Chapo Trap House
Podcast by Chapo Trap House
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: 391 - Bernie Won (2/5/20)
We celebrate Bernie's victory in the Iowa Caucus. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: 322 - Second Dark Age feat. Alan Moore (6/10/19)
Will is joined by legendary author Alan Moore to discuss evil architecture, magic & political power, fate & free will, and the enduring appeal of Lovecraft. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: 288 - So You Want To Start A Union feat. Brace Belden (2/10/19)
Longtime friend of the show Brace stops by to tell us about his work unionizing Anchor Steam brewing in San Francisco. They also talk about Amy Klobuchar's unique brand of "Minnesota Nice" and dealing with the latest round of attacks on Jeremy Corbyn. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 280 - MacKenzie's 60 Billion Dollar Challenge (1/14/18)
Will, Amber and Matt talk Amber's new piece arguing the need to get behind Bernie. They also fantasize about what they'd do if they were getting divorced from Jeff Bezos and end with another dark trip to Carcosa. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 268 - Fighting in the Age of Horniness feat. Jon Bois
Will, Felix and Amber talk to documentary filmmakers Jon Bois about his and Felix's triumphant new film on mixed martial arts, politics and society, "Fighting in the Age of Loneliness". [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 264 - The Golden Ones feat. Natalie Wynn aka ContraPoints
Natalie Wynn a.k.a. ContraPoints stops by the Trap to discuss deprogramming incels, Swedish Muscle Nazis, small king Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson's messiah complex, and of course, the Immutable Law of Bone. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 248 - Too Many Bretts! (9/24/18)
Matt, Virgil, and Will break down all the latest in the Kavanaugh saga including Ed Whelan and his DOA"doppleganger theory" but sadly all before we knew he was a virgin in HS. They then talk Beto vs Ted and issue a call to arms to the movie theaters, eateries and treat dispensaries of New York City. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 244 - A Nice Chill Show (9/11/18)
Here's a nice, relaxed episode of your favorite podcasters just hanging out and having a nice time. Felix and Will show up later to join the show. We're in between legs of the tour and saving our best material for the stage so, for anyone who has wondered, this is what it's like in the car between shows. It's Chapo Town. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 242 - Touched by a Funeral (9/3/18)
Well folks, we worked on Labor Day to own the Libs: We discuss the McCain funeral and how you really got to hand it to these #resistance folks for how hard they're working to prove Trump right about the swamp. Then, we check in with Donna Brazile to learn how she and the X-Men are similar. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 240 - The Shittalk Express (8/27/18)
All Aboard! The full crew is on the show today and they remind us of some of the lesser hits of the terrible life and career of John McCain. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 238 - The Mueller's Tale (8/20/18)
AKA - No Sons Seeing my Shirtless Men
President Trump is mad at windmills and has seen "that movie." Two muscular brothers defend a buff and nude Mueller. Media's most preeminent treat boy attempts to secure his legacy. Even Baseball Crank is back. Today's episode is a grab bag overflowing with riches. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 234 - Congrat's (8/5/18)
Papa Menaker is away moving this weekend, so three of his chocolate-smeared children are allowed to get their grubby little mitts all over the pod. Matt, Felix and Amber congratulate Apple for becoming the first trillion dollar company, Paul Manafort for his impeccable fashion sense, and Obama for turning 57 this week. To celebrate Obama's birthday we read from "Hope Never Dies: An Obama Biden Mystery" and try not to succumb to the deep depression it induces. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 232 - America, You Sexy Bigfoot! (7/30/18)
America's got Bigfoot fever, and so do we! After spending some time discussing white rappers, gaming, and hunting sexy Bigfoot, we discuss Meghan McCain's recent tirade against socialism, and further explore her thoughts on Faith, Wealth, Privilege and why she should NOT feel bad about having all three in a reading from her 2012 book (with Michael Ian Black), "America, You Sexy Bitch!". [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 230 - A Colossal Wreck (7/22/18)
Look on my Fest, ye Mighty, and despair....Will and Matt report on Fear and Loathing at Ozyfest. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 228 - Supreme Clientele feat. Ashley Feinberg (7/15/18)
Genius humanitarian and humble dreamer Elon Musk* calls in to talk about rescuing all those kids trapped in a cave and what else he plans to do to humanity. Then they're joined by Ashley Feinberg to talk about the Trump family standing techniques and Don Jr's life as a divorced guy on Instagram. Then we dive into the spate of Op-Eds on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and what a great guy, dad he is. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 226 - Islands in the Stream (7/9/18)
Matt, Will and Felix take a belated 4th of July look at why, in Axios' opinion, we should be proud to be Americans. We then examine Alan Dershowitz' floundering social life and discuss why he ACTUALLY should be ostracized from society. Finally, we turn from America's old decadent and depraved ruling class to its up and coming ruling class, who are decadent and depraved in confounding new ways. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 224 - Cortez the Killer feat Trevor Beaulieu & Katherine Krueger
Pulling at a thread from last week's episode, they look at a round up of panicked and outraged takes on how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's victory will spell doom for socialism, doom for democrats and/or an all out race war, depending on which crank you ask. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: BONUS - Behind the Laughter: Mike Reiss
Virgil and Matt sit down with longtime Simpsons writer Mike Reiss to discuss his new book "Springfield Confidential: Jokes, Secrets and Outright Lies From a Lifetime of Writing For The Simpsons". Also the co-creator of The Critic and creator of Queer Duck, Mike has written for the Simpsons off and on since its creation, and with him we talk about our favorite family, Thomas Edison's cinema-busting goon squad, the traitor Leon Trotsky's whereabouts, and Star Trek cast members' thoughts on trains. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 220 - Camp Donald feat. Libby Watson (6/17/18)
A skeleton crew of Will and Matt are joined by Chapo associate and fan favorite Libby Watson to discuss the delightful topics of America's child concentration camps, a D.C. ballot measure to get tipped workers actually paid a living wage, and yet another attempt to understand the country club-dwelling, restaurant-owning Trump-supporting common folk of our heartland, but all after we receive a special call-in from former governor Jesse Ventura* to talk about the lighter side of the news and the recent raccoon antics in the Minneapolis/St Paul region. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: UNLOCKED - In Conclusion, Palestine is a Land of Contrasts (5/23/18)
Due to overwhelming popular demand, they've unlocked this recent episode...
Felix talks with @intifadarling, a Palestinian-American activist based in Ramallah. They discuss the context of the May 14 massacre of Palestinian protesters in Gaza, the political situation between Israel, America and Palestine, and the future of the Palestinian people. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 210 - ICE to See You feat. Jake Flores (5/13/18)
The boys take a moment to salute the life and achievements of Sen. John McCain, and then are joined by comedian Jake Flores (@feraljokes) to hear all about his run-in with the Department of Homeland Security. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 204 - Comey the Clown feat. Katherine Krueger (4/23/18)
This week the full crew are joined by Splinter's Katherine Krueger to do a book report on James Comey's "A Higher Loyalty" and learn about ethical leadership from the former FBI director. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 178 - Government Nutdown (1/22/18)
Due to the government shutdown Amber and Matt have been furloughed so Will, Felix and Virgil take the show in a strange new direction...topics include: the government shutdown, Trump voter letters to the NYT, Smokey the Bear: Hot or Not?, What "the economy is good" means in regards to Americans' actual lives, Chelsea Manning at Freedom Night, the right wing musical stylings of Milk n Cook and Mark Steyn's Putty Tat song. They also give their congrats to this weekend's winning NFL teams. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 176 - Any Port In a Stormy feat. Alex Pareene (1/13/18)
The boys + Amber joined by Alex Pareene of Splinter to discuss Shithole week, and the immigration deal the Democrats were ready to cut. Also, the House passing the extension of the NSA's warrantless surveillance program, the barbaric new work requirements for Medicaid in states like Kentucky, and what would have been the epoch defining scandal of another timeline. In the reading series they pay tribute to the Tarfu Report by dipping into David Brook's latest with Alex. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 174 - Ooohh Baby I Like It Raw (1/7/18)
This week they talk the latest messy bitch media gabfest about the Trump Administration contrasted against the opening of much of the US coastline to offshore drilling. Then have a laugh about the new Philly DA Krasner firing a whole bunch of prosecutors. Matt gives us the rundown in the big Intercept interview with James Risen, and takes a trip down memory lane to the Plamegate fiasco. We close with Felix's fever dream nightmare of Elon Musk's Rockabilly Martian colony and the "Raw Water" craze sweeping Silicon Valley. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 172 - So It's Come To This... (12/31/18)
... a Chapo clip show. A look back on the epic garbage dumpster trash shit tire fire year that was 2017 featuring some of our favorite moments, some new commentary and a special guest appearance from Brendan. Happy New Year! [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Chapo Trap House presents: A Christman Carol
"A CHRISTMAN CAROL" starring Matt Christman, Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, Virgil Texas, Amber A'Lee Frost, and James Adomian, with Chris Wade, Brendan James, and special guests Rob Whisman and Stefan Heck. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 168 - Nut Neutrality feat. Sam Seder (12/17/17)
Host of the Majority Report, Sam Seder joins Will, Felix, Matt and Amber to talk about his recent ordeal with "Weird Mike" Cernovich and MSNBC, the weird world of YouTube, the repeal of Net Neutrality, and the loathsome Ajit Pai. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 166 - The Water Genious feat. Nomiki Konst (12/10/17)
This week they talk to Young Turk and Bernie surrogate Nomiki Konst about the DNC unity commission and its proposed reforms to the Democratic primary system, discuss the horrific Daniel Shaver murder video and the general problem with the cops, then lighten the mood by examining the savage AF super lit teen YouTube sensation Jake Paul and close by putting Virgil Texas' disdain for tap water to the test with a blind water tasting. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 164 - The Deficit Rag (12/4/17)
Matt, Will, Virgil and Felix ponder the tax bill and many reasons for despair. Then, they lighten the mood by talking about Jared's bar mitzvah at the Haim Saban forum and a new behind the scenes look at our president's fast food based diet. Plus Trumpy Bear. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 162 - Arab Spring Breakers feat. GORKA (11/28/17)
This week they discuss the Sebastian Gorka profile in Recoil magazine with the man himself, who calls in to let us know a few more items in his everyday carry. Then they discuss about another brain dead tweet thread from #Resistance member and Brookings senior fellow Benjamin Wittes, and trigger Felix by breaking down Thomas Friedman's latest press release about M.B.S., a reformer with results cleaning up Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 158 - Double Flynndemnity (11/13/17)
In this week's episode they consider the Coen Bros worthy, father-son kidnap caper of Michael Flynn Jr. & Sr. and Gulen, break down all of Tuesday's election results, each consider running for office, read about Greta Van Susteren's new APP, and finally, Matt and Virgil make another bet. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 156 - 38 Ways to Fix Puerto Rico feat. Aída Chávez (11/6/17)
Guest Aída Chávez of The Intercept talks about the state of Puerto Rico post-Hurricane: their debt, the relief efforts, and the shady contracting going on in the reconstruction. Then look at "38 Ways to Fix Democracy" courtesy of The Washington Post, preview Tuesday's elections, and pay tribute to Brendan James. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 148 - Lost In The Sauce feat. Patton Oswalt (10/9/17)
Brendan, Will and Matt imagine the Baseball Crank in an anime. Then the gang talks to Patton Oswalt about the Szechuan thing, explore Patton's Lovecraft obsession, and pitch a pedophile Die Hard movie. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 146 - Better Ingredients, Better Healthcare (10/1/17)
We talk Seagal, Tim and Amber's DSA healthcare call, and tuck into a nice big bowl of Sunday gravy and macarone with Megan McArdle. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 144 - White Men Can't Drumpf (9/24/17)
CHUDS are crying about black people protesting killer cops while Libs are trying to turn it into a Drumpf thing. Meanwhile we're over here being good and correct [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 142 - The Schlock Doctrine feat. Naomi Klein (9/17/17)
Naomi Klein comes by to talk shock, climate, resistance, and how smart we are. We then do a reading of Peggy Noonan's column, written while she was high on anesthesia. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 140 - DACA Flocka Flame feat. Karina Moreno (9/9/17)
"Our good pal Karina Moreno (@KaryinBrooklyn)comes by to talk DACA, immigration, and what to hope and dread about." This was especially informative about the history of the U.S. recruiting Mexican farm workers in the 1960s. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 133 - Antifap feat. Shuja Haider
Episode 133 Unlocked due to the positive response it gog. Shuja Haider joins the boys to talk about Charlottesville; the bravery of the IWW, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, PSL, and DSA people there, the coming split of the soft and hardcore white supremacists, the solidarity growing on the left, and the post-lib future staring us all in the face. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 116 - Jezz In My Pants (6/12/17)
Jezza turned Labour and the whole UK left around, in a historic upset. The Tories' psycho leper government is doomed. The American Libs are shook. Jim Messina is in hiding.
A spectre is haunting Britain — the spectre of the Boy. [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 104 - We've Always Been Here (4/30/17)
The chapos perform live at the old Irish-American graveyard at Littlefield NYC, to benefit the Center for Reproductive Rights. Cantor Fitzgerald is paying each of them $4 million to appear; if you have a problem with it, they are private citizens now.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 102 - Maintaining Emotional Control feat. Rob Delaney (4/23/17)
Rob Delaney stops by to talk healthcare, Bill O'Reilly, sniveling Democrats, and Gorilla Mindset. Then Matt tells us about the Juicero and Felix and Brendan reveal a new single by P.J. Dade, "U Give Me 3nergy." [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 100 - Chapo Goes To College (4/17/17)
"Our live show at Harvard University, where we held a tournament to decide the most evil person to ever emerge from the institution."
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 98 - Gorka II: The Gorkaning feat. Alex Pareene & James Adomian
Sebastian Gorka calls in again to comment on the fall of the hated Bannon and disclaim his connections to fascist movements: "Do you consider a surface-level series of tattoos to be a 'deep tie' to an organization? I'm not an active member." [more inside]
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 97 - Hollywood Upstairs Medical College feat. Tim Faust (4/6/17)
From the boys:
Our friend Tim Faust (@crulge) talks healthcare: Obamacare, Ryancare, and a vision for an American road to single payer, aka Chapocare.Tim Faust was apparently the first one to realize that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 96 - A Night At The Museum feat. Alex Jones (4/2/17)
The crew fields another celebrity voicemail, from Alex Jones (Tim Heidecker), acknowledging just a few blemishes in his 23 years of bravely reporting the truth and nothing but the truth, despite a literal nucular-style attack from the mainstream globalist media empire.
The lads then discuss Mike Pence's Rules For Dating Mother, the sad sacks at the DNC, why American health care sucks (more on that next week) and a magical reading series from National Review's Jay Nerdlinger about his field trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture. He did not like it.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 95 - Hillbilly Smellegy feat. Matt Sitman
Will, Matt, Felix and Amber are joined by Matt Sitman to deconstruct J.D. Vance's popular critique of the redneck, Hillbilly Elegy. Matt Sitman previously wrote about his own journey away from the blue-collar Republicanism of his upbringing. Premium episode.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 94 - The Brian Johnstown Massacre (3/26/17)
From the official description:
In our last show of the Pittsburgh Era, we reunite with Jacob Bacharach (@jakebackpack) to talk Scott Adams, hypnosis, the time he met Glenn Beck, and whether Dilbert has fucked.I haven't listened yet but I remember reading a Dilbert collection where Adams noted that Dilbert has fucked, and that in the next panel his tie appeared flaccid instead of with its usual signature curl.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 92 - No. 1 In Heaven (3/20/17)
The boys celebrate one year of Chapo by revisiting great past moments on the show with History of the World: Part I-style reenactments. Then they go on and reenact moments from The Ricky Gervase Show, WTF with Marc Maron, Serial, HBO's The Jinx, and more.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 91 - The Lasagne Code feat. @Leyawn (3/17/17)
After provoking a storm of activity in the world of Garfield gender canonicity, Virgil holds to the line that he (... eventually) gave outlets including the Washington Post: Garfield is a man. With special guest Leyawn, the animated bird from Twitter, the boys discuss this and other comix capers. A 15-hour live-action Garfield fan film(?!) is briefly mentioned. And we check in on Chapo favorite and honorary dryboy, Caleb Jacoby. Remember, Mondays are haram.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 90 - Gorka's Revenge feat. Sebastian Gorka (3/12/17)
Last week's guest exercises his right of reply and challenges Mr. Traphouse to join him in his lair for tea and conversation. The boys and Amber deride the "Bluëxit"(?) fantasy and hunt the AEI's natty duck Arthur Brooks. They end with another pre-taped call-in show, which includes a tragically short Metal Gear analysis and some tantalizing hints of a Chapo future.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: EPISODE 89: BUSINESS SECRETS OF NAPOLEON feat. @Trillburne
The boys discuss Ridley Scott's The Duellists, and the historical significance of Napoleon, with guest Twitter's Trillburne, who's starting his own all-Napoleon podcast.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 88 - Sebastian Goku feat. Derek Davison (3/5/17)
This week's show begins with a high-wire solo performance by Brendan that is pretty 👌. I don't know what happens after that yet!
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 86 - Fash The Patriarchy feat. Angela Nagle (2/26/17)
Animé has done more to preserve European identity than the Republican party ever has. (Richard Spencer)Will, Felix, Matt and Amber talk to Angela Nagle about the contradictions the alt-right inherits from its incel *chan animé-Nazi roots. Her article, Paleocons for Porn.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 85 The Appropriators feat. Shuja Haider
Well, I do declare, that if a man should be in that there Google Chrome, and he opens a window in the incognito, anything he looks at is not illegal. Now look, I may be a simple country lawyer and senator, but I swear on the memory of General Lee that you cannot be convicted of downloading pornographic images and video of the child persuasion if you mosey on down in that incognito window.This week's Grey Wolf episode previews incriminating comments from three top Trump officials wedged between MMA-watching hippie musings on the Joe Rogan Experience, and talks about a YDS panel on cultural appropriation and identity politics. It's the Chapos w/ guest Shuja Haider.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 84 - President Wario (2/19/17)
Okay, disruption 2.0: Chicago Police Department 2.0. Let's have a precinct that we don't tell anyone about. Let's have a precinct where we can take people, and we don't register them, we don't officially arrest them, we don't fingerprint them, we just take them to a room, and we disrupt.On this week's regular show, it's the original dry boys, Matt, Felix, and Will, recording from Felix's unsanitary new Greenpoint FOB. They're mostly stuck talking about Trump news like the rest of us. Fortunately, there's a B story about the show APB, on how drones and apps are the future of law enforcement, which will be live-streamed by Officer Pewdiepie.
Podcast: Chapo Trap House: Episode 83 Boston Skrong
The thing about Patriots Day that really impressed me was how it really expands on the Boston cinematic universe. Boston of course was a fictional city created in the film Good Will Hunting and was then used subsequently in The Departed and The Town of course but it's in Patriots Day that i feel like it really almost comes alive. They have a fake police department, a fake marathon. They continued that really silly funny accent they put on. It's really an incredible achievement that rivals the Marvel universe and other similar creations i think. And i think Markie Mark's gonna probably win an Oscar for this one.That's from the cold open, contributed by Matt V. Brady. In this week's Grey Wolf special show the boys discuss the apparently real movie, Patriots Day, about the Boston bombing, which actually sounds pretty good.