performance. Elsa arrives in Tinseltown.
Movie: House of the Devil
Sam, a college student desperate for money, accepts an unusual babysitting job. [more inside]
American Horror Story: Show Stoppers Season 4, Ep 12
Dandy gives the Twins troubling information about Chester. Maggie vows to prove her loyalty to Jimmy. The Freaks enforce their harsh code of justice.
MeFi horror club: House of the Devil
House of the Devil is one of those movies that's better not to know anything about the plot beforehand. Released in 2009, it is made to look like a horror movie from the late 70s/early 80s, and pulls off this aesthetic remarkably well. At the same time it is just a great horror movie, extremely effective at slowly building suspense to a terrifying climax.
House of the Devil is available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon Prime. [more inside]
American Horror Story: Magical Thinking Season 4, Ep 11
Elsa prepares for her move to Hollywood. The Twins grow enamored with a traveling salesman. Dell plots Jimmy's escape from police custody. [more inside]
Movie: Triangle
The story revolves around the passengers of a yachting trip in the Atlantic Ocean who, when struck by mysterious weather conditions, jump to another ship only to experience greater havoc on the open seas. [more inside]
Movie: Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
The summer after their high school graduation, teenage buddies Jesse, Hector and Marisol goof around with their new GoPro camera. It might not be the best idea, however, to use it to spy on the rumored bruja who lives in the apartment downstairs.
MeFi Horror Club: Triangle
Long one of MeFi's favorite horror movies, Christopher Smith's 2009 film Triangle gets the MeFi Horror Club treatment. The extremely vague iMDb blurb for it says: "The story revolves around the passengers of a yachting trip in the Atlantic Ocean who, when struck by mysterious weather conditions, jump to another ship only to experience greater havoc on the open seas." That doesn't tell you much, but if you haven't actually seen it before, you'll have a better time going in as blind as you can. The film stars Melissa George and Liam Hemsworth. And is freaking amazing. [more inside]
Movie: 100 Bloody Acres
This 2012 Australian horror comedy tells the story of two brothers who find a new and potent source of organic material for their blood and bone fertilizer business, and some teens who get caught up in their plans. Matt Zoller Seitz of rogerebert.com called it "the best low-budget horror comedy since Shaun of the Dead, and one of the most assured first features in ages." And it's on Watch Instantly! [more inside]
American Horror Story: Orphans Season 4, Ep 10
The death of a Freak sparks troubling behavior in Pepper. Elsa reveals the history of the Freak Show. Desiree grows suspicious of Maggie.
MeFi Horror Club: 100 Bloody Acres
LiteraryHero has done me the honor of tagging me for the next horror club pick! On Friday, December 19th, I'll post a discussion post for the 2012 Australian horror comedy 100 Bloody Acres, the story of two brothers who find a new and potent source of organic material for their blood and bone fertilizer business. Matt Zoller Seitz of rogerebert.com called it "the best low-budget horror comedy since Shaun of the Dead, and one of the most assured first features in ages." [more inside]