Arrow: Disbanded Season 5, Episode 18
Diggle and Felicity are shocked by Oliver's decision to call on the Bratva to help take down Prometheus. [more inside]
Arrow: Kapiushon Season 5, Episode 17
Prometheus goes to great lengths to break Oliver. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly becomes worried about Oliver's increasingly violent tendencies. [more inside]
Arrow: Checkmate Season 5, Episode 16
Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus. Meanwhile, Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity until she does a favor for them. [more inside]
Arrow: Fighting Fire With Fire Season 5, Episode 15
Oliver faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor when Vigilante attacks him; Felicity continues down her dark path with Helix; Diggle leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all. [more inside]
Arrow: The Sin-Eater Season 5, Episode 14
China White, Cupid, and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge... [more inside]
Arrow: Spectre of the Gun Season 5, Episode 13
A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painful memories for Rene about his family... [more inside]
Arrow: Bratva Season 5, Episode 12
A mission takes Oliver, Felicity and the team to Russia, where they meet up with Oliver's old friend, Anatoly... [more inside]
Arrow: Second Chances Season 5, Episode 11
Talia al Ghul agrees to help Oliver take down Kovar, but her offer comes with a steep price. Meanwhile, Felicity attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle; and Curtis tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland, he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country. [more inside]
Arrow: Who Are You? Season 5, Episode 10
Oliver worries that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, so he looks for a ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance... [more inside]
Arrow: What We Leave Behind Season 5, Episode 9
After Prometheus attacks Curtis, Oliver realizes Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow's secret identities and is planning to come for them one by one. [more inside]
Arrow: Invasion! Season 5, Episode 8
The crossover continues with Oliver waking up to a life where he never got on the Queen's Gambit, Robert and Moira Queen are alive and well, and his wedding to Laurel is imminent. Meanwhile, Felicity and the recruits take on a new threat with help from the Flash, Supergirl, and Cisco. [more inside]
Arrow: Vigilante Season 5, Episode 7
When the bodies of two criminals are dropped at SCPD, Oliver realizes there is a new vigilante in Star City and the team becomes divided over whether they should stop someone who is helping keep the city safe. Meanwhile, Diggle gets frustrated with his new situation, and Thea fights for Lance who confesses a shocking secret. In flashbacks, Oliver finally sits down with Konstantin Kovar. [more inside]
Arrow: So It Begins Season 5, Episode 6
Felicity and Curtis learn that Prometheus' victims have a mysterious link to Oliver's past that could upend his new team. [more inside]
Arrow: Human Target Season 5, Episode 5
As per the title of the episode, another long-time DC hero shows up in Star City, thanks to an invitation from Spartan. Speaking of Spartan, John meets the new team and gets to know Wild Dog a little better. Flashback Oliver completes his entry into the Bratva. [more inside]
Arrow: Penance Season 5, Episode 4
Oliver is given gout. Quentin is given trust. John is not given an option. Felicity and Ragman are given some hard truths. [more inside]
Arrow: A Matter of Trust Season 5, Episode 3
After a drug lord is dumped into a vat of chemicals (never a good idea folks) Oliver decides he needs help to rectify the situation. Enter Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, Ragman and Baby Canary for their official team debut. [more inside]
Arrow: Recruits Season 5, Episode 2
Oliver decides to bring his new recruits in for training. Problems ensue due to GA's constant foe: trust. Diggle learns some harsh truths about the chain of command. Thea decides to save Quentin. [more inside]
Arrow: Legacy Season 5, Episode 1
Oliver has to balance his daytime life as the mayor with his nighttime activities as Green Arrow. A new vigilante comes to town, Quentin returns to town and a new baddie wants to take over the town. Oliver gets to try out a new trick arrow. [more inside]
Arrow: Schism Season 4, Episode 23
Oliver teams up with a surprising force in an attempt to stop Damien Darhk and his magic once and for all. Season Finale. [more inside]
Arrow: Lost in the Flood Season 4, Episode 22
Following the shocking events in the previous episode, Oliver and Diggle race to rescue Thea, while Felicity, Curtis and Noah join together to stop Darhk. [more inside]
Arrow: Monument Point Season 4, Episode 21
When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk's next move is Felicity realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler, for help. Noah and Oliver have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled. [more inside]
Arrow: Genesis Season 4, Episode 20
As Oliver and Felicity look for a magical solution to defeat Darhk, a vengeance-driven Diggle gets a lead on Andy's whereabouts and heads off to confront his brother. Meanwhile, Alex takes Thea on a vacation that quickly turns into a nightmare. [more inside]
Arrow: Canary Cry Season 4, Episode 19
Oliver and the team struggle to come to terms with a recent death, especially Diggle who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy had changed. Meanwhile, Lance refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and seek help to bring her back.
Arrow: Eleven-Fifty-Nine Season 4, Episode 18
Oliver and Diggle find out Merlyn wants to break Darhk out of prison; Laurel gets a surprise offer.
Arrow: Beacon of Hope Season 4, Episode 17
The Bug-Eyed Bandit escapes from jail and turns up at Palmer Tech threatening to kill everyone in the building unless she gets the bio-chip that was implanted in Felicity's spine.
Arrow: Broken Hearts Season 4, Episode 16
Brokenhearted, Cupid returns to Star City to destroy lovers on their wedding day, so Oliver and Felicity pose as bait.
Arrow: Taken Season 4, Episode 15
Oliver realizes he needs help battling Darhk so he calls in an old friend – Vixen. Using her magical ability to summon animal powers, Vixen gets a lock on Darhk's location and the team goes to war. Meanwhile, Thea has a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm. [more inside]
Arrow: Code of Silence Season 4, Episode 14
Oliver and team uncover HIVE's plan to take out Team Arrow once and for all. With HIVE's next attack imminent, Lance wonders if Donna is safer without him in her life. Meanwhile, with the wedding fast approaching, Oliver begins to feel guilty that he hasn't told Felicity about his son. [more inside]
Arrow: Sins of the Father Season 4, Episode 13
Nyssa has a way to save Thea, though you can bet there's strings attached. Felicity's familial issues continue. The flashbacks are still dull. [more inside]
Arrow: Unchained Season 4, Episode 12
The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator. Meanwhile, Nyssa makes her move and Roy Harper returns to Star City. [more inside]
Arrow: A.W.O.L. Season 4, Episode 11
Diggle must go to his brother for information when a criminal organization called Shadowspire comes to Starling City. Meanwhile, Felicity hallucinates a version of her old, gothy self.
Arrow: Blood Debts Season 4, Episode 10
Lonnie Machin a.k.a. the dude who won't stop painting anarchy symbols everywhere is back and wearing a creepy mask. Meanwhile, in the past: let's make a deal.
Arrow: Dark Waters Season 4, Episode 9
Oliver moves against HIVE; Malcolm goes to see Thea, leaving her with a warning. [more inside]
Arrow: Legends of Yesterday (Part 2) Season 4, Episode 8
The conclusion of the 2nd Annual Flash/Arrow crossover. The two teams work to defeat Vandal Savage and protect their new Hawk-Friends and lovers. [more inside]
Arrow: Brotherhood Season 4, Episode 7
A shocking revelation complicates the battle between Team Arrow and Damien Darhk; Thea loses control in front of Alex. [more inside]
Arrow: Lost Souls Season 4, Episode 6
Team Arrow gears up to rescue Ray Palmer. Felicity and Oliver work out some issues with the help of Felicity's mom. Sarah struggles to control her bloodlust in the field. [more inside]
Arrow: Haunted Season 4, Episode 5
Oliver calls in a favor from old friend John Constantine when things with Sara take a turn for the worse. [more inside]
Arrow: Beyond Redemption Season 4, Episode 4
Oliver tells his team that he is running for mayor. They are not impressed. The new Arrow Cave is pretty shiny, though. Laurel reveals Sarah to Lance; Team Arrow confronts some rogue members of the anti-vigilante task force; Oliver confronts Lance about working with Damien Darhk. Subplots progress slightly. Sarah escapes.
Arrow: Restoration Season 4, Episode 3
The tension between Oliver and Diggle puts them at risk when they target Damien Darhk and a meta-human; Laurel convinces Thea to return to Nanda Parbat to request Sara be put into the Lazarus Pit.
Arrow: The Candidate Season 4, Episode 2
Oliver and Thea are concerned when a family friend plans to run for mayor; Thea starts to exhibit side effects from the Lazarus Pit; Felicity asks an employee for help with a business decision.
Arrow: Green Arrow Season 4, Episode 1
Oliver and Felicity's blissful getaway comes to an abrupt end when Laurel and Thea ask for their help; Diggle is opposed to working with Oliver. [more inside]
Arrow: My Name is Oliver Queen Season 3, Episode 23
Everyone's lives are in danger as Ra's al Ghul puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him must decide if he's strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul. [more inside]
Arrow: This is Your Sword Season 3, Episode 22
Malcolm convinces Team Arrow to return to Nanda Parbat to stop a Ra's fast-tracked plan to destroy Starling City. Oliver winks at the camera and ruins most of the tension. There are some amazing fights. Roy and Thea have some moments. [more inside]
Arrow: Al Sah-Him Season 3, Episode 21
Oliver (but not Oliver) spends time in Nada Parbat, and then visits Starling. [more inside]
Arrow: The Fallen Season 3, Episode 20
"So that happened." [more inside]
Arrow: Broken Arrow Season 3, Episode 19
Ra's al Ghul keeps demanding. Oliver keeps denying. Roy keeps confessing. Ray keeps failing. Captain Lance keeps seething. [more inside]
Arrow: Public Enemy Season 3, Episode 18
During an attack on the mayor's office, Ray is critically injured. Felicity is pleasantly surprised when her mother, Donna Smoak, shows up at the hospital to offer her support. With the SCPD out in full force, looking for the assailant, Oliver and his team work hard to stay one step ahead of the police to find the man responsible.
Arrow: Suicidal Tendencies Season 3, Episode 17
Dig and Lyla get some action (although not the kind they were expecting), the Suicide Squad pops up again, the League of Assassins continues to frame the Arrow for murder, Ray Palmer rubs everybody the wrong way, and the A.T.O.M. suit gets its first combat field test.
Arrow: The Offer Season 3, Episode 16
Oliver gets a job offer and takes a grand tour. Thea has a house guest. Captain Lance gives up something for Lent. [more inside]
Arrow: Nanda Parbat Season 3, Episode 15
Merlyn is captured by the League. Ray becomes obsessed with finishing the A.T.O.M. suit. [more inside]
Arrow: The Return Season 3, Episode 14
Oliver and Thea are joined by a special friend on their camping trip. Oliver learns you CAN go home again.
Arrow: Canaries Season 3, Episode 13
Truth is busting out all over! Thea finds out Oliver's secret identity and actually takes it pretty well. Laurel gets shot up with Vertigo and hallucinates an angry Sara all over the place, and... well, eventually another ugly truth has to come out. [more inside]
Arrow: Uprising Season 3, Episode 12
Oliver returns to town, while Team Arrow does something about that Brick guy once and for all. Malcolm Merlyn's on the killing warpath again and wants to join Team Arrow. But will they let him? [more inside]
Arrow: Midnight City Season 3, Episode 11
Lazarus Queen rises from the dead, Laurel continues to be awful at literally everything, and Felicity learns facts about helicopters. [more inside]
Arrow: Left Behind Season 3, Episode 10
As Diggle, Felicity and Roy start to fear the worst after Oliver's disappearance, Melyn continues to scheme, Ray gets a new suit, and another vigilante appears in Starling.
Arrow: The Climb Season 3, Episode 9
The League of Assassins tells Oliver that he has two days to find and turn over Sara's killer or the league will begin killing off Starling City citizens.
Arrow: The Brave and the Bold Season 3, Episode 8
Part 2 of the Flash/Arrow crossover. Part 1 is The Flash: Flash vs. Arrow, in which Oliver & the team visited the Flash to ask for S.T.A.R. Labs' assistance in analyzing a boomerang used as a murder weapon. Now, back in Starling City, tracking the boomerang winds up putting Arrow into the middle of an A.R.G.U.S. operation. [more inside]
Arrow: Draw Back Your Bow Season 3, Episode 7
Felicity rediscovers the charms of the Salmon Run. Starling City gets a fresh shipment of tight slinky dresses. Oliver has another disasterous date. [more inside]
Arrow: Guilty Season 3, Episode 6
Arrow and the team try to make a major bust, only to find the criminals dead and hung by their heels. There may be new vigilantes in Starling City, and murderous ones at that. More murders send them down the trail of Laurel's boxing trainer, Ted Grant, who has secrets in his past. Roy confesses that he's been having visions of killing Sara. [more inside]
Arrow: The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak Season 3, Episode 5
In which we learn that Felicity had a goth phase in college, Thea likes having money, and 'cyberterrorist' means a dude with 15 monitors displaying winamp visualisations. [more inside]